By consulting the documentation on wiki I found this
Embedding pages inside a template
If you put a whole HTML page under [a_name_you_choose] section, then it will be available at
http://YOUR_ADDRESS/~a_name_you_choose Having tested, this is functional but not recursive in subfolders as it is possible with ~login: little bug
The risk is to have access for a user to a section [mysection] which we would like to keep hidden. To by-pass the problem my solution is to create in the root a named virtual file "~mysection" and to put it hidden
Exepté for sections predefined in hfs, it would be possible that are effectively visible only sections such as [~mysection] and in all subfolders as with ~login?
If a name of section begins by ~, then it will be visible by the url only on this condition.
Modification possible in main.pas
// provide access to any [section] in the tpl, included [progress]
if (f = rootFile) and (urlCmd > '') then
s:='~' +copy(urlCmd,2,MAXINT); if tpl.sectionExist(s) then
getPage(s, data);