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Programmers corner / Re: Possible Unicode workaround to HFS 2.xx...
« on: May 17, 2014, 11:37:03 PM »
what you have descriped is url encoding which will fix unicode issues...
Possilbe ideas and way to fix (code behind it, unknown)

hfs would have some chacter chart info from a source like this:

in which url file paths codes are encoded and decded...

I thnk they are already working on this leo...
URL Encoding Reference
ASCII Character   URL-encoding
space   %20
!   %21
"   %22
#   %23
$   %24
%   %25
&   %26
'   %27
(   %28
)   %29
*   %2A
+   %2B
,   %2C
-   %2D
.   %2E
/   %2F
0   %30
1   %31
2   %32
3   %33
4   %34
5   %35
6   %36
7   %37
8   %38
9   %39
:   %3A
;   %3B
<   %3C
=   %3D
>   %3E
?   %3F
@   %40
A   %41
B   %42
C   %43
D   %44
E   %45
F   %46
G   %47
H   %48
I   %49
J   %4A
K   %4B
L   %4C
M   %4D
N   %4E
O   %4F
P   %50
Q   %51
R   %52
S   %53
T   %54
U   %55
V   %56
W   %57
X   %58
Y   %59
Z   %5A
[   %5B
\   %5C
]   %5D
^   %5E
_   %5F
`   %60
a   %61
b   %62
c   %63
d   %64
e   %65
f   %66
g   %67
h   %68
i   %69
j   %6A
k   %6B
l   %6C
m   %6D
n   %6E
o   %6F
p   %70
q   %71
r   %72
s   %73
t   %74
u   %75
v   %76
w   %77
x   %78
y   %79
z   %7A
{   %7B
|   %7C
}   %7D
~   %7E
`   %80
   %81
‚   %82
ƒ   %83
„   %84
…   %85
†   %86
‡   %87
ˆ   %88
‰   %89
Š   %8A
‹   %8B
Œ   %8C
   %8D
Ž   %8E
   %8F
   %90
‘   %91
’   %92
“   %93
”   %94
•   %95
–   %96
—   %97
˜   %98
™   %99
š   %9A
›   %9B
œ   %9C
   %9D
ž   %9E
Ÿ   %9F
¡   %A1
¢   %A2
£   %A3
¤   %A4
¥   %A5
¦   %A6
§   %A7
¨   %A8
©   %A9
ª   %AA
«   %AB
¬   %AC
®   %AE
¯   %AF
°   %B0
±   %B1
²   %B2
³   %B3
´   %B4
µ   %B5
¶   %B6
·   %B7
¸   %B8
¹   %B9
º   %BA
»   %BB
¼   %BC
½   %BD
¾   %BE
¿   %BF
À   %C0
Á   %C1
à  %C3
Ä   %C4
Å   %C5
Æ   %C6
Ç   %C7
È   %C8
É   %C9
Ê   %CA
Ë   %CB
Ì   %CC
Í   %CD
Π  %CE
Ï   %CF
Р  %D0
Ñ   %D1
Ò   %D2
Ó   %D3
Ô   %D4
Õ   %D5
Ö   %D6
×   %D7
Ø   %D8
Ù   %D9
Ú   %DA
Û   %DB
Ü   %DC
Ý   %DD
Þ   %DE
ß   %DF
à   %E0
á   %E1
â   %E2
ã   %E3
ä   %E4
å   %E5
æ   %E6
ç   %E7
è   %E8
é   %E9
ê   %EA
ë   %EB
ì   %EC
í   %ED
î   %EE
ï   %EF
ð   %F0
ñ   %F1
ò   %F2
ó   %F3
ô   %F4
õ   %F5
ö   %F6
÷   %F7
ø   %F8
ù   %F9
ú   %FA
û   %FB
ü   %FC
ý   %FD
þ   %FE
ÿ   %FF

URL Encoding Reference
The ASCII device control characters %00-%1f were originally designed to control hardware devices. Control characters have nothing to do inside a URL.

ASCII Character   Description   URL-encoding
NUL   null character   %00
SOH   start of header   %01
STX   start of text   %02
ETX   end of text   %03
EOT   end of transmission   %04
ENQ   enquiry   %05
ACK   acknowledge   %06
BEL   bell (ring)   %07
BS   backspace   %08
HT   horizontal tab   %09
LF   line feed   %0A
VT   vertical tab   %0B
FF   form feed   %0C
CR   carriage return   %0D
SO   shift out   %0E
SI   shift in   %0F
DLE   data link escape   %10
DC1   device control 1   %11
DC2   device control 2   %12
DC3   device control 3   %13
DC4   device control 4   %14
NAK   negative acknowledge   %15
SYN   synchronize   %16
ETB   end transmission block   %17
CAN   cancel   %18
EM   end of medium   %19
SUB   substitute   %1A
ESC   escape   %1B
FS   file separator   %1C
GS   group separator   %1D
RS   record separator   %1E
US   unit separator   %1F

As i have said before, i have issues compiling hfs source code, see picture (alli  did was add/replace the openssl files int he resource folde (which is what the program ios diggin from to get the files...) "I have not touched his code!, but i have erros compiling hfs.dpr as found via his comand to compile it to hfs.exe ....

