next topic from hfs accounts are a class like
Taccount = record // user/pass profile
user, pwd, redir: string;
enabled, noLimits: boolean;
user = login
pwd = password
Account properties:
redir = 'After login redirect to'
enable = true/false
limits = true/false
what is new?
Taccount = record // user/pass profile
user, pwd, redir: string;
enabled, noLimits: boolean;
timecreate,timenew: Tdatetime;
timecreate create will be the date that account was creating
timenew will be the date (next is important)
that the registered user has use the 'new' servicewe can include an address line operator
~new (as ~login -->[loggedin] or ~upload -->[upload]) with a section [new] who work as:
if user is not logged , login and password are required to access the new.
if user is logged web page from url
http://server/~new equal
http://server/&recursive&newat the
difference that
http://server/&recursive&new" use time defined with
'flag files added recently" and will continue to work as before.
http://server/~new" use time of last used this command line.
if you have use '~new' 3 days ago then this date was stored into 'timenew' and all files created after this date appears in the '~new' web page. and then actual time is now stored into 'timenew' and another use of '~new' web page after a few minutes give 'No files found' until some files are added into hfs.
For any not constructive comment it's better to read again and to understand the brought solution. In spite of my pitiful English, I think of having given all the necessary explanations; once coded this solution will seem simple in the usage.