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mp3 streamer

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Offline GothicSuicide

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for music files in hfs.. mmm gues i missed that or im just not seeing somthing right.

Offline rejetto

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you just have to access the URL i told you, and the .m3u is done

Offline help420me

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I've been doing this for awhile with HFS.  I made an M3U playlist that looks just like this:

and host the file on my HFS site.  User clicks the link, downloads the playlist, media player fires up, and starts getting the music from the hosts.  Nothin simpler.  I actually use the .pls format for my media player (XMPlay), but the formatting is exactly the same.  A link to some formats for reference.  I dunno if the first post was actually talking about streaming the actual MP3s using HFS, but I know my upload bandwidth sucks for sucha thing, especially with more than a few users.  I use offsite hosting and only host the smallest of files for the site with HFS, but still give directory access to the files I wanna share.

Offline TCube

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i like this solution, so we could make a feature in the hfs to auto create these playlist compatilbe with media player, and with other players too, like winamp, realplayer and others....they all have this particullar kind of playlist,l if all of then are avaliable on the folder with the mp3 or with the videos, well we could use this......really a cool idea....
i will try to make a tool to generate this kind of play lists and also a template that hold the players inside the page and we could "skined" it....what you guys think?

give some suggestions...

I think that would be a GREAT idea ... *.wpl I'm doing at the moment are for general purpose :a - "my playlist of the week", b - "best songs I liked on CD I bought this week", c - most played today, d - so on ...

I though managers may add such playlists within the virtual or real rep. so users may get a chance to listen/view "only" the overall contents of a rep. before downloading immediatly the choosen file(s).

@leduf .... unluckly for U i'm not at all any helpful into creating such templates  :'( but i can help U test for sure !
« Last Edit: October 11, 2006, 06:25:50 PM by TCube »
Make it idiot-proof and I will make a better idiot

Offline ledufe

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im already trying to develop a app like this

--generate playlist windows media player
--generate playlist Real player
--generate playlist Quicktime
--generate playlist VLC player( for videos too)
--generate playlist windows media player

-- and also a template code to put a player on the pages, but still no idea about the look of it, but i alread know how to make it work..

I think that would be a GREAT idea ... *.wpl I'm doing at the moment are for general purpose :a - "my playlist of the week", b - "best songs I liked on CD I bought this week", c - most played today, d - so on ...
That could be added to the tool that generate the playlists and also generate the html template section or the file.ext section to use on the template inside the hfs(or inside my tool the template builder)
I though managers may add such playlists within the virtual or real rep. so users may get a chance to listen/view "only" the overall contents of a rep. before downloading immediatly the choosen file(s).

@leduf .... unluckly for U i'm not at all any helpful into creating such templates  :'( but i can help U test for sure !
but im still learning the language, but im begining to convice a friendt o work on this tool with me ....but any help would be welcome.. :-)

and also i am working in a nice and clean skin for the player to put inside the custom html, because i think like this
we should have a file.dif section to these files or should we apply some diff templat eto the folders that we want the player to apear?

im doing some tests here and the solution to apply a dif template only to the folders that contain mp3 files worked better, but im not publishing the code here until i get a activex or flash player(this could be used?) after all, all other guys here don´t like javascript, im saying this becouse it would be simple to add a player in java script to do the job, but im trying to release a sollution that, work on all the popular browsers, like firefox, and ie & opera, trying all the king of sollutions, and until i get the right way to play a m3u as embed script (no javascript) inside a template or a file.ext section, i will not release the tool that make the other playlist kinds, but untill it i catch some other bugs.....


please, could someone send me some links to cool look players that could be used as a player to show on the hfs players?
but we have to think that this player should be light (less bytes better) and should be simple interface like show only the list and the buttons? comm'on, give me some ideas....
« Last Edit: October 12, 2006, 03:05:18 PM by ledufe »

Offline rejetto

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Offline TCube

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I 'may be right or I may be wrong .... ;)
Anyhow that's sounded interesting at the time 'cause of Ogg Vorbis + Full MPEG4-AVC streaming support (H264).  As I understand right MP3 will be the first step to test with a flashplayer ? can't wait !  ;)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2006, 08:14:34 PM by TCube »
Make it idiot-proof and I will make a better idiot

Offline ledufe

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im working on all the possible sollutions, but until i get the right flash player and the right javascript to make a "clean player" im doing tests with embed , is simple and use no javascripts and also don´t need to distribute the .swf(but this kind of player is getting done....just wait...)
and now here a brief solution

well this is a try to make a decent mod to the template at least until we get the right and compatible code.

just insert this code in any part of your template
rename the image that is the cover of the album to "cover.jpg" or edit the code

it will generate a table with the cover,
the name of the folder(the album name???)
and the comment of the folder(could be the album description???)
and the embeded player tha worked in my opera, internet explorer and firefox.

just a try.....

Code: [Select]
<table width="170" border="2" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
    <td><table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
        <td><img src="%encoded-folder%cover.jpg" alt="cover.jpg Missing" width="213" height="201" /></td>
    <td><embed src="%encoded-folder%~files.lst.m3u" height="45" width="170"
    type="application/x-mplayer2" autostart="1"
    loop="0" volume="-300"></embed></td>

Offline rejetto

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Offline ledufe

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i used that player in my personal website :)
readin the forum of that great flashmx mp3 player i found this, so it will serve on hfs, but one for each music(in a ne section called [file.mp3] with the proper config, but not with the .m3u file generated by the url command of the hfs, as you can read here...

but im still working on it, and leaning.....heheeh "-o my god! my head, is gonna explode"  ???

Offline GothicSuicide

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Wow im glad this is really takin off You know rejjeto you do have a great program and a great community. hope you get this workin LA it will be cool to see what you come up with in the end and see allthe variations other ppl try to come out with.


Offline rejetto

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of course i'm interested.
i hope one day the default template won't be made by me.

Offline ledufe

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another try to do the " action of play media files with hfs" i tryed this and found a interesting results....

try this solution, like rejetto sugested, i used the mp3 player that he used on his page...


please, teste, comment, improve it, comon guys, give it a try...

do this, restore the default template and add this section right bellow the entire [File] section. (or you can import the template inside the zip file)

Code: [Select]
<a href="%item-url%">
<img src="/~img_file" />
<td align=right>
<td align=right>
<td align=right>
<td align=right>
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="300" height="200" id="mp3player"
    codebase=",0,0,0" >
  <param name="movie" value="http://%host%/mp3player.swf" />
<param name="flashvars" value="config=" />
  <embed src="http://%host%/mp3player.swf" width="300" height="20" name="mp3player"
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />

now just drag and drop the "mp3player.swf" to the root folder of your hfs virtual file system

and its done, you got a macromedia flash mp3 streaming player after every name of every file that is .mp3 :-)

this image show all the files as they must be...

but as i post before, this player, don´t support .m3u play list,  you can add the support to the .m3u file play list using the default media plyer of the user browser(client-side) to play the streaming (do not forget to "UNCHECK" the pause streaming option inside the hfs menu or ini)

atached to this post, zip file that contains this
-the  original flash_mp3_player with the original docs and the sources untouched
-there is a mod of the hfs default template to add the flash mp3 player called default+flashmp3.tpl

and here is the snapshot of this half working idea...

simples as this, but im still looking for a better streaming way, it seems that the solution to make everybody happy would be

-no java script (security)
-no embeded files on the page(huge page load)

maybe a flash player like this(only 10k) with .m3u suport, or rejetto could add the funtion to the hfs to generate also the XSPF playlist that is the only supported streaming playlist of every free flash mp3 player that i found,


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