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Topics - TSG

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RAWR-Designs / TPGen v3.0.1 - Released
« on: August 14, 2010, 11:42:29 AM »
Just a bug fix release Richard sent me, I was never told what... but its a bug fixed version apparently ;D

Consider donating if you like what we do for the HFS community. The website is kept online by donations, and is a mirror for HFS. We do not profit from donations. Donations only help to keep the website online. Use the PayPal link on the homepage. (>^_^)> 

RAWR-Designs / Live 3.0.1 Preview
« on: August 06, 2010, 12:31:41 PM »
Time to tease. :)

Like I said in the stickied post. This template makes use of jQuery. This lets us use some amazing plugins.

This is a preview of the newest addition Top-Up, it is a lightbox type plugin that was quite complete feature wise, for our use with HFS. I had to modify it a fair bit though to make it suit our needs, I had to get RAWR-Player in there! I need to upgrade my own JS and RAWR-Player to change preview boxes and get the 'playlist' type thing we have going in the other templates.

I have to add a preview icon next, then start work on getting selective archive and delete working. Not to mention the other interface upgrades that will go along with that.

Good things take time.. something I don't really have recently.

Bug reports / Self Test breaks behind Network Bridge - Windows 7
« on: June 26, 2010, 12:19:55 PM »
I've setup a network bridge, for media sharing with my PS3 and some other stuff, between two old network cards.

Self Test fails the port check, when behind a network bridge. But HFS works correctly, if the router is setup right, and the network bridge has a static IP.

So HFS does work, but the Self Test fails, I think this is a self test bug.

RAWR-Designs / Where the hell is Richard?
« on: June 12, 2010, 03:22:08 PM »

RAWR-Designs / Updates are coming as soon as possible.
« on: June 12, 2010, 02:23:06 PM »
I found some time and motivation tonight!

[fix] ( ' ) character in search query would break search input clearing, and cause a javascript error to show in certain browsers.
[fix] RAWR-Player, autoplay files, the seek bar wouldn't fade in! Fixed now in RAWR-Player-1.0.2.
[upd] Added all submitted language files to ToG and RAWR-Template, 16 languages in total!
[upd] Added automatic language changing to ToG and RAWR-Template... based on %lang% I don't know how effective it will be, but its there via the setting 'language=auto'.

That is about all I plan to change for the older templates, you have to understand that maintaining so many old templates does take a lot of effort. I'll release all the updates at once. When they are ready.

I am focusing all my attention on Live template, the one I launched as a remake early last year, this template is getting some major updates! I am making use of jQuery for the preview box, and some other interface features that are included in the new default template. I don't think I'll have time to add in admin functions. But I guess it will give users a more interesting base 'template' to expand upon.

Live 3.0.1 will 'work' in IE6, but I am converting all images that should have proper transparency, to PNG24. My way of phasing out support for the browser, but not entirely, the site will just have some images with white backgrounds. I am tempted to put a PNG fix in the code, but running it on a large directory, might cause a browser crash. So what is worse? White backgrounds or IE6 browser crashes, either way I'll get a complaint about it eventually!

So stay tuned! I'll get there eventually, I work full time now so updating this open source project comes last on my priority list!

RAWR-Designs / Funny statistic from Russia...
« on: April 26, 2010, 02:09:47 PM »
I received a funny email from Richard today -

Hey man,

Just for fun I checked the log files at our webhosting (since I had to pay another bill anyway). Something caught my attention:

1       41293   33.54%  41167   40.59%  8.30 GB         90.47%  1       0.33%      Russian Federation

Some Russian dude made 41167 hits spread over 2 days consuming 8.3GB of data. He was downloading the latest version of RAWR-Template, but one copy was not enough it seems.

I don't know if you hired some Russian gang to boost your file hits or something :P but if it happens again I will ban that specific IP address. The main reason is we only have 10gigs a month and we are currently at 14GB....

Just to let you know :P

Btw, wassup?

- Richard

So who is this Russian that loves RAWR-Template so much?

We are going with a bot and have planned to block the offending IP addresses if it continues. But maybe this person just really likes our template? ;)

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Follow HFS on Facebook or Twitter
« on: April 07, 2010, 12:14:21 PM »
In this age of Social Networking, many of us are on at least one of the more popular sites. Some people enjoy liking something on facebook, others like to follow and receive instant updates with twitter.

On the forum everyone hides behind an avatar and a made up name!

Follow HFS!



We'll try to keep this updated with new and interesting information about HFS.

If the hit count on this forum post isn't similar to the amount of people on the page, you're doing it wrong!

RAWR-Designs / Google Translate Installed at
« on: April 06, 2010, 01:57:48 PM »
I have installed Google Translate on This will basically translate to any language available with Google Translate and there is a lot available!

It isn't ideal, and one day we want our own multi-language website. But like the Search and Analytic features, Google provides a convenient and easy to use tool to do the job. Maybe it will help some of our multilingual users make sense of the help provided, the descriptions or navigation.

You can find the option in the bottom right of the pages. I tried my best to make it work smoothly, had to modify some of the website. Tell me how it goes...

