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information to those using dynamic dns with

bmartino1 · 12 · 16121

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Offline bmartino1

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To our Dyn free hostname users:

For the last 15 years, all of us at Dyn have taken pride in offering you and millions of others a free version of our Dynamic DNS Pro product. What was originally a product built for a small group of users has blossomed into an exciting technology used around the world.

That is why with mixed emotions we are notifying you that in 30 days, we will be ending our free hostname program. This change in the business will allow us to invest in our customer support teams, Internet infrastructure, and platform security so that we can continue to strive to deliver an exceptional customer experience for our paying customers.

We would like to invite you to upgrade to VIP status for a 25% discounted rate, good for any package of Remote Access (formerly DynDNS Pro). By doing so, you'll have access to customer support, additional hostnames, and more.

Here's how you get this done in two easy steps:

- Login to
- Click here to add Remote Access to your cart at the 25% off VIP rate. The discount will be applied upon checkout.

We thank you for your usage of Dyn through the years, and hope to continue to support you through Dyn Remote Access or other products for years to come. Please visit our FAQ page or this blog post for any additional information.
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Offline bmartino1

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As a result, many user will need to switch to a new host name or start paying money to keep there curent one.

If you are needing to switch, here is a free site that can supply your needs:

create and account:

create a sub domain type A *which is %what you want here%.%freedns pucli server like to (public ip adress)
find you public ip adress here:
you may need a new dns updater:

(if you use your dynamic ip for more tham web traffice:)
when seting up your new dns domain name
got to sub domains
add input info, Public ip should be there, if not type it in, clik on explanation if you need more info, for a dynamic name to ip you will need a type A

(if you just need web forward dns to ip:
when seting up your new dns domain name
got to web forwards:

( it will be a while before it takes effect and you may need to just create and delte and recreate)
I use hfs as web and https, and i have a working combo with a sub domain and a web redirect
(the names can't be the same... its one or the other)

in HFS, you will have to do some fiddeling, but ti add you dns name to hfs
go to the menue >ip adress > custum
input your new dns,, and then clcuk ok, then go back to menue >ip adress > %you dns hostname%

all expereience may differ, this is just 1 way for thoses on dyndns to stil recieve what they need if not more, as dyndns is officaly shuting down the free side.
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Offline LeoNeeson

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They (DynDNS) are out of their minds! How on the earth this service can cost more than buying a domain?! DynDNS Pro (now Remote Access) is $25 USD yearly, vs $12.99 USD yearly one domain costs at The are giving us a subdomain at twice the price of a domain. Can someone explain me this madness?....

I know it's a different service. But they are abusing their fame. I don't remember exactly, but there are some domain registrars that offer this service for free when you buy one domain with them.

The worst part is if you have a Router or a IP Camera that you can't change or add new free Dynamic DNS providers (hardware without firmware update feature). In that case, you are doomed, or you are forced to have a PC, 24/7 turned on just to do that.
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Offline bmartino1

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probally a good time to post a new dyndns update solution to the programers to integrate the free dns updater into hfs...

To our Dyn free hostname users:

This email is an reminder that Dyn's free hostname program will be ending on Wednesday, May 7th -- roughly 15 days from today.

In order to avoid any service disruption, you have the option to upgrade to VIP status at a one-time 25% discount, good for any package of Remote Access (formerly DynDNS Pro). By doing so, you'll have immediate access to customer support, additional hostnames, and more.

Here's how you get this done in two easy steps:

1) Login to
2) Click here to add Remote Access to your cart at the one-time 25% discount, applied upon checkout.

If you have additional questions about the changes, please visit our FAQ page or email for assistance.
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Offline fjgh99

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Dyndns is a dynamic dns service so dynamic external IP addresses can be used with servers.  The dyndns service instantly updates its dns tables with new IP addresses as they change.

Buying a domain does not get you dynamic dns service or any dns service.  You still have to buy it unless the place that sells you the domain gives this service to their customers with the domain.  I don't think go daddy gives you any kind of dns service unless your website is with them.

So your assumption that buying a domain replaces dynamic dns service is completely wrong.

Offline LeoNeeson

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So your assumption that buying a domain replaces dynamic dns service is completely wrong.
I'm afraid I'm not completely wrong. DynDNS's offered service is VERY simple, and it's completely overrated (and pricey). I'm not an DNS expert, but let me explain what I know...

1.- You can buy a domain, and then configure a "A record" with your IP address. If your IP is fixed, you are ready to go. If your IP changes, you need to change that "A record" EVERY time you have a new IP address. DynDNS does that, and it gives you a subdomain.

2.- So, instead of configuring a "A record", you can configure a CNAME Record, with "" (which points to your dynamic IP), and you are ready to go. Your website will be always online, without you need configure anything more. So, as you can see, DynDNS service is VERY simple. It's not rocket science. And the most important thing: THERE ARE Domain Registrars that offers this service for free.

As I've said, THERE ARE "Domain Registrars" (like GoDaddy), that offer "Dynamic DNS" service (like for free, when you buy a domain with them, all for half the price of What this means? It means you own a domain, plus having the same Dynamic DNS service as, for much less than $25 USD/year!

