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see bad pass/username

Lebjo · 33 · 27505

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Offline rejetto

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my solution may not be technically correct, but it works  :)

the solution is just that, to enter the NEWLINE yourself :)

but you have some inutility in your code, you should use this form

{.append|/A Location You Choose/Spl-Log.txt|Bad_Login: %date% %time% %ip% {.if|%user%|%user%|0.} %password%

having the NEWLINE at the end will avoid to create a blank line if the file is initially empty.

Offline r][m

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Thanks for the reply.
I've run into a problem with using the special log via event scripts.
The [download completed] records every thing, .gif, ~img, etc.
File mask, or don't log doesn't effect it.
I'm back to the request
Is there any hope that you might make a small (but badly needed) change to the regular log?
Regular log would work if:
3/16/09 3:14:25 AM user@ Requested GET /Server/
Could be out put as this with a space on each side of @
3/16/09 3:14:25 AM user @ Requested GET /Server/
But there would have to be a place holder when no user like apache
3/16/09 3:14:29 AM - Requested GET /Main/
Could this be done?

Offline rejetto

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i do not really like it, because actually the space can be used in the /path/to/file
won't this cause a problem?
my idea is that i could fire on the file TABS instead of spaces. this would solve the problem of having spaces inside data.
even with no user, the tab would be present, so there's no need for the "-" as place holder.
next version will use this format (only on disk, on video it will stay the same).
i don't like the idea of changing the format. someone may be relying on the current format to analyze the data :-\
but i understand the importance of using a generic tool to parse the data.
we'll see if anyone complaints.
in case, it will be an option.

the [download completed] problem is discussed on the other topic.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 01:17:51 PM by rejetto »

Offline r][m

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do not really like it, because actually the space can be used in the /path/to/file
won't this cause a problem?
Do you mean
3/17/09 11:58:26 AM user@ Requested GET /Server/Shared_Files/Last Value In Range.doc
the spaces as marked in blue ? No. The significant log info is, Date, Time, User, and IP.
Anything to the right of IP can be re-combined, but anything with no space (I at least)
can't seperate.
someone may be relying on the current format to analyze the data
If they are I wish they'd share the method. I see no way, with out seperating user and IP,
which is what apache does, - user [17/Mar/2009:03:13:50 -0600]
I'm aware of TABS, but haven't used it.
We'll give it a try. Should work.
My purpose is to get away from apache log format, as I feel it was never intended to log the
info HFS can log. HFS is out growing apache log's design intent. There will soon come a point
where the log analyzer prog's just wont be able to read whats available.
It should be possible to use a database to show #1 download, #1 user, # visits by IP, etc.
even charts are a possibility.

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Offline Lebjo

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with 2.3 beta build #229 version - worked fine...
but now i wanna use this funckion with 2.3b 260... - and not working - why??

Offline rejetto

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please be more specific.
report what did you do that's not working.

Offline Lebjo

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when typing wrong password and name(to login window..) - in 'log' im not getting information about this...
« Last Edit: May 08, 2010, 04:25:37 PM by Lebjo »

Offline maverick

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when typing wrong password and name(to login window..) - in 'log' im not getting information about this...

You already got an answer to this:,6719.msg1041472.html#msg1041472
« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 04:10:50 PM by maverick »

Offline Lebjo

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You already got an answer to this:,6719.msg1041472.html#msg1041472

ahhhh not working... maybe need some 'modification' or change some options?

Why i dont getting information like this

« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 06:20:44 PM by Lebjo »

Offline maverick

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Works fine here.

02:30:33 PM Lebjo@ Bad login:  Name Used - Lebjo / Password Used - Libby

Offline Lebjo

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i instaled new fresh hfs version to my virtual windows - stil not working...
maybe need change some settings?

2.3beta 260
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 02:58:02 PM by Lebjo »

Offline r][m

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i instaled new fresh version to my virtual windows - stil not working...
maybe need change some settings?
Do you have something like this in file?
Code: [Select]
{.add to log | Bad Login: %user% %password%|red
The "log what" setings don't seem to change anything here.

Offline rejetto

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this code
Code: [Select]
{.append|/A Location You Choose/Spl-Log.txt|Bad_Login: %date% %time% %ip% {.if|%user%|%user%|0.} %password%

must be put in the template, not events file.
so the best way is to right click on the root/home > properties > diff template

Offline Lebjo

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With your code in Spl-Log.txt file i having 1 empty (with no pass ir no name) line.. why?

one more question
is possible to do this function
if user type bad password/username..  - he anyway  can go to that 'folder'
i need just 1 'pop up' login window.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 07:06:19 PM by Lebjo »