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Messages - forthehandyman

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HTML & templates / Re: HFS Live 2
« on: December 08, 2007, 05:48:12 AM »
Also you have screwed up the with the module heading, (referring to the IE screenshot).

If you are referring to the filename at the top of the window of the MP3 playing in IE, for some reason, that appears to follow the setting in IE under View --> Text Size -->.  I have it set to Medium.  If I set it to Smaller, the text size appears as it should.  This only happens with the Live 2 template.  The text size doesn't change in your template when you change this setting.  I didn't change any of your files or coding, only the Live 2 coding, so I don't know why this is happening.  It doesn't happen with your template.  It started happening this way as soon as I implemented the RAWR-PreviewBox in the Live 2 template with the first cut and paste. 

I believe the CSS files from the Live 2 template and the TOG template have some properties that are overlapping and are contributing to the cause of many of these types of problems.  For example, in the breadcrumb, with the Live 2 template only, the word Address should be the only thing in Bold, however, when I implemented the RAWR-PreviewBox in Live 2, the whole breadcrumb is now Bold

Anyway, no matter how you look at it, there are still problems in the Live 2 code, but I still think that Firefox 2 has issues of its own that are contributing to the problem.


HTML & templates / Re: HFS Live 2
« on: December 07, 2007, 09:00:14 PM »
I agree as well. I tried out the two templates, and all I did is switch templates, I left the same .js files and .css files, and the mp3 box works on one template, but not the other, which is odd.

I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to think that the issue is related to a problem with Firefox 2 and not with the coding in either template.  I installed the latest version of the Firefox 3 pre-beta, and everything works just fine.  I have also noticed other websites (more and more it seems with every Firefox 2 update) that don't load properly with Firefox 2, but they do with Firefox 3, Opera, and even IE6.  I'm just guessing it has something to do with Firefox 2's handling of the javascript libraries, but I'm just shooting in the dark on this one.


HTML & templates / Re: HFS Live 2
« on: December 06, 2007, 12:22:41 AM »
Thanks Foggy.

You can get everything you need HERE.  It's all in a zip archive.

You will need to put the hfslive folder and the template folder, which is in the TOG folder, into the root of hfs, load the template, and you're off and running.  Let me know if there is anything else I can provide.


HTML & templates / Re: HFS Live 2
« on: December 05, 2007, 05:06:17 PM »
More pictures to go with the above post...


HTML & templates / Re: HFS Live 2
« on: December 05, 2007, 05:05:20 PM »

The zip file you attached appears to be a partial archive of the original Live 0.2.5 and not Live 2.  You can do a search for it and find out more if you would like.

On a separate note, I have been trying to implement TSG and Giant Eagle's RAWR-Player into Live 2. I have been able to successfully implement it, but there are still several issues with it.  One is that the audio starts in Firefox, but the player never actually shows the controls, or any video.  Another in Opera and IE is that the audio, video, and the player all show up and work, but for some reason, the background images at the top and the grey address bar in Live 2 are on top of the player if it pops up that high on the screen.

If there is anyone out there that would like to help and has better javascript programming skills than my "Cut and Paste", "Reverse Engineering", and "Trial and Error" methods, please send me a PM.

Those problems with the player... there is no video :P the audio would start if you have autoplay on... no idea with the controls, even if the backgrounds don't load there should always be play/pause icons etc.

Try changing the z-index: ; of the preview box, might fix the image problem you're having.

I seriously reckon its all the js errors causing the problems. Get firebug for Firefox and you will see what i mean.
Ok, I should have said I was having problems trying to implement the RAWR-PreviewBox, specifically the RAWR-Player and Divx/AVI Player portions.  I installed Firebug about a week ago, and I think I have fixed the javascript errors....assuming I understood what Firebug was telling me.  I've attached a picture of what Firebug is now telling me, which is that it doesn't recognize filter:alpha(opacity=#) (where # obviously is some number.)  From what I have found out and I'm sure you already know, filter:alpha is a property specific to IE, so Firefox and Opera ignore it, more or less.  Firebug does not appear to be reporting any other javascript errors, unless I'm missing something completely.  Like I said, I may be wrong as I'm not entirely sure I understand how to use Firebug correctly anyway.  I think I have it set to show all Errors, but there may be more to do than just selecting the options from the dropdown Options menus.  If I missed something in Firebug to get it to report all Javascript errors, please point me in the right direction if you could.

