HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Prevent direct IP access/Facebook crawling
« on: August 15, 2015, 09:37:47 PM »
first section is chaining ip address to names, requires you to do some work and most lilky go after a free dynamic dns name...
create and account:
create a sub domain type A *which is %what you want here%.%freedns pucli server like mooo.com% to (public ip adress)
find you public ip adress here: http://www.ipchicken.com/
you may need a new dns updater:
(if you use your dynamic ip for more tham web traffice:)
when seting up your new dns domain name
got to sub domains http://freedns.afraid.org/subdomain/
add input info, Public ip should be there, if not type it in, clik on explanation if you need more info, for a dynamic name to ip you will need a type A
(if you just need web forward dns to ip:
when seting up your new dns domain name
got to web forwards: http://freedns.afraid.org/redirect/
( it will be a while before it takes effect and you may need to just create and delte and recreate)
I use hfs as web and https, and i have a working combo with a sub domain and a web redirect
(the names can't be the same... its one or the other)
in HFS, you will have to do some fiddeling, but ti add you dns name to hfs
go to the menue >ip adress > custum
input your new dns,, and then clcuk ok, then go back to menue >ip adress > %you dns hostname%
all expereience may differ, this is just 1 way for thoses on dyndns to stil recieve what they need if not more, as dyndns is officaly shuting down the free side.
Second post...
not familar with " cloud fiar DNS, and unkwon on FaceBook setting, could easly be the new security with FB and shared loinks / is the FB link "PUIBLIC!"
hope this helps :9
create and account:
create a sub domain type A *which is %what you want here%.%freedns pucli server like mooo.com% to (public ip adress)
find you public ip adress here: http://www.ipchicken.com/
you may need a new dns updater:
(if you use your dynamic ip for more tham web traffice:)
when seting up your new dns domain name
got to sub domains http://freedns.afraid.org/subdomain/
add input info, Public ip should be there, if not type it in, clik on explanation if you need more info, for a dynamic name to ip you will need a type A
(if you just need web forward dns to ip:
when seting up your new dns domain name
got to web forwards: http://freedns.afraid.org/redirect/
( it will be a while before it takes effect and you may need to just create and delte and recreate)
I use hfs as web and https, and i have a working combo with a sub domain and a web redirect
(the names can't be the same... its one or the other)
in HFS, you will have to do some fiddeling, but ti add you dns name to hfs
go to the menue >ip adress > custum
input your new dns,, and then clcuk ok, then go back to menue >ip adress > %you dns hostname%
all expereience may differ, this is just 1 way for thoses on dyndns to stil recieve what they need if not more, as dyndns is officaly shuting down the free side.
Second post...
not familar with " cloud fiar DNS, and unkwon on FaceBook setting, could easly be the new security with FB and shared loinks / is the FB link "PUIBLIC!"
hope this helps :9