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Messages - wolverine-s

Pages: 1
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: New version: 2.3d
« on: October 08, 2014, 07:45:38 AM »
plz add search in account managment

great work dude
realy thx
but could you add some kind of search in user management window? its hard to disable a account in many account...
if you could add search by type first letter its ok for me
and it is good to have a option to enter account expiry date for getting auto disable

sorry for bad english

Beta / Re: Testing build #284
« on: June 14, 2013, 09:02:21 AM »
You made a great software thx , i wish i could donate you but, i cant from this land -_-

if you make limits by user(max speed per user , max connection per user) , this software become no.1

build284 work great for me , windows 2008 R2 x64

sorry for bad english and thx

Pages: 1