I took your suggestion for changing the z-index of the PreviewBox, and used it to solve the problem of the greybar covering the player popups, in a roundabout way.  Changing the z-index of the PreviewBox had no affect on it.  However, I changed the z-index of the greybar so that it was equal to the table? containing the files and folders view (I think its called a table, but if not, please correct me ;).)  This solved the problem of the greybar covering the PreviewBox in Firefox and Opera.  However, in IE6, as you can see in the attached pictures, the greybar and background images cover the PreviewBox if it is outside of the files and folders table.  I will chalk this up to a problem with IE6.  One more thing I noticed was that since changing the z-index of the PreviewBox had no affect at all on fixing this issue, it appears that the PreviewBox is inheriting the z-index of the rest of the table it is contained within.  This seems strange, but the z-index of the PreviewBox is 75, and the only way I could get the greybar to not cover it was to change the z-index of the greybar from 5 to 4, which happens to be the same setting for the Azul/files and folders table.

I'm still having the same problem of the players not showing properly in Firefox.  Opera and IE6 are working fine, but I get no controls with the RAWR-Player in Firefox when playing an MP3, only the audio playing and the Loading gif in the PreviewBox.  And I get no video or divx player controls with the Divx/AVI Player in Firefox when playing an AVI, only the audio playing and the Loading gif in the PreviewBox.  Attached are more pictures illustrating this.

Foggy, are you interested in helping me figure this out, if you're still bored?


HTML & templates / Re: Help! About Live Ultimate 2.205
« on: December 01, 2007, 03:33:42 AM »
Ok, I have changed some of my shortcuts, but I think this is the original code:

Code: [Select]
<!-- My Shortcuts Menu -->
<div id="menu1Container" style="z-index: 9">
<script language="javascript">document.write('<div id="menu1Content" style="z-index: 5; opacity: 0.95; -moz-opacity: 0.95; filter: alpha(opacity= 93);" onmouseover="ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu(\'menu1\');sphere.src=\''+sphere_over+'\';" onmouseout="ypSlideOutMenu.hideMenu(\'menu1\');sphere.src=\''+sphere_normal+'\';">
<table cellpadding="6" cellspacing="4" class="menu_table" style="background-image: url(\''+menu_bg+'\');background-repeat: repeat-x;background-color: '+menu_bg_color+';border: 1px solid '+menu_outterborder+';"><tr><td class="menu_innerborder" style="border: 1px solid '+menu_innerborder+';width: 163px">')</script><table style="width: 100%; margin: 0 0 6px 0; height: 17px;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td class="menu_fontblue"><script language="javascript">document.write(txt_liveshortcuts)</script></td></tr></table><span class="menu_fontgrey">
<script language="javascript">document.write('<a href="#" onclick="'+launch_livedocs+'"><img alt="" src="'+icon_help+'" class="menu_icon"/>'+txt_help+'</a><br/><a href="#" onclick="create_window(500,220,\'no\',\'no\',\'no\',\'no\',\'yes\',\'yes\',\'yes\',\'no\',\'/~progress\',\'status\')"><img alt="" src="'+icon_status+'" class="menu_icon"/>'+txt_hfsstatus+'</a><br/><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById(\'servers\').style.display=\'block\'; docookie(\'showserver\',1,60); if(psp==1){history.go(0)}else{}"><img alt="" src="'+icon_server+'" class="menu_icon"/>'+txt_changeservers)</script></a><br/>
<a href="#" onclick="setTimeout('document.getElementById(\'mail_info\').style.display=\'block\'',7000); document.getElementById('sendurl').style.display='block'; showmail = 1;docookie('showmail', showmail,60);";><script language="javascript">if(psp==1){}else{document.write('<img alt="" src="'+icon_mail+'" class="menu_icon"/>'+txt_sendurl+'<br/>')}; document.write('</a><a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src="'+icon_gmail+'" class="menu_icon"/>'+txt_gmail+'<br/></a>');if(psp==1){document.write('<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src="'+icon_windowslive+'" class="menu_icon"/>'+txt_windowslive+'<br/></a>');}else{document.write('<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src="'+icon_livemail+'" class="menu_icon"/>'+txt_livemail+'<br/></a>');}</script>

