rejetto forum

Software => Other languages => HFS ~ HTTP File Server => Français => Topic started by: TCube on September 04, 2009, 08:51:16 AM

Title: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: TCube on September 04, 2009, 08:51:16 AM
Salut !

Y a-t-il moyen d'optimiser la fonction "Paramétrer les DNS Dynamiques" ?

De toute façon quelque soit le choix : CJB, No-IP et DynDNS ... à l'ouverture de l'assistant X ou Y c'est du n'importe quoi car c'est la dernière saisie qui est présentée  :P

Dans le cas d'utilisation d'instance multiples d'HFS et d'une IP variable au bon vouloir de son FAI, d'une connexion Ethernet ou Wifi  ... c'est l'enfer !

Et Mars, s'il te plait, ne me dit pas de coller des "post it" sur le bord de l'écran  ;)

Million thanks !
Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: bacter on September 04, 2009, 09:43:31 AM
Si tu utilises plusieurs instances de hfs, il serait peut-être mieux d'utiliser un seul updater externe du service (par exemple dyndns-updater) et de definir dans chaque instance 'custom' url.

Pour m'avancer a Mars, si tu ne trouves pas d'espace sur le bord de l'ecran ... tu peux fixer les post-it sur le bord du clavier  ;D
Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: TCube on September 04, 2009, 10:10:41 AM
Si tu utilises plusieurs instances de hfs, il serait peut-être mieux d'utiliser un seul updater externe du service (par exemple dyndns-updater) et de definir dans chaque instance 'custom' url.

Bonjour Bacter !


Dans le cas d'instance multiples tu veux dire : " sauvegarder les options dans un fichier" serait la bonne solution ?

Je ne veux pas utiliser "un seul updater externe" pour plusieurs raisons : a) je n'ai pas trouver une re-direction pour le moment sans "pop-up" publicitaires, b) les terminaisons de domaine débiles, et c) la faculté d'utiliser deux re-directions en même temps avec deux instance multiples de HFS en fonctionnement parallèle ...

Autre remarque : l'une des instance HFS se trouve sur clé USB - pour démo - donc si je l'emporte sur moi pour connecter HFS sur un autre PC .... une mise à jour immédiate de la re-direction de l'IP en DNS  Dynamic est nécessaire pour faire disparaitre l'IP locale.

A creuser ..
Merci à toi

Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: TCube on September 04, 2009, 01:06:57 PM
Sans plus avant parler de la fonction "Paramétrer les DNS Dynamiques"  et de son optimisation ... je me sens tout à fait compris et rassuré grâce à vous  ;)
Je sais : ca ne m'avance pas plus, mais n'est ce pas la définition de "la méthode Coué" ?  Tel un ours blanc nageant dans l'Océan Arctique et qui malgré le réchauffement climatique et la fonte de 1/3 du Groenland se dit qu'il ne doit pas être bien loin de la banquise  >:(
Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: bacter on September 04, 2009, 04:36:27 PM
Pour les instances qui sont toujours dans ton LAN, je crois que sauvegarder les options dans un fichier" serait la bonne solution -jr crois en plus que c'est indispensable!

Si, en plus de la version demo, tu as plusieurs instances, cela suffit qu' une instance s'occupe de actualiser le DNS.

Pour la version demo, je te propose de ne pas utiliser le même service que pur les versions stationnaires! (para exemple DYNdns pour les serveurs 'fixes' et no-ip pour demo.
Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: TCube on September 09, 2009, 09:07:33 AM
Ok thanks ! I'll try to sort it out  :-\

Juste une remarque : de toute façon à chaque de demande de MAJ DNS "foireuse" dans la syntaxe "nom du compte/mot de passe" suite à un changement d'IP ou bien à des neurones défaillants  - la liste des DNS personnalisées s'allonge à n'en + finir  :o

Une sauvegarde des infos "Paramétrer les DNS Dynamiques" serait quand même utile, non ?

Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: TCube on September 15, 2009, 08:18:34 AM
Hi kiddos !

Hope one day some "brillant" mind would put forward a friendly solution to this.