(would like to be able to comile it to use this source to add feature i want ie add mysql and php capabilities...)

This doesn't work. Those files get overwritten every time you run hfs. And making them read-only crashes stunnel. We'll just have to wait until SilentPliz releases a patched version.

(thank yluf or bring this to my attention...

Silent plz, after runing some new test with donwlaoding the "pathced" version, I have found that you progrmar defaults to using openssl-fips 1.0.1e(everytime you execute "hfs_ssl_etc...." please rebuild the source with the corrected version...

I will attept a fix when possible (via downlaoding the source hard to recompile on my end...), other wise see (which is fixed and working!):

FHFS / Re: FHFS having issues with special characters in file names
« on: May 10, 2014, 05:00:27 PM »

Character Encoding Chart

To help promote the cause of Web Standards and adhering to specifications, here is a quick reference chart explaining which characters are “safe” and which characters should be encoded in URLs.

Classification   Included characters   Encoding required?
Safe characters   Alphanumerics [0-9a-zA-Z], special characters $-_.+!*'(), and reserved characters used for their reserved purposes (e.g., question mark used to denote a query string)   NO
ASCII Control characters   Includes the ISO-8859-1 (ISO-Latin) character ranges 00-1F hex (0-31 decimal) and 7F (127 decimal.)   YES
Non-ASCII characters   Includes the entire “top half” of the ISO-Latin set 80-FF hex (128-255 decimal.)   YES
Reserved characters   $ & + , / : ; = ? @ (not including blank space)   YES*
Unsafe characters   Includes the blank/empty space and " < > # % { } | \ ^ ~ [ ] `   YES
* Note: Reserved characters only need encoding when not used for their defined, reserved purposes.

Usafe Characters

More about “unsafe” characters from RFC1738:

Characters can be unsafe for a number of reasons. The space character is unsafe because significant spaces may disappear and insignificant spaces may be introduced when URLs are transcribed or typeset or subjected to the treatment of word-processing programs. The characters “<” and “>” are unsafe because they are used as the delimiters around URLs in free text; the quote mark (“"”) is used to delimit URLs in some systems. The character “#” is unsafe and should always be encoded because it is used in World Wide Web and in other systems to delimit a URL from a fragment/anchor identifier that might follow it. The character “%” is unsafe because it is used for encodings of other characters. Other characters are unsafe because gateways and other transport agents are known to sometimes modify such characters. These characters are “{”, “}”, “|”, “\”, “^”, “~”, “[”, “]”, and “`”.

All unsafe characters must always be encoded within a URL. For example, the character “#” must be encoded within URLs even in systems that do not normally deal with fragment or anchor identifiers, so that if the URL is copied into another system that does use them, it will not be necessary to change the URL encoding.

FHFS / Re: FHFS having issues with special characters in file names
« on: May 10, 2014, 04:57:34 PM »
okay, i see the isue now, as if the file was named and saved, there are certain chacters that are not allowed in the name space. This is due to the code runing behinds sceens to make the aplications work:

The # in html broswers when it is read stps the load sequence at that last directory and will contiune to laod that director...
There are many "illegal" chacters that wil intrurpet url path reading which intourns stops actula paths to files.

One of these issues is a known problem with hfs and unicode, other issues are the brtowser and web paths you are using to acess the file. in the end, you will have to look up the "illegal" chacters that will not work and follow the (URI)!

A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a compact sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource. This specification defines the generic URI syntax and a process for resolving URI references that might be in relative form, along with guidelines and security considerations for the use of URIs on the Internet. The URI syntax defines a grammar that is a superset of all valid URIs, allowing an implementation to parse the common components of a URI reference without knowing the scheme-specific requirements of every possible identifier.

I see, than you rejeto for taht, i over looked and under estemated the question teh the previous post is html code to refresh that page, you want hfs vfs to relad once the file has been uplaaded.

