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HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Use CloudFlare to replace DynDNS
« on: May 28, 2015, 09:48:16 AM »
Something I was trying to do reminded me of HFS. I noticed some other discussion regarding DynDNS being a paid service now.

If you have registered a domain and have a Dynamic IP, you might like this CloudFlare solution.

I have written a blog post with some instructions.

I noticed the website went down - would have been more helpful if people had messaged me personally... but anyway.

Sorry for the late response but I am active in other things these days. I am trying to get in contact with Richard but he doesn't communicate with me often anymore. He took the website and hosted it on his personal server, which is obviously offline now.

I do have all the versions of the templates etc here, and will make them available as soon as I can.


EDIT: We do still own the domain it seems, but his server is down... I told him this might happen if he did that...

EDIT: I got in contact with him, his server needs repairing and it will be back by next week hopefully.

RAWR-Designs / 5 years and counting.
« on: January 11, 2012, 03:34:43 PM »
We are proud to celebrate 5 years supporting the HFS community this month. We try our best to keep the website and projects alive, even making bug fixes if necessary. I personally have been using HFS for nearly 6 years now.

You can read the full article on the website.


HTML & templates / MOVED: Comment language (HTML/BB)
« on: September 13, 2010, 12:17:52 AM »

HTML & templates / MOVED: Delete Function In Terayon 1.3.3
« on: September 13, 2010, 12:17:24 AM »

RAWR-Designs / Live v3.0.1 - Released!
« on: September 10, 2010, 12:53:49 PM »
It's here, and ready for people to use on their HFS servers. ::) It has been secretly out in the wild for a few weeks, I have several beta testers. So this should be quite a stable release, following the trend set by Live 3.

This may be a single build change, but it has been extended massively. Using jQuery I have enabled Live to use modern HFS functionality, and maintain a very similar interface. I wont bother listing all the changes. But the main things, Media Previews, Selective Archive and Delete, Tooltips... the list goes on.

Read the 'readme.txt' if you need help understanding how this template works, the code is complex but I paid a lot of attention with my comments and code layout, to make sure a novice user should be able to make simple changes, and understand it.

Thanks to rejetto and my mate flynsarmy, for helping me crunch some of the more difficult issues and get this done quicker. I will also credit jQuery, it is like magic, and I suppose the Top-Up plugin also deserves a mention, even though I modified it heavily.

Update: From HFS 2.3 beta 270, Live 3.0.1 supports special characters using UTF-8 properly.

Consider donating if you like what we do for the HFS community. The website is kept online by donations, and is a mirror for HFS. We do not profit from donations. Donations only help to keep the website online. Use the PayPal link on the homepage. (>^_^)>

Programmers corner / Pagination Macro
« on: September 06, 2010, 12:35:17 PM »
Has anyone successfully made a good pagination macro?

Thinking of adding it to the templates eventually, and limiting folders to 50/Page or something.

It will solve a limitation of jQuery I am finding, if there are too many files it causes some lag when you initialise a script, especially if more than one thing is happening at once. I have tried all sorts of methods and have managed to make my scripts run fine up to around 1000 files in a single directory (stupid I know, but searches might cause this). The browser can crash if it runs out of memory.

I can't be bothered programming it myself, but I have seen it done.  :P Also if this is in the wrong section, fair enough move it to the template board, but maybe its too complicated for that...

Bug reports / File Progress
« on: August 27, 2010, 06:08:39 PM »
For years now, this bug has been around. It affects the latest beta too.

The [progress] section, will 'lock-up' when you submit a file to upload. I have seen it happen in all browsers, and all templates.

It prevents reliable file progress :) I tried to create a progress bar with some JavaScript, and even that just 'stops' after the first or second request.

Maybe it is unavoidable, maybe it is a bug with HFS. I dunno, for now I have just opted for an image that makes it 'look like' something is happening. But to get accurate feedback this is an issue to overcome. In the past I have included file progress, but the only information I or anyone else really wants to know, is upload progress, and without being able to request it every second or so, to get an updated figure, its not very useful!

RAWR-Designs / RAWR-Template v0.1.3 and ToG v4.0.3 ~ Re-Released
« on: August 21, 2010, 02:57:32 PM »
Sorry about this, if you have downloaded these templates in the last week I had to re-release both builds, I accidentally left something incorrect with the thumbnail and preview macros, a bit of a show-stopper bug, something that was correct in the first place! I don't consider it worth a complete re-release (the website is a pain at the moment), so this notification is enough.

