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Thumbnail and Preview Generator - Latest Release (Unstickied)

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Offline Giant Eagle

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Thumbnail and Preview Generator v3.0.0

The Thumbnail and Preview Generator is a program written in Visual Basic .NET. It has been built for generating thumbnails and previews from many popular image formats. Not only can it be used with our HFS Templates, it can also be used to compress images for email and other web gallery purposes.

Please click here for additional information!


NOTE: This application has been written in Visual Basic .NET, it therefore requires the .NET Framework 3.5 to be installed in order to function properly.

Command line parameters
Syntax: TPGen.exe -settings="" -files="","" -folders="","" -nosplash -nogui -start

-settings="Setting name"Upon launch, the setting name as it is displayed in the GUI, gets automatically loaded
-files="file1","file2"Absolute or relative paths to image files you want to get converted, seperate multiple images by a comma
-folders="folder1","folder2"    Absolute path to folders you want to get converted, seperate multiple folders by a comma
-nosplashWill not show the splash image
-noguiWill not show the main GUI but rather a progress frame. Automatically closes the program when it gets idle.
-startWith the given settings, it will start a conversion process
-?Shows a help box with the same information shown here

Thumbnail and Preview Generator v3 © 2006-2009 RAWR-Designs.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 11:51:21 AM by TSG »