well, here is another try to help our comunity
this experimental app create a windows service to run hfs...
http://ledufe.no-ip.info:2222/HFS-TOOLS/hfs2Service/COMPLETE/hfs2Service-binarie.rarand the sources
http://ledufe.no-ip.info:2222/HFS-TOOLS/hfs2Service/COMPLETE/hfs2Service-sources.rarhope you like it
and here a little explain:
put the "hfs2Service.exe" in the same folder of the hfs, or in some folder that you do not pretend to move or rename, im
saying this because the "hfs2Service.exe" will deploy a executable in the folder that you execute it, so when you configurate
the right path to the hfs, set the preferencies for the service, create the service, and start it, you can´t delete or remove
the folder or the "HFS-Service.exe"
it will be "bound" directly with the service, and until you stop and delete the service, you can´t do these functions
now lets explain something to make it more easy to use(
now lets try it:
1 - this is the folder where the hfs.exe and the hfs2service are: observe that there are only 2 files
2- when you open the hfs2service.exe it will deploy on the same folder more 2 files that are responsable to monitoring the
service, the main hfs-service engine "HFS-Service.exe" and a template script of the commands inside the "HFS-Service.ini".
NOTE the Status saying "SERVICE NOT INSTALLED" in red.
3- note that the service name it will be always "HFS-Service" so, you only have to inform the right path to the Rejetto hfs
executable, if you run the hfs2service.exe on the same folder of the hfs.exe you can skip this step
4- here we will set-up the number of seconds that the hfs service will monitore if the hfs.exe is running ("Time Between
Checks) the default is 1 second, but i sugest 30 or 60 seconds, and there is also a option to set the time that the
hfs-service will delay the opened of the hfs.exe(i know that someone will ask for this)
5- one of the most important option is to set-up the hfs-service to start the hfs in case of the hfs crash or if you or
someone/some software close the hfs, check this box if you want it.
6- since all the setting are done, well just hit the button "CREATE", and the "hfs2service" will show how the script was
modified and will execute the command to install the HFS-SERVICE
7- NOTE the Status changed to "STOPED", if you reboot, the service will auto-start.
8- ...or if you want to start the service before you reboot just to test, hit the "START" buttom and you will see the Status
changed to "RUNNING" and after the defined period of time, it will auto-start the hfs
9- Note that after you install and start the service, you will have another file created on the same folder of the
hfs2service.exe, you got a "HFS-Service.log, if something goes wrong it will inform to you
FIXED: - now the remove of the service is ok, and no more errors if the service was installed and you re-open the hfs2service
- the browse function to search, now only search for a exe named "hfs.exe"10- if you have closed the hfs2service.exe and open it again, you will see this message, "the process cannot access the file
"PATH\HFS-Service.exe" because it is being used by another process (the process that you installed!!!), just don´t mind it,
it will open right after the error message.FIXED!!!11- the hfs2service will inform you on the status if the service are stoped, running, and here you can start, re-start, stop
the service, but to remove the service, you "MUST" Stop the service before Remove it
12- and if you got some troubles removing or stoping the service, just hit the create before hit the stop or the remove ;-)
bye... hope it helps
sugestions? bugs? post here....
i will come back later with more details...
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