When you give access to user A to the root, he has access to the folders also.
So permissions are inherited.
When you defining access rights for a folder, why should HFS always give access to A ?
You'll likely have a scenario like:
- home/root access allowed for by A and B
- folder under root allowed to B only
I understand that it will be better to have a dialog where you select accounts for the folder, with A and B already selected, and you remove access for A. Much handier. That's how will be in the future.
Meanwhile you are supposed to give appropriate rights manually.
.........This been said, the problem persists: you can give strange access rights about the root and the folder, and we can suppose you don't want anything to be left out to the public, since we even protected the root.
I had an hard time finding a solution but, perhaps, i did!
if you ask for a folder you have access rights to, then all other files the browser will require from the root will report your folder as referrer.
Then, the root is protected and you don't want anyone to mess around, right?
But we can suppose it's not a big deal if who has access to the folder will access the template sections who appears like files in the root. He will not have access to the root files, but only to sections.
logic: if you have no access for this request, and the request starts with /~ABC, and ABC is a template section, then we'll recheck your access rights against the referring folder (where you are supposed to have sufficient rights).
SO! It should be ok since next beta build.