Only advice I could get from now on is to get inside HFS *.ini to clean sweep the info set manually to get connected either to  CJB, No-IP,  DynDNS, etc. in order to 2 refresh the latest input !

Whouaaa ! ... it's miserable and time consuming with HFS mutliples instances.

HELP pretty please !


Edit : I'm keeping in touch;topicseen#msg1046240 (;topicseen#msg1046240)
Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: SilentPliz on September 15, 2009, 05:05:53 PM
Ok thanks ! I'll try to sort it out  :-\

Juste une remarque : de toute façon à chaque de demande de MAJ DNS "foireuse" dans la syntaxe "nom du compte/mot de passe" suite à un changement d'IP ou bien à des neurones défaillants  - la liste des DNS personnalisées s'allonge à n'en + finir  :o

Une sauvegarde des infos "Paramétrer les DNS Dynamiques" serait quand même utile, non ?

Les paramètres se sauvegardent normalement... il suffit d'effacer les lignes caduques de la boite "Adresses personnalisées" faire OK, et sauvegarder tes options dans un fichier.


Un seul paramétrage "Assistant DNS" est possible par instance de HFS (CJB ou no-IP ou DynDNS) pas 2 ni 3.

Après c'est à toi de régler sur le Web, dans tes comptes DDNS, quel compte "tape" sur quel autre pour arriver vers ton/tes HFS.

Je ne pense pas, finalement, que ce soit un bug de HFS à résoudre.


Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: TCube on September 15, 2009, 05:16:07 PM
Merci SP !

Un seul paramétrage "Assistant DNS" est possible par instance de HFS (CJB ou no-IP ou DynDNS) pas 2 ou 3.

Ca me rend bien service  avec 2 DNS possibles sur le PC Fixe avec ip variable ( "http:// gros seins sur la plage avec un 70/300 mm" et l'autre : "http; // enjoy triphop music".)

Sans parler de ma clé USB "itinérante" ..." clé-usb-statique.poche-trouée.bonhomme-rachitique.dns-dynamique"


Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: SilentPliz on September 15, 2009, 05:24:03 PM
2 instances et un hfs.ini par instance:
Donc dans ce cas tu peux avoir 1 "wizard" différent par instance... et là tes amis photographes, amateurs de gros seins, et tes amis fans de trip hop (ou les mêmes et inversement :D), pourront assouvir leur passions suspectes. :D

... idem bien sûr avec ta clef USB éthiopienne (encore une instance)  

Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: bacter on September 15, 2009, 09:08:20 PM
Sauf pour la clé étiopienne, il suffit que UNE instance de hfs actualise le serveur DNS.

Par example avec DYNdns, tu peux avoir cinq domaines gratuites jointes a ta domaine principale. Il suffit d'actualiser par example, et simultanément les domaines, etc. seront actualisés.

Il n' y a aucune necessité d'actualiser les dns dés les differents instances de hfs - il suffit que le serveur de nombres (DNS) sait quelle est l' IP de ton serveur!
Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: rejetto on September 25, 2009, 01:45:28 PM
TCube asked me to follow this french topic, but it's hard for me.
i can't get to the point.
is that you have many dynamic dns names, and it's a problem to update them all easily?
you can open an english topic if you want.
Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: SilentPliz on September 25, 2009, 02:58:42 PM
TCube asked me to follow this french topic, but it's hard for me.
i can't get to the point.
is that you have many dynamic dns names, and it's a problem to update them all easily?
you can open an english topic if you want.

Don't worry about your level of French language ... We have so much crap written in this topic, that even me I have trouble for following the thread.  ;D

But overall, you understand:
is that you have many dynamic dns names, and it's a problem to update them all easily

TCube was embarrassed by the fact that the "wizards" DNS (Dynamic DNS updater), retains the last account written to the User field.
This seem cause him some problems when he want change or correct his DNS accounts, when he use multi instances of HFS.

I think ultimately, Bacter gave a satisfactory solution to his worries.

I hope I was clear enough to convey the thought of TCube ... but I am not really sure.  :)

Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: TCube on September 27, 2009, 08:14:55 AM
Ok  boys ! from now on I'll take 1 week off  >:(


We have so much crap written in this topic, that even me I have trouble for following the thread

I hope I was clear enough to convey the thought of TCube ... but I am not really sure.