Here a list of them:
Code: [Select] > Domains at $10.95 USD/year > Domains at $11.98 USD/year > Domains at $12.95 USD/year > Domains at $15 USD/year

If you want more info, you can read these documents:
Code: [Select]

As you can see, should cost $10 USD maximum!
« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 07:58:04 AM by LeoNeeson »
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Offline taylor007

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I agree with you. @LeoNeeson. I registered a domain name with Dynu and used their dynamic DNS service for free. The reason I chose Dynu is because they offer more features than just IP update, including wildcard alias, IPV6 support,web redirect(port 80 redirect, URL forwarding),MX record,round robin DNS (multiple IP addresses for 1 hostname),offline settings(redirect to offline message or offline URL) and custom DNS records. Some online resources are supposed to be free only !

Offline LeoNeeson

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@taylor007: It's nice to see Dynu worked great.

@Anyone: Feel free to post any more information about Dynamic DNS service included, and offered by Domain Registrars.
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Offline bbertrand

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LeoNeeson - there are several points where you are incorrect or misleading - let me correct them.

Domain Name Registration vs Domain Name Services

When you register a domain name, you essentially get a piece of paper saying you are the exclusive user of domain name xxxx for n months.  That's it.  There's one time admin work done by your registrar, but no on going cost to the registrar.  So domain name registration should be cheap - there isn't any great or on going expense.  In fact, to be a domain registrar, you wouldn't even need an online presence or any computer infrastructure.  Clients NEVER connect to a Domain Name Registrar.  Your domain name is essentially useless for all practical purposes.

You need the services of an Internet DNS provider to make use of your Domain Name.  Each time someone specifies your Domain Name, their computer will connect to and make use of the DNS provider's servers.  This is an ongoing expense.  Providing DNS services therefore is and should be more expensive than registering a domain name.

Domain Names vs Sub Domain Names

The information is misleading.  The previous free DYN service provided Sub Domain Names.  The paid service provides Domain Names.  With DYN you get a "real" Domain Name.  So no, DYN's not ripping you off my making you pay for only a sub domain name.

DNS A-Record vs DNS CNAME-Records

"A" records relate a domain or subdomain name to an IP Address.

"CNAME" records relate a domain or subdomain name to another domain or subdomain name - not to an IP addresses.  So this information is incorrect.  Your CNAME record CANNOT be configured to point to ANY IP address - it points to an existing "A" record.  Think of it as an ALIAS - another "name" that points to an "A" record and the "A" record points to the IP Address.


When I first registered my domain name, I had a STATIC IP, and my domain registrar provided DNS services.  When I moved, my new ISP provided only DYNAMIC IP Addresses, so I needed DDNS services.  My current at the time registrar didn't support DDNS - DNS only, so I had to switch.  I switched to DYN.  Go Daddy does not support DDNS either.  Most DNS providers do NOT support DDNS - they support DNS only.

My feeling on Pay vs Free Services in General

How many complain about paying for work/services being provided by others, BUT EXPECT TO BE PAID WHEN THEY GO TO WORK.  How Hypocritical.

Free Software?  Why haven't the Hardware people gotten on board - Free Hardware?  Why not.  Same thing.  Hardware manufacturers should give their products away for free too, just like you want Free Software because they get the silicon and wires and boards they use to make their products for free from the Free Miners; the Free Miners work for free because they buy their food at the Free Grocery Store, who buy their produce from the Free Farmers.

And what do we call this political ideology?  Marxism.  And the political implementation of Marxism is called Communism.  Why should electricians, plumbers, bakers, doctors, lawyers, police, bus drivers, etc etc ad naudeaum, get paid - the only workers that shouldn't get paid are COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS?  WOW.  ALL I CAN SAY.  I'm a programmer - I think everyone else should work for free EXCEPT FOR PROGRAMMERS.

Offline bmartino1

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... I started this post because HFS had a builtin feature with Dyndns / no ip / update to a domain name...

First, Go Daddy does not officially offer DDNS(Dynamic DNS), but it is achievable:

Which is why i recommend a FREE TOTALLY FREE!(yes, hardware companies do give there hardware out for free... (contests!... Charity!...ETC...) NO, and YES, there are many hard working people who should be paid for the service and work! I recommend using a paid service, as you can then go to them and demand things as a customer! A company will never grow with out that innovation and support with cause that can and/or will become profitable!...

Any ways, as stated with more information on DNS setup...

A Free Sub domains that work! I've recently stopped self hosting, but when i was i was using
I used there public domain
so my domain name was a sub domain ("whatever i want it to be")
(is still active in there links but redirects to nothing until i decide to open ports up and selfhost something...)

This site is free access to a dns subdomain name, after creating a free account, go to subdomains
and create a dns record... all DOMAIN NAME (either sub domain or paid) SITES HAVE SOME FORM OF DNS REGISTRATION, there fore it is possible to make any NAME a Dynamic IP and/or OTHER DNS RECORD!

