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Author Topic: HFS Documentation (English)  (Read 5025 times)

Offline Mars

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Re: HFS Documentation (English)
« on: July 11, 2018, 09:08:22 PM »
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Editing HFS: Template symbols

== Symbols list - by section ==

=== Symbols available in all sections ===
; %style% : inserts the HTML from section [style]
; %login-link% : inserts HTML from section [login-link] if no user is logged in, void otherwise
; %loggedin% : inserts HTML from section [loggedin] if a user is logged in, void otherwise
; %user% : returns the name of the authenticated user, void if no user is logged in
; %ip%  : inserts the client IP address on the page
; %version% : returns the HFS version number
; %timestamp% : returns the value for the date and time of the server (format is defined by OS settings)
; %uptime%  : returns the value for how long HFS has been running without quitting
; %connections% : returns the value for the current number of connections to HFS
; %speed-out% : returns the value for the current outbound speed
; %speed-in% : returns the value for the current inbound speed
; %total-out% : returns the value for the total amount of bytes sent
; %total-in%   : returns the value for total amount the of bytes received
; %total-downloads%   : returns the value for the number of downloads
; %total-uploads%     : returns the value for the number of uploads
; %number-addresses%  : returns the value for the current number of connected clients (IP addresses)
; %number-addresses-downloading% : returns the  value for the current number of downloading clients (IP addresses)
; %build% : returns the HFS build number
; %sequential% : returns an increasing number. if it appears 3 times in a page, it will be 1, 2 and 3...
; %number-addresses-ever% : returns the number of unique IP addresses  ever connected.

=== Symbols available in the main section ===
; %up%  : inserts HTML from section [up] if the current folder is not the root, void otherwise
; %upload-link% : inserts HTML from section [upload-link] if upload is available in the current folder, void otherwise
; %host% : returns the Host http header field, as sent by the browser eg. Server-URL(:port) or Server-IP(:port)
; %number% : returns the value for the number of items in the current folder
; %number-folders% : returns the value for the number of folders in the current folder
; %number-files% : returns the value for the number of files in the current folder
; %total-size% : returns the smart value for the amount of space occupied by items in the current folder
; %total-kbytes% : same  as '''%total-size%''', but expressed in kilobytes
; %total-bytes%  : same as '''%total-size%''', but expressed in bytes
; %build-time% : returns the value for how long it took to generate the page
; %files%  : inserts HTML from section [files] if at least one item is present in the current folder, inserts HTML from section [nofiles] otherwise

=== Symbols available in section [files] ===
; %list% : the full list of items in the current folder, got by pasting each item after the pertinent section where [folder], [file] or [link] was inserted.
; %item-archive% : Expands to the [item-archive] section if the folder is archivable.
; %item-ext% : returns the extension of the current item.

=== Symbols available in sections [file], [folder] and [link] ===
; %item-type% : returns ''file'' if current item is a file, ''folder'' if it's a folder, ''link'' if it's a link
; %new% : inserts HTML from section [new] if the file is marked as new, void otherwise
; %comment% : inserts HTML from section [comment] if a comment is available for the item, void otherwise
; %item-url% : returns the value for the path to get the item
; %item-name% : returns the value for the label of the item
; %item-folder% : returns the path to the item, not in URL format. Most times it is the same as %folder%, but it is different for recursive listings.
; %item-added% : returns the value for date and time when the item was added to the VFS (date and time format is defined by OS settings)

=== Symbols available in sections [file] and [folder] ===
; %item-dl-count% : returns the value for the download counter (virtual folders totalize inner counters)
; %item-modified% : returns the value for the modification time as reported by file or folder (date and time format is defined by OS settings)

=== Symbols available in section [file] ===
; %item-size% : returns the value for the amount of space occupied by the item
; %item-size-b% : same as '''%item-size%''', but expressed in bytes
; %item-size-kb% : same as '''%item-size%''', but expressed in kilobytes

=== Symbols available in sections [upload], [upload+progress], [upload-results] and main section ===
; %diskfree% : returns the value for the total amount of available space minus the reserved space in the drive containing the current folder (makes sense only for real folders)
; %folder% : returns the value for the path to the current folder
; %encoded-folder% : returns the value for the encoded path to the current folder
; %parent-folder% : returns the value for the encoded path to the parent folder
; %folder-comment% : inserts the HTML from section [folder-comment] if a comment is available for the current folder, void otherwise

=== Symbols available in section [error-page] ===
; %content% : inserts the HTML from sections [ban], [deny], [not found], [unauthorized] or [overload], depending on the error code

=== Symbols available in section [ban] ===
; %reason% : returns value for the ban description from the hfs.ini

=== Symbols available in section [progress] ===
; %progress-files% : inserts the HTML from section [progress-nofiles] if no file is transferred with the current client, otherwise the list of transferring files got by pasting each file after the pertinent section [progress-download-file] and/or [progress-upload-file] is inserted

=== Symbols available in sections [progress-download-file] and [progress-upload-file] ===
These sections are related to file transferring.
; %perc% : returns the value for the percentage done
; %filename% : returns the value for the name of the file
; %done-bytes% : returns the value for the transferred bytes
; %done% : same  as '''%done-bytes%''', but using dynamic measure units
; %total-bytes% : returns the value for the number of bytes of the completed transfer
; %total% : same as '''%total-bytes%''', but using dynamic measure units
; %speed-kb% : returns the value for the throughput speed
; %time-left% : esteemed time of arrival

=== Symbols available in section [upload] ===
; %uploaded-files% : input boxes for files to be uploaded got by pasting [upload-file] for each file
; %host% : returns the Host http header field, as sent by the browser eg. Server-URL(:port) or Server-IP(:port) (since v2.1beta)
; %up%  : inserts HTML from section [up] if the current folder is not the root, void otherwise (since v2.1beta)

=== Symbols available in section [upload-file] ===
; %idx% : ordinal index of the input box

=== Symbols available in section [upload-results] ===
; %uploaded-files% : list of uploaded files got by pasting section[upload-success] and/or section [upload-failed] for each file
; %host% : returns the Host http header field, as sent by the browser eg. Server-URL(:port) or Server-IP(:port) (since v2.1beta)
; %up%  : inserts HTML from section [up] if the current folder is not the root, void otherwise (since v2.1beta)

=== Symbols available in sections [upload-success] and [upload-failed] ===
; %item-name% : name of the file
; %item-url% : address of the file

=== Symbols available in section [upload-success] ===
; %item-size% : returns the value for the size of the uploaded file
; %speed% : returns the value for the average upload speed

=== Symbols available in section [upload-failed] ===
; %reason% : returns the value for the error occurred while uploading

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