To comment out the live help, make the following changes:

<!-- My Shortcuts Menu -->
<div id="menu1Container" style="z-index: 9"><script language="javascript">document.write('<div id="menu1Content" style="z-index: 5; opacity: 0.95; -moz-opacity: 0.95; filter: alpha(opacity= 93);" onmouseover="ypSlideOutMenu.showMenu(\'menu1\');sphere.src=\''+sphere_over+'\';" onmouseout="ypSlideOutMenu.hideMenu(\'menu1\');sphere.src=\''+sphere_normal+'\';"><table cellpadding="6" cellspacing="4" class="menu_table" style="background-image: url(\''+menu_bg+'\');background-repeat: repeat-x;background-color: '+menu_bg_color+';border: 1px solid '+menu_outterborder+';"><tr><td class="menu_innerborder" style="border: 1px solid '+menu_innerborder+';width: 163px">')</script><table style="width: 100%; margin: 0 0 6px 0; height: 17px;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td class="menu_fontblue"><script language="javascript">document.write(txt_liveshortcuts)</script></td></tr></table><span class="menu_fontgrey">
<script language="javascript">document.write('<!--<a href="#" onclick="'+launch_livedocs+'"><img alt="" src="'+icon_help+'" class="menu_icon"/>'+txt_help+'</a><br/>--><a href="#" onclick="create_window(500,220,\'no\',\'no\',\'no\',\'no\',\'yes\',\'yes\',\'yes\',\'no\',\'/~progress\',\'status\')"><img alt="" src="'+icon_status+'" class="menu_icon"/>'+txt_hfsstatus+'</a><br/><a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById(\'servers\').style.display=\'block\'; docookie(\'showserver\',1,60); if(psp==1){history.go(0)}else{}"><img alt="" src="'+icon_server+'" class="menu_icon"/>'+txt_changeservers)</script></a><br/>
<a href="#" onclick="setTimeout('document.getElementById(\'mail_info\').style.display=\'block\'',7000); document.getElementById('sendurl').style.display='block'; showmail = 1;docookie('showmail', showmail,60);";><script language="javascript">if(psp==1){}else{document.write('<img alt="" src="'+icon_mail+'" class="menu_icon"/>'+txt_sendurl+'<br/>')}; document.write('</a><a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src="'+icon_gmail+'" class="menu_icon"/>'+txt_gmail+'<br/></a>');if(psp==1){document.write('<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src="'+icon_windowslive+'" class="menu_icon"/>'+txt_windowslive+'<br/></a>');}else{document.write('<a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="" src="'+icon_livemail+'" class="menu_icon"/>'+txt_livemail+'<br/></a>');}</script>

If I highlighted it right, the part to take out should be highlighted in green.  You can either delete it, or use "<!--" on the front and "-->" on the end of the string to comment it out as I did in the example above.

I just tried this, and it automatically resized my dropdown menu.


HTML & templates / Re: Help! About Live Ultimate 2.205
« on: December 01, 2007, 02:50:42 AM »

Thank You

But what can I do if I want to delete the original shortcuts?

Find the following, right above the SHORTCUTS01 info you posted in your first message:

Code: [Select]
<!-- My Shortcuts Menu -->
Below this heading, you will find all of the code for the "original" shortcuts.  You have to be careful, but you can delete them, or comment them out. 

If you add one of your own, and then subract two, that is a net reduction of 1, so you would put -1 in the space for SHORTCUTS02.  Just remember, the number you put in should be relative to the original number of shortcuts.

Let me know if you need any more help.


HTML & templates / Re: Help! About Live Ultimate 2.205
« on: December 01, 2007, 01:52:38 AM »
Find the following in the template code:

Code: [Select]
// Live Shortcuts - Part 2 (SHORTCUTS02)
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
new_shortcuts = 0; // the quantity of shortcuts you've made
// End of this customization

Change the 0 to the number of shortcuts you are adding, and it will resize the menu for you.


HTML & templates / Re: HFS Live 2
« on: November 30, 2007, 08:20:28 PM »

The zip file you attached appears to be a partial archive of the original Live 0.2.5 and not Live 2.  You can do a search for it and find out more if you would like.

