You are confusing something.
1st Stage: LAN
LAN is the network within the router. LANs come in 10Mbps, 100Mbps and 1000Mbps flavor. WLANs in 11Mbps, 54Mbps and 108Mbps.
2nd Stage: Within your country (I never heard of such a limit, my speed is the same throughout the world)
Here your 2Mbps apply, but it's Internet, not LAN!
3rd Stage: Rest of the world
256kbps - Wow, that's a crappy speed.
If you are operating inside your LAN, which IPs do you use? Because some routers route the whole traffic through the Internet if you use your external IP. Please note your DNS resolves to the external IP = low speed.
As for the local connections getting only 35KB, you can not determine where your traffic is routed through. If it's routed through an international server, your only getting low speed, that's the way the Internet works.