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hfs and php/mysql

bmartino1 · 25 · 31160

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I know it is a lot of pressure on the programes, but will there be a time where hfs and mysql/php will be intergrated for web a nd database software? I here if it is true or not that fhfs might include php in the new fhfs build. Coll if true.

Just currious if this is on a to do list or it it will be intergrated in future builds?
« Last Edit: April 14, 2014, 03:20:15 AM by bmartino1 »
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Offline rejetto

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direct support?
HFS 2 will not.
HFS 3 maybe,  but not a priority, and will take probably 30 years. :)

But in many cases you can make an integration through {.exec.} and {.load.}
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 01:07:15 PM by rejetto »

Offline raybob

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Just use HFS' notes system for storing data.  PHP can be run from the command line through {.exec.} - FHFS is a good example :)

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since i'm going to be going back in to programing mode, can you give me some help on programing ie:

What programming language are you writing in

What program do you best recommend for writing and editing the source code?
visaul basic
bloodshed C++

Any help would be appreciated, and thank you rejeto and raybob for the information you have provided already!


in the end this is what i will be working on and trying to accomplish:
as all i will be doing is adding a few execution of lines to programs and will have added three folder --1 php --1 mysql --1 programming notes and bits of code/readme

i will post my findings and end code as a winrar sfx (self  extracting zip file with the ssl source code

(I have no time frame nor a completion date (I will fix the open ssl update on the source i'm using...) and don't even know yet if this type of coding is too advance for me {bring in outside help of other coders... and this is all speculation as this will be my first time dividing into rejeto's HFS source code and silentplz source code
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Offline rejetto

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HFS can be scripted through its own language, sorry :)
The default template uses this language a lot.
You can find more about it by browsing the programmers' forum and the official documentation.
HFS can be configured to use any text editor for template and scripts.

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i'm haveing issues comiling your source. I've started with the current source, (nothing changed) ran the bath "compile ...etc....bat"

didn't have thoese programs, went after them, and recieve the same issue as i do with siletplz editions...
see png pic...

Is there a specila probram i need to compile it to an excutable? as dcc32.exe is not working atleast not for me...
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Offline bmartino1

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thank you Mars, i appreciate the portable edition of this programming tool. Unfortunaley i'm stillhaving compiling issues with  the program you provided and with a fress downlaod of the curect builds source code...

see picture
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Offline bmartino1

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okay, i'm stuck at trying to compile the source which can lead me to debug(form the file menu {projects}) to make the exe file...

Ive downloaded the latest soucre build "hfs2.3a_289.src" opened hfs.dpr wen tto file menu projects compile / build/ run and i'm still getting an error with the scripts lib in whihc a forum of the debuger says it can't find the fastMM4.dcu...

i'm on a windows 7 machine (don't know if that might be the issue...) Is there an older "complete source in which i open the project file and using the progmra the mars has provided that will open up the source and compile it? or do i need to look at different ways/programs to compile it.

and or is it a setting in turbo delphie that i'm needing to turn off or on?

or is there some scripting i need to do to fix it?

attached 1 phont at compiler setting wiht the only info i have that gives 1 error ...etc...

any help appreciated!
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Offline bmartino1

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turbo delphi 2006 portable

Thank you again for this programing tool...
I have sucessfule setup the programs need to run the batch file as now when i open the progmra and try to compile the program i get a fastmm4.dcu error... (still can't seem to find how to fix it....)

and when i run the batch script, i recieve the same error which leads me to believe that:
 1. this program is lacking something i need to make it work and i don't gaave the knowlegde to fix it since it is protable
 2. there is an issue with the source fil in which (in scriptlib) this fastmm4 file is not zipping and or downlaoding...
 3. there is someting on my end i'm doing wrong... (i doubt but it could be !)

Thank you again for all your help so far!

p.s. if it heps, runing the batch sccript:
-----recompile data----
brcc32 data.rc
dcc32 hfs.dpr
*I adeed the pause to make sure and see what is going on: picture show output...
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Offline Mars

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If there are errors, generaly it is missing some units for the compilation, in your case you can find them by doing a search on google of fastmm4

Offline bmartino1

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If there are errors, generaly it is missing some units for the compilation, in your case you can find them by doing a search on google of fastmm4

Thank you for this information:

which i have done, but i don't know how nor where to place it..!msg/borland.public.delphi.commandlinetools/B_QXveJUEYI/xtYB5U6t3qkJ

in the portable edition where do i put these missing pascla sources?

