I've made a template for HFS2.0 =)
It's called "HFS-Clean" and comes in English and Lithuanian languages.
It's also W3C (HTML+CSS)
standards compliant.
Here are the screenshots:
Front pageBrowsingUploadingSuccessfully =)Browsing againAnd here are the .tpl files:www.chionsas.lt/hfs/HFS-Clean[EN].tplwww.chionsas.lt/hfs/HFS-Clean[LT].tpl(Right click and choose 'save target as', then
import to
Menu->Other options->Edit HTML template when in advanced mode)
Its worth mentioning, that this template hides your hosted files from web crawlers (read:
but that can be swiched off by removing all the lines containing
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
You can also change the defined character encoding, depending on your system locale.
Nothing more to say =)
Try it, use it, send feedback to Chionsas[a]ktug.lt