AS What LEO was stating with other examples....
SO, i recommended:


explanitaion of dns records:

Type: A - Point to a hard coded IP Address. Most direct and straight forward option, also note any change you make in the FreeDNS program is reflected on the internet and made live immediately. The only way you will not see immediate results is if you have cached a query on your computer by looking it up PRIOR to configuring it in the FreeDNS program.

Type: MX - Point to a mail server. These type of records are special for just mail servers, they can co-exist with A records, and their only use is for routing mail to a different location. All mail implementations check for this record first before attempting to route an e-mail message. If a MX record does not exist for a host, an e-mail delivery would be attempted directly to the IP that the hostname resolves to.

Type: AAAA - Point to a IPv6 address. Useful for those who are using IPv6 on their personal networks or those who are using a IPv4 to IPv6 tunnel at home.

Type: CNAME - Point to another hostname. Good for those who are using other dynamic DNS services. You can create a CNAME record to another host and whatever you choose here will go to whatever IP address the CNAMEd host has.

Type: NS - Point to another NAMESERVER. If you choose this option, then whatever address you choose using FreeDNS will have to be configured and setup on the destination ADDRESS (nameserver) that you choose. This option basically means you are delegating a FreeDNS host to another DNS server all together, so when you choose this option you are telling every computer on the internet to ask the 'address' where is located at. If the host you point an NS record to is not configured to answer for the that you are using in FreeDNS then the host will not resolve.

Type: TXT - Requested by users of the system, used by SPF spam rejecting system, see for more details.

Type: LOC - A means for Expressing Location Information in the Domain Name System.

RFC1876 has the complete explanation.

To find your latitude/longitude location, you may find Map-O-Rama of use.

Type: RP - The Responsible Person RR.

RP has the following format:

RP <mbox-dname> <txt-dname>

Both RDATA fields are required in all RP RRs.

The first field, <mbox-dname>, is a domain name that specifies the mailbox for the responsible person.

The second field, <txt-dname>, is a domain name for which TXT RR's exist. A subsequent query can be performed to retrieve the associated TXT resource records at .

RFC1183 has the complete explanation.

Type: SRV - A 'service' record, used by Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP). Also used by Minecraft.

Some examples:

Type: SRV
Subdomain: _protocol._service.subdomain
Destination: 4 fields, separated by a space (Priority Weight Port Target)

Some more random examples:

Type: SRV
Destination: 0 0 25676

Type: SRV
Subdomain: _jabber._tcp
Destination: 10 0 5269

Type: SRV
Subdomain: _jabber._tcp
Destination: 20 0 5269
There are many version like this, and there are probably better sites/services...
Hell, i could setup a windows server DNS and php it to do that god dam same thing... the secret in it is access and dns connect... so i have a DNS server, that doesn't mean anyone/everyone is able to talk to it to read the records.... you would nee to mash syn it with a ISP/PUBLIC Server... such as google:
That is where the money is... connecting it to a ISP/Public DNS server!

So when a site such as CANCLE ALL "FREE" accounts for ridiculous prices... Then yeah... don't offer a service for free then!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 08:37:39 PM by bmartino1 »
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Offline bbertrand

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The Go Daddy solution - using your Go Daddy Domain name registration only @ a real DDNS provider. 

Yeah, it would work but yuck.  I mean, Danila Patrick is REALLY hot, but..................(if you haven't seen her Go Daddy commercials - see youtube).  Rather go with a real DDNS provider, and I'm surprised that Go Daddy (and others) haven't gotten onto the DDNS wagon yet.  Many of us have to pay 10x for a static IP.  I have FTTH (true fibre) and I'm not willing to give up top line speed for a static IP.

Offline LeoNeeson

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"CNAME" records relate a domain or subdomain name to another domain or subdomain name - not to an IP addresses.  So this information is incorrect.  Your CNAME record CANNOT be configured to point to ANY IP address - it points to an existing "A" record.  Think of it as an ALIAS - another "name" that points to an "A" record and the "A" record points to the IP Address.
You misunderstood what I've wrote. I know a CNAME can't be pointed directly to an IP, but a CNAME can be pointed to "". At the same time, "" resolves your dynamic IP address. So, by doing this, you can self host your website, instead of paying for hosting. It will be unreliable, but it will work.

How many complain about paying for work/services being provided by others, BUT EXPECT TO BE PAID WHEN THEY GO TO WORK.  How Hypocritical.
Wow!, slow down buddy. I smell that you've felt "touched" by my writings. All I've said was a recommendation for home-users, not big companies who have thousands to spend. I recommend paid services for people who want a reliable service. I know everything can't be free, and I don't expect everything to be free. But I don't like when a company wants to get paid for DDNS the same as if they were offering a Web Hosting service. It's insane. Period. But, do you really know why DDNS is not always free, or cheap? Because they (big companies) don't want normal people host websites by themselves...

...the only workers that shouldn't get paid are COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS?  WOW.  ALL I CAN SAY.  I'm a programmer - I think everyone else should work for free EXCEPT FOR PROGRAMMERS.
I've never said PROGRAMMERS should work for free. I have big respect for them, and you should know you don't need to be a programmer, to have a DDNS service, right?...

> There is a wise british saying: "A penny saved is a penny earned..."
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