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Messages - svankley

Pages: 1
RAWR-Designs / Re: Streaming AVI MOV's not quite working
« on: November 19, 2007, 01:55:33 AM »
That did it!!!  Thanks!


RAWR-Designs / Re: Streaming AVI MOV's not quite working
« on: November 14, 2007, 03:29:32 AM »
Thanks for the suggestion, but I tried that and I got an error stating something about an unterminated string value...

RAWR-Designs / Streaming AVI MOV's not quite working
« on: November 14, 2007, 02:30:59 AM »
I want to stream training videos on the HFS server and I have it working on a test test page but when I try to incorporate it into HFS, I can't get it to work. Here's what I did:
I modified the AVI section as such:

Code: [Select]
   <td class="row1" align="center" valign="middle" height="50"><a href="%item-url%" class="messageimagelink"><img src="/template/icons/avi.gif" width="32" height="32" border="0"/></td>
   <td class="row6h" width="100%" height="50"><span class="forumlink"> <a href="%item-url%" class="forumlink">%item-name%</a><br />
   </span><span class="genmed">%comment%
   </span><span class="genmed">%new%</span><script language="javascript">var top='%item-dl-count%'; if (top > 24) { document.write ("<span class=bluetext><i>File has been downloaded %item-dl-count% times now!!</i></span>") }</script></td>
   <td class="row1" align="center" valign="middle" height="50"><span class="gensmall"><b>File Size:</b> %item-size%&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Hits:</b> %item-dl-count%<br /><b>Date:</b> %item-modified%</span></td>
   <td class="row1" align="center" valign="middle" height="50"><span class="gensmall"><a href="javascript:LoadMOV('http://%host%%encoded-folder%%item-url%')"><img src="/template/icons/quicklink/wmp.gif" width=24 height=24/></a><img src="/template/images/spacer.gif" width="16" height="0" /><a href="%item-url%"><img src="/template/icons/quicklink/download.gif" alt="" border="0" height="24" width="24" /></a><br /><div id="mp3%item-name%"></div></span></td>

And then in the Header I have:

Code: [Select]
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- This is used to play AVI movies in a new marquee window -->

function LoadMOV(URL) {

   HTMLstring+='<TITLE>Streaming Movie</TITLE>'\n;
   HTMLstring+='<EMBED src=URL width=&#34;820&#34; height=&#34;640&#34; scale=&#34;aspect&#34; autoplay=&#34;true&#34; controller=&#34;true&#34; loop=&#34;false&#34; bgcolor=&#34;#000000&#34; pluginspage=&#34;;>'\n;

But the alert returns the attached JPG:

The problem is, the code works fine with double-quotes, but I can't get double-quotes in the javascript to work, so I tried to use &#34; in place of the quotes. The [\n] is supposed to be a CRLF, but that's not working either in HFS, but is working in my test code.

Has anyone implemented DivX AVI streaming another way or does anyone have any ideas how to make this work??



Bug reports / Re: MP3's playing too fast
« on: October 31, 2007, 12:17:49 PM »
Not all of them, only a few - maybe 2-3 out of 50 songs

Bug reports / Re: MP3's playing too fast
« on: October 30, 2007, 08:15:54 PM »
Thanks - I already checked that and mine are all 128bit. I have 171GB (35,000) music files so I can't be sure of them all. I can't find a rhyme or reason for it?

Bug reports / MP3's playing too fast
« on: October 30, 2007, 03:09:20 PM »
I did a search of the forum so I hope I'm not replicating another post.

Anywho, some of the mp3's in my folder play in super chipmunk mode when I use the flash player on the page, but play fine if I download them.

Any ideas??


Pages: 1