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RAWR-Designs / Live 3.0.0 - Released
« on: July 21, 2009, 04:03:40 PM »
Welcome to Live 3!

This is a reboot of the hugely popular HFS Live template created by Alvaro "Chrno" Quazeda. This template is most likely one of the first HFS templates to not use <table/> markup. It is completely designed using CSS and DIV's. The template features the same custom icons, look and feel, that the old template had. However it is now easier to manage. This Microsoft inspired template should make any HFS look the piece.

Change the theme using the same method as RAWR-Template, using the [special:strings] section in the top of the template.

If you wish to use our thumbnail generator for this template, it is set up to take it, however keeping to the old templates methods it will load the original image in place if there hasn't been any generated.

NOTE: This template requires you to use HFS 2.3 beta.

RAWR-Designs / Latest Releases
« on: July 21, 2009, 11:49:56 AM »
Note: These templates are not compatible with HFS 2.4. You will need to rely on the forum to help you make them compatible.

You can quickly download the latest releases here, or visit my Mirror:




Thumbnail and Preview Generator:


Unless specified, RAWR-Designs projects usually come under a:
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

RAWR-Designs / The Future of HFS Live 2
« on: July 17, 2009, 06:34:17 AM »
I am trying to make contact with Alvaro (Chrno) to get permission from him to rebuild his template from the ground up. We actually talked quite a lot over MSN in the past, I am sure he would be happy for me to take the reins. The first thing I would do is re-write the entire template from the ground up, and use his image sets to create 3 themes on a switch like RAWR-Template. Atleast it will be more accessible this way. It is on a creative commons license, I could go ahead and redo it right away, but I respect Alvaro and will get his permission first.

EDIT: I have the source files and the permission from Alvaro to do the Live template reboot. I will get onto it when I have the chance.

RAWR-Designs / RAWR-X, Wut?
« on: July 16, 2009, 08:40:32 PM »
RAWR-X... it came up by accident in an earlier thread. It is a new template under construction as you sleep. It will change the way we look at HFS templates. Rejetto has mentioned to me many times that a template made using AJAX will revolutionise the way HFS works for the end user. Now, with the new Macro support, we are certain we can create a very useful template. It would work somewhat like a Windows Explorer... a dynamic application. So here we are. Working on an undesigned, unnamed, unpossible proof of concept  :o

The new preview box that is currently under construction is just the start. The template will be simple, it will not make use of every tiny little feature of HFS, but it will be powerful, and pretty. At first there will only be one language, English. And one theme, but due to the complexity of the code we just don't know where this will take us.

NOTE: RAWR-X is NOT our admin panel template, but the technology used in this new template will be integrated into the admin panel, possibly as a plugin for this and any template.

This is the reason I am hesitant to make large changes to our current line of templates. But anyway, I hope this helps some people understand our absence and my 'going for stability' attitude. There was a time, if you remember, that I was throwing everything in, and giving anything a go. But times have changed, and so has RAWR-Designs. We are maturing, and so is HFS. I was 17 when I started playing with HFS, and now I am 21. Please consider we are working without pay on RAWR-Designs, donate if you like our work enough to keep us around, any amount is helpful.

NOTE: I just noticed that our donate page is in Nederlands, I will hassle Richard to get this fixed.

F.A.Q.s / HFS and Anti-Virus / Security Software
« on: July 15, 2009, 09:08:22 AM »
A lot of anti-virus detect HFS as a virus. Most of the time, if not all of the time this is a false positive. Simply allow or make an exception in the application.

If it was downloaded as an official beta or from the download link on the homepage. Then you can be fairly certain it is a clean file, your anti-virus is displaying an incorrect reading. It is simply detecting that HFS is an application that connects to the internet and acts as a server. If you have downloaded HFS from another location, re-download from either of these locations to be certain.

HFS contains no Virus, Spyware or Malware!

Good security packages or firewalls will warn you about any unknown program that tries connect to the internet. And will ask if you wish to allow or deny access. All you have to do is allow HFS access to the internet.