If i asume corectly that once you save hfs vfs close hfs and opne hfs (if it doesn't opent he vfs already) open/load vfs you saved, does the pctures appear???

if that is the case you can have hfs save on exit and make a scheduled task every hor to close and reopen hfs:

----batch to close and then open the program-------

@echo off

:: clears the screen

:: Enter your process name below
tskill HFS

:: Enter the service name here (can be found in services.msc)
::net stop "your service name here"

:: pauses for 5 seconds
echo waiting 5 seconds before restart
PING -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL

:: starts the service you just stopped or any other service you type the name of
::net start "your service name here"

:: starts the program without opening a new command window
start C:\WEBroot\HFS.exe

:: pauses for 5 seconds
echo waiting 5 seconds before restart
PING -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL

:: clears the screen again

:: echos the following
::echo The requested program and service has been restarted. Press any key to exit.
echo DONE

:: tells them to press any key to close the prompt
:: you can remove this and the previous line if you just want the window to close
:: personally, I like this so the person who ran it knows it was run successfully

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Client Download problem
« on: May 08, 2014, 04:02:39 AM »
to further explain what rejeto was saying:

try adding "?3458357893593759" (random data) to the URL you download

I have a website with a file located at thiss adress:


i can clink that link to downlaod the file

I ca also do the same by adding this at the end


in yourcase after you have issued ?01 the file is no longer working and thus the next avilbe working downlaod is


this (vcan be and may be your issue)is due to:

client webrowser that cash the file systems:

windows not clearing the dns cashe:
Windows (regardless of browser):

1. Click the Start menu, then select Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.

2. In the window that opens, type: ipconfig /flushdns

3. Hit the Return key.

4. Close the program. Restart your computer, then try the web address again.
make it a batch and run it once/twice a day if it fixes your issue...

double check you azure networking infracture:

Hope this helps :) :(

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Client Download problem
« on: May 08, 2014, 03:48:25 AM »
Thank you for suppling the infor on azure and further explaining your issue:

double check the vitural machines seting for the network(is it nat/bridged/etc...) what is truley running the vm (microsft vitrual pc or azure cloud service???) as i now understand azure is web space in which you have a vitural machien runing in the cloud and hfs is on the vm in the cloud...

--- if you are 100% sure it is windwos that is cahing the file:
(scripts for clints to clear cashe...)

---as for windows inet cahs:

other wise you may need to set a scheduled task on the server to clear the cash:

--- or delte /disable the cashing feature (only do this if you belive that windinet cahs is the issue - I don't think it is, as rejeto posted..and you confirmed it working....

Link on wininet cash...

---(adding a ?and random group of ###) will signal that it is a different website conecitng each time. meaning that azure is not forwarding and has net blocking to make sure that acess to it is limited and /or the vm/network setting on the server itself is acepting conection once...!

i belive it to be the network structure on how hfs is acesing teh net to become website worthy. not os/program

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Client Download problem
« on: May 07, 2014, 02:03:05 AM »
upon some searhing i belive when you say azure taht you mean microsft new iss webserver website systems...

in which case you might be using azure for data space and haveing premision errors with links to your files. If you need space i recomed google drive as it will auto sync to a folder and you get 15 GB free!

I'm still not 100% sold on the new microsft producsts and it could be a bug problem with it on there end, if i have assumed coretly that this is azure...

---so lets start with some basics-- ie waht is where and how do you want things to run.. as i see it from your post:
HFS is an windows excutable runign a http file server
(your phone)andriod is a linux client machine coneting to hfs
azure(if asumed coretly is a server ferature)- live account login to acess "skydrive" and use for data sharing... which you have generated links and gave permisoins...

--- so you have files on azure that you need webhosting though hfs
ie as your andriod phone hits hfs webpage and clicks a azure http link for the file it will downlaod or bring a certain service...

Your expering an error in which hfs goes to download the same link/file and it doesn't work

this is due to (azure and it shraing permsion/ url path may have chaged/time downlaod and/or authentication)
still don't know much about azure and as it is still fearly new (atleast to me) i belvie the error you are experienc is with azure!
to my understaning,

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Client Download problem
« on: May 07, 2014, 01:52:14 AM »
i'm not sure what azure{client, azure} is it your pc device(another client?)  or a download manger???...

If hfs is not recieveing the conection request it will not let you download the file, so check you prot forwarding and web code to make sure you can download the filesfrom pc multiple times...

 I have used my andriod phone to download files from my hfs and it would go to storage(sd or phoen memroy dpends on setting in phone at time...), i haven't seen chrome cahed downloded files, and chrome wouldn't cash a file you have to downlaod, it will cash the website to lad faster ie, web info suchas text/HTML coded pictures/ etc...

i use live template with my hfs as it wil throw pictures music and other files into a online palyer, but also give you the option to download the file... it could be that your webcode or template is causing issues. If possible explaing to me what azure is, what the function is for it...

as for hfs you will probally have to download it agin and put it into a new folder and ()with everything its defaults() add the file that is failing to downlaod and test it...

