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Author Topic: Chat for HFS.  (Read 39204 times)

Offline LeoNeeson

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Re: Chat for HFS.
« on: July 16, 2018, 08:25:05 AM »
@username1565: Your idea is very interesting. I've tested it, and it works well, but I've also found some issues and ideas for enhancements.

Possible small enhancements:
- (Bug) if we insert ":" in a message, then any text/word after that is not shown.
- Automatically scroll-down messages, so we can always see the last posted message.
- Show the number of users online, or even better, have a simple online user list.
- Save/remember nickname on a cookie, and allow change nickname when clicking on it.
- Add an optional 'Send' button (as a fail-over, for old browsers not detecting when the 'Enter' key is pressed).

Possible complex enhancements:
- Privacy: If possible, save messages using the epoch Unix Time, to avoid someone automatically stealing all the messages, since it's currently searching for "message (2).txt", "message (3).txt", etc. which can be easily guessed. But since this can be very complex to implement, I have another better idea:

- Add a private chat mode: when a private chat with some user is started, a new window is opened, and a new -temporal- folder is created on HFS, with a random folder name (for example "TempChat-5560AFHG"), so, another users can't guess the folder path and steal or retrieve private chats. Folder name should be automatically exchanged in background, without user intervention. And when one of the users close your browser, the private chat ends, and the another user gets a message like 'John has closed this chat' (similar as IRC). And then, we can also automatically delete that temporal folder, when both parts close the window. We can also create a -permanent- private chat (with a folder name like "PermChat-EASY777"), adding a button to make it, so if 2 users know the 'private chat name' (aka: private chat folder name), for example "EASY777", then, they can join the chat anytime without having to post anything on the public chat (that folder stores the messages permanently). So basically, we can have a public chat, and a private chat and all without a database or anything special.

You can also check the chat made by DJ, here (which can give you some new fresh ideas).

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