RAWR-Designs / Terayon and Image Rotator
« on: July 13, 2009, 10:39:36 AM »
We have removed the Image Rotator/Slideshow feature from Terayon due to confusion and errors with the code, it was something we started and never got around to finishing.

Sorry for those that liked the feature, but we have to consolidate our code. It is all in preparation for the future.

HTML & templates / Shared Templates
« on: July 08, 2009, 05:30:03 PM »
A list of shared templates:
Some are updated, some are not...

Please tell me if these are the latest builds of each template...
If you would like your template information changed or link added,
just tell me via personal message.

RAWR-Designs / Terayon v1.3.3 - Released
« on: July 08, 2009, 01:27:30 PM »
Small update for Terayon, mainly to get the new RAWR-Player in there.

[new] Updated RAWR-Player (adds a lot more file types and functionality).
[new] DivX Web Player and WMP support.
[new] Updated some macros.
[chg] Image Rotator Removed!

NOTE: This template requires you to use HFS 2.3 beta.

RAWR-Designs / My FLV files do not hold their aspect ratio.
« on: July 08, 2009, 12:33:23 PM »
Youtube videos sometimes do not have a complete metadata, they use a database to make the videos display correctly. For the RAWR-Player to hold the aspect ratio, the code has to read the files internal metadata to make it fit correctly.

You can fix this by using a program like FLVMDI (FLV Metadata Injector), it will repair the file.

It is a command line program, but there is a user interface available on the website.

Hope this helps some people.

RAWR-Designs / RAWR-Template-0.1.2 - Released
« on: July 08, 2009, 12:04:46 PM »
Tell me how it goes, I put everything from the ToG update into this build. The next build will be when we finish the new preview box, if this has no major bugs. It shouldn't.

[new] Updated RAWR-Player (adds a lot more file types and functionality).
[new] DivX Web Player and WMP support.
[new] Updated some macros.
[new] Improved template settings.
[new] Improved quicklink icons.
[new] Sort drop down.

The new template settings are much easier to understand:
Code: [Select]
-/- Template Settings --------------------------\-

--- Available themes:


Note: Feel free to make your own themes, we only limit
      modification for theme submission to your
      imagination, images and css. Use the rawr_blue
      folder as a template. Remember to post your theme on
      the forum or email us - contact[at]

--- Available languages:
English   = en Dutch     = nl
Spanish   = es French    = fr
Italian   = it Polish    = pl
Turkish   = tr Russian   = ru
Chinese   = cn Ukrainian = ua
German    = de Czech     = cz


Note: Feel free to translate your own or correct
      a value. Use the English language file.
      Post corrections or translations by forum
      or email us - contact[at]

--- Other settings:

Note: Disable all modules to make the list fill
      the entire template width. To do this simply
      change the value to 'off'. The values must be
      set to either 'on' or 'off'.

-\- Permanent Settings -------------------------/-  

Use the Thumbnail and Preview Generator to generate thumbnails and previews that will work with this template.

NOTE: This template requires you to use HFS 2.3 beta.


No preview available here? Go here!

RAWR-Template is licensed under a:
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

RAWR-Designs / Thunderchicken of Glory 4.0.2 - Released
« on: July 06, 2009, 01:08:44 PM »
Finally a ToG update!

[new] Updated RAWR-Player (adds a lot more file types and functionality).
[new] DivX Web Player and WMP support.
[new] Updated some macros.
[new] Improved template settings.
[new] Improved quicklink icons.
[new] Sort drop down.
[chg] All JavaScript for this template is localised to tog.js.

The new template settings are much easier to understand:
Code: [Select]

-/- Template Settings --------------------------\-

--- Available languages:
English   = en Dutch     = nl
Spanish   = es French    = fr
Italian   = it Polish    = pl
Turkish   = tr Russian   = ru
Chinese   = cn Ukrainian = ua
German    = de Czech     = cz


Note: Feel free to translate your own or correct
      a value. Use the English language file.
      Post corrections or translations by forum
      or email us - contact[at]

--- Other settings:

Note: Disable all modules to make the list fill
      the entire template width. To do this simply
      change the value to 'off'. The values must be
      set to either 'on' or 'off'.