RAWR-Designs / Donate to RAWR-Designs
« on: January 14, 2010, 04:43:24 PM »
If you want to support our efforts, message me on here for our PayPal address.

Alternatively you can donate via the link in the footer of my Mirror. donations are separate from donations. We do not profit from donations. Donations only help to keep the website, run by Richard (Giant Eagle) and Myself (TSG), online.

RAWR-Designs / December 2009 - Update
« on: December 15, 2009, 03:52:35 PM »
Basically life took over in this half of 2009. Live 3.0.0 released in July, that was the last RAWR-Event that occurred officially. After that only small bursts of progress were made on improving the Preview Box.. that really hasn't got any further. I barely even get time to play my video games!

Here is what most people would want to know:

  • From a usability point of view, I wanted to introduce Flash multiple file uploading as my next update to the templates. But I don't believe rejetto has it working yet. Its a shame, this is one of the things I find most annoying about uploading to HFS externally.

  • Still waiting on HFS to support proper icon sizes so I can finally use better default icons. After making Live 3.0.0 I am not totally against custom icons, but I would prefer to use the Windows ones.

  • From an administration point of view I wanted to introduce RAWR-X... but that kinda stopped when my friend from university that was working on it got stuck on some limitations of HFS Macro. That and I don't understand how the template he made works so I can't expand on it, maybe Richard can when he gets a holiday... maybe I can when I get a holiday.. haha.

  • I have more language files to add to ToG and RAWR-Template, I think they are Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional and Swedish. Those templates will support 15 languages with those added!

  • Richard is less busy now, but he is working on more important things, he enjoys working on our homepage and personal 'rawr' projects that might or might not be directly related to HFS templates. But he hasn't lost the love for HFS completely.

Some end notes for 2009.

If anything, Live 3.0.0, improving on my template code, vastly improving RAWR-Player AND the launch of our new website, are the biggest events of 2009. I got a lot of work done before July/August 2009, this was before I got a job so I had to keep myself amused :)

Also I have to say, Live 3.0.0 was the smoothest template release/build ever. From its very first version I have had no major bug reports! I am almost too scared to modify it, for fear of wrecking a masterpiece :P I still think it requires at least RAWR-Player though for some streaming capability.

Richard linked me to this a few months ago:

RAWR-Designs / October Update
« on: October 19, 2009, 02:51:24 AM »
Hello rejetto forum,

I am a little busy at the moment to work on HFS stuff, but I try to drop by the forum and the website once a week to answer peoples questions. With the comments left on the website, if it says I have replied long after you posted, it isn't cause I am slack, I usually reply within a week of the post. There is a small issue where the date value doesn't work when I quick reply a post. I have hopefully fixed this now.

My other problem is that Richard has disappeared. Where? I don't even know. His addiction to World of Warcraft used to be the cause of his offline status, but I doubt he would do this for 2 months straight! He is either on holiday... deceased (hope not) or has lost internet completely. It was his final complaint when we last spoke, that internet was broken at home.

But anyway, that is the main causes for our lack of activity in the last 2 months. Richard disappearing and I have finally got a small web designer position that will hopefully improve as time goes on.

RAWR-Designs / Attention: Silent update to ToG, RAWR-Template and Terayon.
« on: September 01, 2009, 08:49:20 AM »
I do not normally do this, I usually increment a build, but I had to put a repaired RAWR-Player into the latest released builds. Play/Pause was not functioning correctly for MP3 files.

Nothing about the template code has changed, except that now in the javascript the 'colorset' variable has been changed to 'theme'.

If you currently have the template installed and do not want to update completely. Simply download the updated RAWR-Player which will be released shortly (or steal it from these archives), replace the rawr_player.swf and edit that flash variable in the previewbox javascript file. I hope this wont be too difficult for you.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Can Something.
« on: August 31, 2009, 12:26:51 PM »
It seems that we have:

can upload
can archive
can delete

but what about..

can rename
can copy
can move

With the respective permission settings in properties...

It might be in the to-do but just wondering. Also does rename effect the original file? or edit the name just in the VFS..

Everything else / 8-bit Trip!
« on: August 24, 2009, 06:28:45 AM »

Check it out, its a stop motion tribute to 8-bit gaming, done entirely with lego.

RAWR-Designs / Flash Uploader
« on: July 22, 2009, 07:08:12 AM »
I am looking into Flash Uploader solutions tonight, whilst working on the new preview box styling. If anyone has any free and open source flash uploaders that they want me to look at, post here.

This is the first one I am looking at:

We came to the solution that Richard and I have no idea where to start with a flash uploader. So for the first time ever we might have to use an external source until we get our heads around the code. As soon as we get this working properly, The dodgy [progress] (transfers) and [uploads] sections will disappear from all of our templates, being replaced with this all in one solution. This will remove alot of JavaScript, CSS, so we shouldn't have to worry about the filesize of the flash object, unless its ridiculous. This will hopefully be a more reliable solution for all involved. Sure it requires users to have Flash, but then so does our mp3 player, youtube and just about every other popular site on the internet.

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