On a separate note, I have been trying to implement TSG and Giant Eagle's RAWR-Player into Live 2. I have been able to successfully implement it, but there are still several issues with it.  One is that the audio starts in Firefox, but the player never actually shows the controls, or any video.  Another in Opera and IE is that the audio, video, and the player all show up and work, but for some reason, the background images at the top and the grey address bar in Live 2 are on top of the player if it pops up that high on the screen.

If there is anyone out there that would like to help and has better javascript programming skills than my "Cut and Paste", "Reverse Engineering", and "Trial and Error" methods, please send me a PM.


Bug reports / Re: %item-folder% and %encoded-folder%
« on: November 30, 2007, 06:43:19 PM »
consider that %encode-folder% will report just the folder where the search was done, that in most cases is just "/".
that's why i introduced %item-folder%, and you are supposed to use it.
yes, there's a bug in #146, it will work perfectly in #147.
Thanks Rejetto, that's the way I thought it was supposed to work, but I've been dealing with so many other issues with the Live 2 template, I wasn't sure.


Bug reports / Re: %item-folder% and %encoded-folder%
« on: November 30, 2007, 08:25:53 AM »



Neither of these worked.  Any other ideas or suggestions?  Is this a new bug introduced in build 146, or do you think it is something in the template code?


Bug reports / %item-folder% and %encoded-folder%
« on: November 29, 2007, 04:46:08 PM »
I have been experiencing something different in build 146 while using Live 2.

I have vars set up for fileurl="%item-url%", folderpath="%item-folder%", and filename="%item-name%" in the template.

In filetypes.js, under case'.mp3', I have the href value set to href="mms://someipaddress'+folderpath+filename+'".

I know there are issues with mms://, but in all previous builds, this href worked perfectly for me.  However, in build 146, when you are in the folder containing the file, this href only returns the ip address and the filename (mms://, but if I do a search for "mp3", this href returns the ip address, folderpath, and the filename (mms:// folder/some file.mp3).

What's even more confusing to me is that if I replace %item-folder% in the var with %encoded-folder%, the opposite occurs.  In build 146, when you are in the folder containing the file, this href returns the ip address, folderpath, and filename(mms:// folder/some file.mp3), but if I do a search for "mp3", this href returns only the ip address and filename (mms:// file.mp3).

Like I said, this worked perfectly in all builds prior to 146, but it does not work now.  This is just one example of this.  Even if you change mms:// in the above examples to http://, I still get the same results.  I have some href's set up this way because I use an alternate ip address for certain files and filetypes, so I need to specify the links as such.

If this is a bug, then I'm reporting it here.  If it is not a bug, but a problem with the code in Live 2, does anyone have any idea how to fix this?


RAWR-Designs / Re: RAWR-Player help...
« on: November 27, 2007, 12:44:04 AM »
I know I should be using your template, but I've invested so much time and effort into trying to make Live 2 work correctly, that I just can't bring myself to give it up.....not yet anyway. ;)

I've downloaded firebug, and when I find some free time, I will see what I can find and do.

Thanks for all of your help.


RAWR-Designs / Re: RAWR-Player help...
« on: November 24, 2007, 04:44:30 AM »
I sent everything to your e-mail account listed in the TOG template.  The file was just over a Mb, even with it fully compressed, or I would have posted it here.  Let me know if that wasn't the right address or if I forgot something.

I just noticed something interesting.  The MP3 and AVI players work perfectly in Opera the way I have it set up in my template right now.  In IE6, they work, but the text is not formatted properly.  That may have something to do with the style sheet, but I'm not too sure.  In Firefox, the players look like the picture in my first message in this thread.  I have no idea why this is or if it will even help you, but I thought it was interesting.


RAWR-Designs / Re: RAWR-Player help...
« on: November 24, 2007, 03:39:41 AM »
Thanks TSG.

Is this all you need, or do you need more?  I know it's a mess, but it is still a work in progress.  By the way, do you know how to pin the search box to a specific location?  It's fine in Firefox and Opera, but its moved way over to the left and pushes the other text at the bottom of the screen even lower (Live help, and the HFS referral links) in IE6.  It may just be an IE6 "issue", so if it is, don't worry about it. ;D

Again, thanks a million.


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