I have downloaded it(fastmm) form source forge...

on silent plz source (which i would be using to add the programs as he has already incorpated a programs source area to pool programs and add to the interface....) i recive a different error all together as it has already found and uses fastmm4....
but now i need a pascal source: 'OverbyteIcsWSocket.dcu'

This is the first time i'm using delphi and i don't know where to add these packages to the projects nor where the should be in the directories. so the "tdrun.exe" knows and has them.

once i have a good complete source that compiles corectly i can then dive into the code and edit and add what i want and possilby fix some things (this openssl and stunel...)

Again i want to thank you for your help on this and i appreciate your time and effort

I have siletplz beta source and the latest hfs source

laste build:
fastmm4 error

beta source:
(which i haven't stareted to search and look into yet.
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Offline bmartino1

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Okay, i think i understand the directories a bit more, thank you for setting me on the right path mars, as (thx to silent plz for adding the dcu form of it in his source, i was able to put them in the directory %your path to the portable version%\Turbo Delphi Portable\lib"

I'm now facing issues with the file i haven't searched up yet. Thank you again for your help!

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Offline bmartino1

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Theres a lot of old post that had users facing some of theese same issue, and mentiuon of a wiki somewhere to "programing notes" Can some one lasea post a link to that area for me?

I guess i have the same issue i have that the user silentplz did. except i'm using a protable edition.:
see forum post:

the user silentplz also goes over some of the exact files i'm looking for, so if posible need thoese "etc"pascal files and or compiled .dcu files if possible to continue...

any help would be apprecaited including a possible path to the programing notes

I'm using a ariety of places to get the codes i need to recompile this suchas but not limited to googles code base:


as of now i'm facin isues with pascal files to run (need to search them and find them...)


I've downlaoded and had to find these to make it work so far:

---cmd dir of path that will be uploaded for other users...---
C:\Users\User>cd C:\Users\User\Desktop\Libary files

C:\Users\User\Desktop\Libary files>dir
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 7CC9-2BE0

 Directory of C:\Users\User\Desktop\Libary files

05/22/2014  12:09 PM    <DIR>          .
05/22/2014  12:09 PM    <DIR>          ..
05/20/2014  09:58 PM           164,482
05/22/2014  11:26 AM           526,201 fastmm-pascal.7z
05/20/2014  09:59 PM           205,452
05/22/2014  11:50 AM         4,476,016
05/22/2014  11:58 AM           288,740
05/22/2014  12:01 PM            10,054 JclNTFS.7z
05/22/2014  11:49 AM           181,720 overbyte-gogle.7z
05/20/2014  09:59 PM            43,867
05/22/2014  12:09 PM            37,459 Unicode.7z
               9 File(s)      5,933,991 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  283,508,559,872 bytes free

any help is appreciated!
« Last Edit: May 22, 2014, 05:20:42 PM by bmartino1 »
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive:

Offline bmartino1

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Probally should be its own post...

turbo delphi 2006 portable;Hs;fid=5895582;cid=764436158;rid=587271319;up=0;uip=;tm=1400625243;ut=f;;did=ulozto-net;He;ch=b9e0140b7da50f6051a959914a5e6516;Pe/5895582/turbo-delphi-portable.rar?bD&c=764436158&De&redirs=2

launch tdrun.exe

Thank you again!
To whom it may concern i though that other users may want the terminal comand line version along with this portable version...

Befeore you continue to ensure that you don't corupt youyr system PLEASE DO A SYSTEM RESTORE!

as we/ you will need to add files to your windows system32 folder!

these files are needed in system32 to sucessfuly use the source batch script comand line:
brcc32 data.rc
dcc32 hfs.dpr
---(which is used and the process to compile and make it an excutable!)---
(esentail the entire bin except 2 files [dcc32.cfg and dcc32])

you will need to edit 1 of thoses files and added it to system32 (this is the esentilaconfig file for dcc32 which puts the paths and directiories...

downlaod the required files:

wokring config file(for me atleast):
--------------CFG File (dcc32.CFG)

//Use package
-LU vclx100

//Unit directories
-U"C:\Windows\System32\Turbo Delphi Portable\lib";"C:\Windows\System32\Turbo Delphi Portable\lib\Obj";"C:\Windows\System32\Turbo Delphi Portable\Imports"

//Package DPL output directory
-LE"C:\Windows\System32\Turbo Delphi Portable\Projects\Bpl"

//Package DCP output directory
-LN"C:\Windows\System32\Turbo Delphi Portable\Projects\Bpl"

//EXE and DLL output directory
-E "C:\Users\User\compiled"

//Resource directories
-R ""

//Object directories

//Include directories



You will also need this (the program that mars has shared in the quoted text - nothing changed just another download link if needed...)

download file:

Now you have delphi 6 command live compiler via cmd dcc32 version 18....

will add all the lib when i have them to make it easyer to downlaod and program and edit the soure!
(still having isues on that...)
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive: