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Feature Request: bind root to where HFS.exe is

bearc · 8 · 5943

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Offline bearc

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Hello and thanks for the creating HFS!
The folder where you start HFS from should be added as root as simple as possible. I think most of the time that's what the users need. There should be a button to do that.
Because it's not exactly intuitive to do that at this moment. You have to change to expert mode, then "Bind root to real folder". And when you choose that, it opens a dialog to select folder starting with "My Computer".
At least that menu should start with the folder where you started HFS from.
It's really annoying to bind root more than once, since you most likely you want to bind it with folders close to where you started HFS.exe from.
Probably many times the people just want to test dynamic html pages using HFS, like streaming video/audio, like I do.

Can you please add a button for binding the folder where HFS.exe is as root?


Later edit: Just tried Mongoose and it binds the root to the folder where you start the program from by default.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 08:05:25 AM by bearc »


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In my opinion most users have data (read websites) on another drive as C: where you install programs, applications etc.

As I have problems with HFS at the moment I installed for test another webserver software;
it has only the possibility to serve data from the root of the program folder, made it useless for me.

Offline bearc

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That's why I suggested to have a button for serving data from the root of the program folder. If you don't need that, then you just don't push that button.
However, I think that many times the users need HFS for testing purposes like me, and they would just copy the hfs.exe to the folder they want to test, without any need to install HFS on C:\

Offline rejetto

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your use case is interesting and i don't want to just ignore it, so i may point the selection dialog directly to the HFS folder making it a 4-clicks setup, but there are some good reasons to not make it not too easy.

Generally it's considered a bad practice to mix program and data, and the HFS folder has some special powers for scripts and configurations, and sometimes even security data is stored there, thus normal users should not be prompted to make it public.

Offline r][m

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I bind root to real folder that is not hfs.exe folder due to the configuration of my
site.  Works fine for me as is.

Offline mastabog

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Not sure this is the right place to post this, but I did bind root to a real folder and configured the root / to be browsable. However, goign there with the browser shows an empty page with just the link "go to root", as if the directory is not browsable.

I have not managed to make root browsable when it's bound to a real folder. If I unbind it (and add some folders to it) then it is browsable.