BUG!!!!!! AHOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seems the block spiders option is NOT working.. googlebots.com has been querying my port 443 all day and has been getting results!
so, as far as i got, this bug report is canceled, because your settings were lost, and so was the "stop spiders" option. right?
"after" a system crash. the settings seem to reset themselves to default...
with a crash, HFS should not save latest option changes, but keep the previous one.
So, if you started from a default position, made all the changes, and you got a crash, that's normal.
What you can do to avoid this situation is to manually save the options by the menu.
if instead you started HFS already configured, and then the crash reset your configuration, this is not normal.
It would be useful to know if the crash is only related to HFS or is system-wide.
I have always had that problem .. but its more noticeable with build 218.
consider most people don't have this problem, so we must try to find what makes your HFS working bad.
It seems as tho its saving the settings to registry instead of to a file even tho I told it to save to file.
HFS saves to registry by default, so if you lost your whole configuration and are back to the default, that's normal, just a consequence of the other problem.
what would be really useful is being able to store those settings to a "user chosen" location.... right now they get stored to a default location which is the HFS directory... its better to be able to save a backup copy in a specific location or to make it save settings as part of the VFS file rather than a separate INI file.
oh, event scripts are very nice feature

put this in your events file
nice, but untested. let us know