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Messages - Oxyandy

Pages: 1 2
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: My questions regarding HFS
« on: December 31, 2016, 01:35:14 AM »
May be you can add a n option "Add files from Folder" instead of just "add files"

- a new option that will add all the files from specific folder and when you add a new file, HFS will automatically register it and serve it when someone requests download.

In file tree of HFS (left hand view) right click select "add folder from disk"...
when prompted select "Real Folder"
It works recursively and updates automatically when files are updated / added..
Not sure how you are trying to do it now ?

PS.. You can of course drag/drop folder you wish to share into same left hand pane..

Programmers corner / Re: HTML line ending with LF
« on: September 13, 2013, 08:50:31 AM »
No, it doesn't respond

You can split a request to a new line with OA (LF)
But, request should finish with 0D 0A 0D 0A (CR,LF,CR,LF)
or minimum (CR,CR) works
(LF,LF) wont

> bla,bla
> Another line ending with LF
> The line above blank (LF,LF):
> last line, ok ?:
13/09/2013 4:43:46 PM Not served: 404 - Not found

You said "HFS can response to this line ending?"
The answer is YES, you can "begin a new line" in the request with LF.
But the "whole request" can not be terminated with LF or LF,LF (as above)

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Cant bind root to real folder
« on: June 10, 2013, 12:10:39 PM »
Hey, genius ?

Gee do I note an air of sarcasm & rudeness here ?

Guess I should have left your post rot away with the other posts 'round here' that never get any responses.
I use XP & Win7 on same PC and have no problems, with the same hfs folder & settings in either OS.

<SNIP - further help went in here - SNIP>

Good Luck !

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Looking for Upload Link
« on: June 10, 2013, 01:32:26 AM »
1. Topic says "Looking for Upload Link"
2. Msg Body says "so he can download my file"

I think you had better give more detail.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Cant bind root to real folder
« on: June 09, 2013, 03:36:45 AM »
E:\HFS\Data\HFS.exe <- the HFS.
E:\HFS\ <- bound as root.
Which is kinda the opposite of what I suggested.
E:\HFS\HFS.exe <- the HFS. and required settings etc.
E:\HFS\Data\ <- bound as root.

DarkNem, binding a folder to Root is probably one of the easiest things you can do with HFS..
I am confident with a few tries you can solve this alone.

Programmers corner / Re: Server Side Scripts [request] - Nesting
« on: June 09, 2013, 03:05:13 AM »
[SOLVED] Well finally...

I added a Header String into my program, from that in [request] I can


Then from that, I can manipulate the Output - in many different ways.

{.exists|Z:\Some_Path\{.^Header_String.}.} = Is file 404 ?

### Sure there was probably an easier way,
but no amount of searching/reading/requesting help/advise could give me an answer to my question.

How do I get 404's to a string in Events ?


Beta / Re: Testing build #284
« on: June 06, 2013, 01:48:17 PM »
On May 27th I contacted Emsisoft and asked them to review their rating on hfs284.exe
I checked just now, and they have removed the warning  8)

Emsisoft    Trojan.Win32.Server-Web.HFS.AMN (A)


Programmers corner / How do I get 404's to a string in Events ?
« on: June 06, 2013, 01:05:03 AM »
1. I am tired, have been reading for about a week.
2. I am stuck.
How do I get 404's to a string in Events ?

Can someone tell me please, if this is possible ?
I have a program which accesses files on the server, and if they are 404, then maybe they shouldn't be.
So a 404 log is very important..
I have ideas, but it keeps getting complex :(

Thanks !

This is a shame
Wont work

Shorten folder path from URL to just filename ?
/Some_Path/Some_File.ext   =  %url%
to just
Cause then I could use {.exists|Z:\Some_Path\Some_File.ext.}

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Events [request]
« on: June 05, 2013, 04:51:20 PM »
[Solved] 100%

I have my message, and I get instant 403 Server response DTA stops


Programmers corner / Re: Server Side Scripts [request] - Nesting
« on: June 05, 2013, 02:45:03 PM »
Next, to able to make a log of 404 requests..
Haven't given this much thought yet, very happy to see any existing ideas..

Off to read a bit

Programmers corner / Re: Server Side Scripts [request] - Nesting
« on: June 05, 2013, 10:02:24 AM »
Ok, based I what I said earlier, this WORKS
No Referer ?, no log entry.
Referer exists ?, log entry is made.

Code: [Select]
{.if not|{.match|{.^from.}|{.^NULL.}.}|{:{.add to log|Came From {.^from.}.}:}.}

So unless someone can show me a simpler way, I will stick to this :)

Programmers corner / Re: Server Side Scripts [request] - Nesting
« on: June 05, 2013, 08:05:57 AM »
Please Mars, help - lol
I just don't seem to be getting this right :o
Let's use a real example of NULL

Code: [Select]
if Referer is NOT NULL
|{.add to log|Came From {.header|Referer.}

I chose {.header|Referer.} because it's easy to test :)

EDIT: Gee, I was right in theory, but wrong in usage (syntax)..
Took a bit of work to stumble upon the 'right' usage, too.
So maybe these posts of mine maybe save some people a bit of time :)

Programmers corner / Re: Server Side Scripts [request] - Nesting
« on: June 05, 2013, 06:37:04 AM »
Nope I didn't want an answer to this, I needed help with NULL (Just read your reply -Thank You !)
Mars it seems you are doing it the hard way..
Below these 2 are EXACTLY SAME - they both work  8)
The top example is useful if you have - %IN_THIS_1%, %IN_THIS_2%,,,,,,,etc
Code: [Select]
    |{:{.if not|
               |{:{.exec|OK then ! DO THIS !.}:}
Code: [Select]
    |{:{.if not|
            |{:{.exec|OK then ! DO THIS !.}:}

A real example is this

So I use this to ignore requests from my PC

Programmers corner / Re: Server Side Scripts [request] - Nesting
« on: June 05, 2013, 02:26:18 AM »
Help Question

How do I check if it is Null ? if %agent% = ""

I am getting triggers to my rules from null results, which I want to block. (Such as port scans.)
Trial & Error is getting tiresome  :'(
Thanks very much !

So it can be added to the rules like this -- {.match|NULL|{.^agent.}.}
How do I do this ?

Ok, I thought of a 'work around' define NULL with something that could never exist,
LIKE SO = NULL could never exist in the header, lol

SO, {.^NULL.} must always be "" (null) - must be an easier way, (waiting for a reply) but at least my learning can move forward !

{.match|{.^NULL.}|{.^agent.}.} <- half right, has one major flaw, do you know ?  ;D
Gives me the condition if no User-Agent <- ^umm not exactly {whistle}

Programmers corner / Re: Server Side Scripts [request] - Nesting
« on: June 04, 2013, 03:43:48 PM »
Going another level deeper

            |{.pos|four|{.header|four.}.} <-- {.or One or more of these 4=Yes ?... (With {.and ALL of these 4=Yes?)
|{.if not|
            {.match|this;this;or_this|%IN_THIS%.} <-- but none of these 3=Yes in IN_THIS ?
|{:{.exec|OK then ! DO THIS !.}:}

Now Mars, I did this for others because it has been really hard to find good examples of script snippets,
so go on & tell me if it's wrong  ::)

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