Consider donating if you like what we do for the HFS community. The website is kept online by donations, and is a mirror for HFS. We do not profit from donations. Donations only help to keep the website online. Use the PayPal link on the homepage. (>^_^)>

RAWR-Designs / RAWR-Template v0.1.3 - Released
« on: August 14, 2010, 01:44:06 PM »
This template is in legacy support at the moment.

[new] Basic icon set, and a folder for people to put other icons named by extension, if they wish to extend the icon support.
[new] Automatic language changing, the template should display one of the 16 languages, if the browser viewing the template is in that language.
[upd] RAWR-Player v1.0.2.
[upd] Updated macro support to meet new standards.
[upd] Added MKV support to DIVX Web Player.
[fix] Search input clearing would cause a javascript error with illegal characters.

Code: [Select]
--- Available languages:
English   = en Dutch     = nl
Spanish   = es French    = fr
Italian   = it Polish    = pl
Turkish   = tr Russian   = ru
German    = de Czech     = cz
Swedish   = se Bulgarian = bg
Chinese   = cn Ukrainian = ua
Chinese Simplified   = cs
Chinese Traditional  = ct

Automatic = auto

Consider donating if you like what we do for the HFS community. The website is kept online by donations, and is a mirror for HFS. We do not profit from donations. Donations only help to keep the website online. Use the PayPal link on the homepage. (>^_^)> 

RAWR-Designs / Thunderchicken of Glory v4.0.3 - Released
« on: August 14, 2010, 01:22:01 PM »
This template is in legacy support at the moment.

[new] Basic icon set, and a folder for people to put other icons named by extension, if they wish to extend the icon support.
[new] Automatic language changing, the template should display one of the 16 languages, if the browser viewing the template is in that language.
[upd] RAWR-Player v1.0.2.
[upd] Added MKV support to DIVX Web Player.
[upd] Updated macro support to meet new standards.
[fix] Search input clearing would cause a javascript error with illegal characters.

Code: [Select]
--- Available languages:
English   = en Dutch     = nl
Spanish   = es French    = fr
Italian   = it Polish    = pl
Turkish   = tr Russian   = ru
German    = de Czech     = cz
Swedish   = se Bulgarian = bg
Chinese   = cn Ukrainian = ua
Chinese Simplified   = cs
Chinese Traditional  = ct

Automatic = auto

Consider donating if you like what we do for the HFS community. The website is kept online by donations, and is a mirror for HFS. We do not profit from donations. Donations only help to keep the website online. Use the PayPal link on the homepage. (>^_^)> 

RAWR-Designs / Terayon v1.3.4 - Released
« on: August 14, 2010, 12:43:18 PM »
This template is in legacy support at the moment. No 'NEW' features were added, but I did have a reason to release it:

[upd] RAWR-Player v1.0.2.
[upd] Added MKV support to DIVX Web Player.
[upd] Updated macro support to meet new standards.
[fix] Search input clearing would cause a javascript error with illegal characters.

Consider donating if you like what we do for the HFS community. The website is kept online by donations, and is a mirror for HFS. We do not profit from donations. Donations only help to keep the website online. Use the PayPal link on the homepage. (>^_^)> 

RAWR-Designs / RAWR-Player v1.0.2 - Released
« on: August 14, 2010, 12:14:45 PM »
[fix] Text fields no longer show "_level0" when they haven't got a value yet.
[fix] Autoplay files would show the timeline in the wrong state.
[new] new mode - created for Live template, or situations where you want the player to fire an event when the file playback completes, but without the 'full' mode. - 'simple-with-list'.
[new] Not sure I mentioned it at the 1.0.1 release, you can talk to the player with JavaScript for various playback options.

[to-do] Add JavaScript callback for volume and change media, couldn't be bothered at the moment, it is not important.
[to-do] I might possibly embed a pixel font in the player, I have avoided it because it does increase the .swf size, meaning I may also have to add a loader.

Consider donating if you like what we do for the HFS community. The website is kept online by donations, and is a mirror for HFS. We do not profit from donations. Donations only help to keep the website online. Use the PayPal link on the homepage. (>^_^)> 

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