Thanks pals  ;)
Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: rejetto on September 28, 2009, 12:13:03 AM
should i consider it solved?
Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: TCube on September 28, 2009, 09:28:20 AM
Salut Rejetto !

That was my first though : a nice "by-pass" solution from Bacter working "from home" with different instances on HDD or USB ! thks 2 him.

Still if someone want a "USB portable HFS solution"  pluggable anywhere where the hell you could be !! (better bring your post-it along with U)

"Assistant DNS" menu is confusing ... doesn't save in memory anything more than one set up u've entered

Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: bacter on September 28, 2009, 12:04:21 PM
Still if someone want a "USB portable HFS solution"  pluggable anywhere where the hell you could be !! (better bring your post-it along with U

HFS on USB drive works well for a lan (if you can name the driveletter for your stick as you need..) .... but ... to use it as a server for internet access has exactly the same problem as travelling with your server on a laptop: It doesn't matter to which hell you go - except if you go to a hell with only a normal , slow telephone modem. If you plug in your usb-stick on a pc on a foreign lan or use your laptop with a server, normally, even if you could update the nameserver of your url with your actual IP , you have no rights to access the router to open a port for your server!

If you need one of your servers out of your home and you need more than local access on this lan, think better on using one of your instances at home and control it remotely - using a template that allows you to do all admin tasks, or using - much simpler and faster - a remote control program like vnc, teamviewer etc.
Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: TCube on September 28, 2009, 02:34:19 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong Bacter :

HFS : is able to listen to port : General menu / Automatic test  ... then finding opened ports through Firewall/Router (i.e : 80/8000/8080 ETC).

So anywhere in the world I can carry out my USB Card and be able to be connected : http://66.66.777/ (even hiding the port number -I've tried this before in public libraries).

La "crème de la crème" would be then 2 do a DNS update :  through a drop down menu choice of dynamic dns names.

Getting distantly connected to your "Home HFS" through a distant administration panel : the one made by SilentPliz or VNC is possible but has one inconvenient : "upload time" versus being instantly available, letting our HFS Home Server powered on while being away.

But I'm tempted to try 2 save to file only "the" one dynamic dns name for "the USB Card" and test it out.


Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: bacter on September 28, 2009, 03:21:23 PM
Code: [Select]
HFS : is able to listen to port : General menu / [color=purple]Automatic test[/color]  ... [color=purple]then finding opened ports through Firewall/Router (i.e : 80/8000/8080 ETC)[/color]Automatic test? You mean Self Test ? Does Self Test of your HFS try with different ports to check if any incoming port on the router is redirected to your local ip, and then test if this port is not used by another program? I think it does NOT: self test checks if hfs on your ip can be reached through the port you specified! (have you seen there a range of ports?)
Try in your local public library if port 80,8000 or 8080 are open for you! Even with the worst network administrator, this ports are (normally) not open for any user.

Code: [Select]
So anywhere in the world I can carry out my USB Card and be able to be connected : http://66.66.777/
(even hiding the port number -[color=purple]I've tried this before in public libraries[/color])
Thus, supposed hfs could 'find' any free open port for your ip, it should also modify the setup your dns updater. If your tests in public libraries to use your hfs server has been successful, you are a lucky man - thanks to a very strange network administrator! But... i fear that the person who said to have reached your server in the public library from internet didn't tell you the truth!

Code: [Select]
Getting distantly connected to your "Home HFS" through a distant administration panel : the one made by SilentPliz or VNC is possible,
 but has one inconvenient : "upload time" versus [color=purple]being instantly available[/color], letting our HFS Home Server powered on while being away.
'instantly available' may not be true: The dnsupdater may update your ip on the servers of your service - but the dns servers of different providers often use caché for dns, an up to 10 or 15 minutes may be needed till your dns is updated on other nameservers.
Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: TCube on September 28, 2009, 04:20:44 PM