-\- Permanent Settings -------------------------/-  

Use the Thumbnail and Preview Generator to generate thumbnails and previews that will work with this template.

NOTE: This template requires you to use HFS 2.3 beta.

Thunderchicken of Glory v3.0.0 or greater is licensed under a:
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

RAWR-Designs / RAWR-Player-1.0.0 - Released
« on: July 06, 2009, 12:12:00 PM »
This only really interests people that use the RAWR-Player for other things.

This is the last version with ActionScript2 unless a major bug occurs.

[new] Holds aspect ratio.
[new] Fullscreen button.
[new] H264 video support, mp4, 3gp, mov, m4a.
[new] Video panel play/pause and double click to fullscreen.

I wont bother listing all the fixes and changes, there is a gazillion in there.

RAWR-Player is licensed under a:
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

RAWR-Designs / Future Plans, Upcoming Events
« on: July 06, 2009, 09:45:07 AM »
My life... has been really weird this year. It seems so busy, but from the outside it seems so empty. So progress on our applications has been very, very, intermittent.

The homepage, will stay how it is for now, anymore work will further delay work on our applications and thats what you guys really want. The next version of RAWR-Player and ToG are both complete. I am not adding anything drastic, I have stated before, I am basically going for stability. However there is some interesting work going on here with VLC Player that I am listening to.

VLC has been my main video player for years, up until Windows 7 Beta, it seems to conflict with Directx. But it still works, it is just pixelly. It will get fixed I guess. If it works with the main browsers on the Windows operating system we will definetly add it. I have already got Richard implementing it into the new preview box which has been in the works since late last year.

We will implement our own interface for VLC online player, so it fits in with the templates nicely, we will try to optimise the javascript overhead for that too. We want something like lightbox, but with less javascript overhead, and something we can call our own. The plan at the moment is to get images, and rawr-player/vlc on a switch option for the user to decide which they want to use. With everything on a playlist in the bigger templates. So its a smooth transition between each object in the list.

RAWR-Player is as good as its going to get without a re-write in ActionScript2, the next version, I'm talking mid 2010 I think, will be done in the newest version of ActionScript. There was talk of browsers supporting media by default without flash in HTML5, but this seems to have been scrapped recently, so we will continue doing what we are doing.

Expect ToG and RAWR-Player to get released in the next few days, with RAWR-Template following, I haven't started to work on that yet.

RAWR-Designs / Preview Icon
« on: May 28, 2009, 02:18:11 PM »
I got a few reports that the preview icon I created was not very user friendly. I just made something that made sense to me, not something that makes sense everyone. So I have made a new one that might be more suitable.

Because the templates are quite dynamic, the icons all need to be solid pixels with a transparent background, in the near future when IE6 finally dies, I will probably upgrade to some png icons with transparency. Attached is what I have come up with, it is simple, but I think effective. Essentially clicking the icon will zoom on the object, or rather, preview it.

While I was there I jumped in and created a new quick icon for Go and Download. Among other adjustments. The ToG is pretty much ready to be released... just waiting for Richard to finish something on the back end of the website. I might release RAWR-Player-1.0.0 and ToG-4.0.2 at the same time. Then release RAWR-Template in a few weeks time, as RAWR-Template will take a lot longer to update.

RAWR-Designs / Update function is broken!
« on: May 22, 2009, 08:35:12 PM »
So don't worry if something feeds an error or reveals an empty value.

We realised last week that we forgot to implement the update notifications for everything. However we are in two minds about how we want to implement it. The new releases would fix the issue with a new URL. Provided we get it online. We might be able to create a redirect, it already works for most of the old links.

If a new release comes out before it is fixed on the website. Take note of the RSS feeds here and on our website. And check back for the new builds.

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