lol we are talking about such tiny amounts of textual data... i think its time to upgrade that ancient computer lol cause my computer here uses about 300mhz idling sometimes

You can build a decent computer quite cheap now, only a few hundred dollars. I built my PC originally with...
2.2ghz AMD Athlon 3500+
1gb RAM (2x 512mhz DDR) Kingston/Kingmax
200gb Seagate SATA.
ASUS A8V Motherboard.
Basic 64mb Video Card. NVIDIA Geforce 4 (actually borrowed it from my cousin, until i could afford to buy a decent one)
Basic office case with 450w powersupply. Generic no name brand, i think it might be Antec. 
Total: Around $500 (AUD)
I built it because i needed something for university, i used my old monitor and peripherals (i upgraded from my 500mhz with 320mb ram, 15gb hdd)... Man... my computer has changed a lot since then! That was about this time last year, so you could achieve a similar computer for half that now.
Cause seriously, i don't mean to insult... but is that computer steam driven?