download's new...
+ main tray icon shows -> number of different IP addresses
+ main tray icon shows -> number of different IP addresses ever connected
+ Log menu -> "Addresses ever connected..."
+ new template symbols: %sequential% %number-addresses-ever%
+ offset and limit URL parameters
+ File menu -> "Don't log"
+ Menu -> Limits -> "Prevent leeching"
+ custom symbols %sym-NAME%
* log menu -> log what -> replies disabled by default
* log: no more "served" messages after "full downloaded"
- graph visibility was not saved
- bad %protected% behaviour
here is a bunch of features for
template makers! (templaters?)
the %sequential% symbol is substituted with an increasing number. if it appears 3 times in a page, it will be 1, 2 and 3...
this was requested long ago by flynsarmy
offset and limit in URL work this way:
an url like
http://your_ip/folder/?offset=30&limit=30will give you only files from 31 to 60.
using javascript you may achive to have multipage folders. the default template doesn't use this feature yet.
the %sym-NAME% symbols mean that you write %sym-blablabla% and it will expand with the content of [sym-blablabla]
it may be useful when you have the same text several times in a template, and what to create a shorcut.