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Inconsistant Login success
« on: May 07, 2014, 01:43:23 AM »
never had that problem with apple devices. plese clarify what device are you using to conect:
mac (if soo what version 10.4 tiger - ligon?), ipda, ipod...)

what exactl does your hfs machine see in the log (as it logs if the password is correct or enterend corectly further more is you hfs on a windows machine?...

To help you debug more, you should probaly edit what is being loged ie:
menu > log ? log what >conections...

again i ahve not had nor seen that isues when i have use apple devices with my hfs server. so there is either an isues with your hfs templat/ login credentials/ program you use to connect (try chrome/firefox/opera as it is avialbe for apple device just to test as, if you think it is sarfai!) agin not enougth info to help and shoting in the dark to help lolz good luck...

yes, a code simlar to this

the line placed in the header is what you need:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10"; URL="https://%path to folder%">

break down
meta data - http-equiv="refresh"  is a comand to hit the refresh button on the webpage, but to a specfic page you put(in your case the same folder)...
content="10" is how many second will pass before the page will refresh, 10 means 10 seconds(as if the curent user has just clicked the link...
URL, is the path to the download file you are wanting to send...

html code(from code of my own... http to transfer to http...(LOLZ):
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10"; URL="">
<p>This page refresh every # seconds to itself link: <a href="%URL PATH"> text &lt;.a&gt;</a></p>

LOLZ... hopes this helps

Note, this means that the path will contiue to refresh to reconect every 10 you may need more coding and/or a rethink on changin the vitural folder to a real folder!

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: one last question-concerning uploads
« on: May 01, 2014, 03:32:25 PM »
Chris i have posted a posbile solution on a previous post for you. It sounds like you are using empty folders and not real folders for hfs and your directries.

redownlaod HFS and start a directory under c:\
create a folder call it what ever your want ie

put hfs.exe in the folder you create in my case it is c:\webroot
start hfs
(in winwos 7 and above right click it and run as administrator) Tho get it off the ground the first time and answer the questings of adding something to the contex menu... say yes if you want, i did not...

now hfs is running as an adminstrator and will havce admin powers, you will have to create a batch script to make it boot at startup with admin power and disable uac if on window 7 or above to not be prompted at startup...

if you don't want hfs to run as administrator that is fine, it donesn't need to be that! you need admin for the first time to get it to start with out an error mesage for the contex menu, agfter that run once mssage you can double clikc it and open it normaly as a user!


The point of have hfs in c:\webroot
is to create you website look and directories, ie if i want to add a folder to hfs and have files i want to share, i would create a new folder in webroot and call it what i want!
c:\webroot\new folder\
in hfs i would right click on the house and add real folder and point to
c:\webroot\%folder name

not when i go in ie/chrome/firefox
you ip adress or localhost I will see that folder i added
i will be able to uplade files to that folder and it will go to c:\webroot\%folder name

Jen wanted paswrod and users to that folder

in hfs right click on the folder and go to properties
you will have a windows inside hfs that will say permissions

This is where you add a user and give aces rights to that folder!
by default there are no users! and when you vist a page you are either visting it via the default user of guest /aynomuous logon...

Thats it, having a data structur around hfs for it use and capabilites for uploading

the creat and empty folder option in hfs is used to crete links and webpages within hfs...

Above are some of the basics you will need to do when seting p any webserver program...

Hope this helps both of you :)

screen shots would help if possible.

depends on your template if using one and if you have changed any setting as it may be different...

under hfs, nothing changed with its defaults templateading a "real folder" ( a older on you computer that contains files or an empty new folder) uplading a file over http will go to that folder.

If you create empty folders in hfs and upload files to them (unknown! haven't tried, but the files should appear ehere hfs is located on your machine.

Please post screen shots if possible and try to make a directory path ie
C:\webroot\upload folder
(add this folder as a "real foder" to hfs)
try to upload file to the real folder, did it work with out you seeing your error your experienceing?

see link:
Still having issues???

instead of fixing the link, if you chose to do so, go here to download the patched version:

copy the 2 dll files and the openssl.exe file to the place where openssl is located and tada, you are no longer vulnerable...

silentplz this version of openssl doe not include fips mode thoses using fips mode with hfs will have to recreate you ssl certificates with the fips check box unchecked!

Running this version and fixed with the download link above!

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