Just quickly :

a - Port 80 often works   ;)   but may or may not ... (leave the port number blank ... HFS will find it ... then a run Automatic test of connexion)
b - Big chance you are absolutely right (updating Dns from a public LAN/WAN)
c - I only meant : where ever you are, having to fumble around your "files" on your HFS USB Card is quite easier to have them "instantly available" to others compared to "upload" them distantly to your Home HFS (like I mean .... 100 or so pictures @ 30Ko/s ... by 10 at the time)

Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: SilentPliz on September 29, 2009, 12:57:14 AM

a - Port 80 often works   ;)   but may or may not ... (leave the port number blank ... HFS will find it ... then a run Automatic test of connexion)

Salut TC! ;)

Juste pour mettre les pieds dans le plat:

Le message accompagnant "le bouton" Port, est plutôt ambigu, il sous entend implicitement que si on laisse le champ vide, HFS va tenter de trouver automatiquement un port ouvert, si il y en a un:

Specify a port to accept connexion, or leave empty for decide automatically

La traduction que j'en ai fait (tout au début, quand je connaissais moins le programme), a maintenue (même renforcée) l'ambigüité:

Veuillez entrer un port pour la connexion, ou laisser vide pour un choix de port automatique

Si tu laisse vide, avec le HFS officiel, tu vois le bouton indiquer  Port:80

Avec le test auto (Self test), en fait, HFS va tenter d'obtenir une réponse sur un des ports suivants:

80, 81, 8000, 8080

Tu vois que c'est loin d'être exhaustif.  :D On reste sur du standard, en aucun cas un scan de port n'est lancé.

Sur un malentendu, cela peut peut-être parfois passer...  :)
Si tu essais chez moi, mon pare feu va t'envoyer promener en tous cas.

Sur un accès publique, quand ça "passe", penses à jouer au casino... c'est ton jour de chance.

Conclusion, ce serait bien que le message original soit revu, ainsi que ma traduction... je vais essayer de mon côté, de trouver une formulation moins optimiste.

Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: TCube on September 29, 2009, 10:59:21 AM
I'll click on the red star "Thank U" for Bacter, Mars and Silentplitz !

Amazing ... thks U pals !

- Bacter is giving me "real life info" about what's possible and what's almost impossible connecting HFS from USB Card from anywhere (with workaround solutions),
- Mars is "rockin' " on the optimization of HFS (getting on the bolts and nuts with more than one DNS kept in memory within HFS)
- & Silentplitz may from then slightly improve the HFS Beta French version.

This early morning 'round 6.30 am , reading the all thread I wondered if  I was a bit getting tedious on this  ::)

Thanks for Ur patience

Edit : Thanks to U again ... I really thought my question was a drop in the Ocean at the beginning  ;)
Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: rejetto on September 29, 2009, 10:13:18 PM
La "crème de la crème" would be then 2 do a DNS update :  through a drop down menu choice of dynamic dns names.

i understand it would be handy for you to get it integrated in HFS, but in my point of view, complicating the DNS updater to handle multiple accounts would be a bad design choice.
it's an "extra thing" and should stay simple.
If you are an heavy (and unusual) DNS needs, you should rely on one of those specific and official softwares.
Title: Re: Optimisation Menu assistant DNS Dynamiques
Post by: rejetto on September 29, 2009, 10:22:30 PM
Does Self Test of your HFS try with different ports to check if any incoming port on the router is redirected to your local ip, and then test if this port is not used by another program? I think it does NOT: self test checks if hfs on your ip can be reached through the port you specified! (have you seen there a range of ports?)

it waits for a connection from the internet ( trying on few ports. The first to be tried is the current port.

Try in your local public library if port 80,8000 or 8080 are open for you! Even with the worst network administrator, this ports are (normally) not open for any user.

i know it's strange, but i saw a library where public PCs had an Internet IP address, not a local one. There was no NATting.
in such case, it's likely that running HFS from an usb-drive could serve over the internet.

The dnsupdater may update your ip on the servers of your service - but the dns servers of different providers often use caché for dns, an up to 10 or 15 minutes may be needed till your dns is updated on other nameservers.

if the address is not in any dns cache, then the first request will get the updated address in few seconds (10-30).
i experienced this several times.