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Messages - LeoNeeson

Pages: 1 ... 36 37 38 39 40 ... 56
Español / Re: Requisitos de sistema y cuantos clientes soporta???
« on: August 29, 2016, 02:44:26 PM »
Hola y bienvenido al foro! :)

No hay especificaciones oficiales. HFS es liviano (no consume muchos recursos) y está orientado a redes pequeñas. Es dificil conocer exactamente sus límites, porque hay muchos factores que pueden afectar el rendimiento. No es lo mismo si hay muchos usuarios "explorando" una carpeta con más de 10.000 archivos, que esos mismos usuarios bajando cada uno un archivo.

Pero en términos generales HFS no es un server orientado a empresas, si es eso lo que quieres saber. Pero puede funcionar bien dependiendo el uso que se le vaya a dar. No lo mismo tener 100 usuarios que acceden esporádicamente un par de archivos, que 100 usuarios todos bajando al mismo tiempo (y el rendimiento disminuye si esos usuarios están usando un acelerador de descargas o bajando múltiples archivos a la vez). Pero se pueden establecer límites para que eso no suceda.

He leído que en centros estudiantiles (escuelas) lo utilizan y les funciona bien. También aquí encontrarás el ejemplo una persona que tenía unas 600 conexiones por segundo. Pero la mejor forma de conocer los límites es probarlo. HFS no es exigente en hardware, y del rendimiento también depende mucho de la red en donde se ejecute. No es lo mismo tener una red Gigabit que una 10/100 Mbps (o que una por WiFi).

Espero lo pruebes y luego nos digas como te fue. Si buscás tener más respuestas, en lo posible es mejor que publiques tu pregunta en inglés (en otro sector del foro), porque no hay muchos usuarios de habla hispana en el foro (podés utilizar el traductor de Google, si lo necesitás).

Suerte! ;)

FHFS / FHFS: Is there going to be any update on this?
« on: August 29, 2016, 04:24:09 AM »
@Raybob: Is there going to be any update on this? Since in the HFS.ini of FHFS v2.1.3, the updates of the internal HFS (server.dll) are not automatic (update-automatically=no), it would be great to have an updated version with the last HFS v2.3i Build #297 running out-of-the-box. There are many users out there who are still using FHFS with a built-in outdated HFS v2.3d Build #292. And since there was a VERY important security update in this last version, many users may be exposed to hackers, like recently happened here. I understand that having the automatic updates disabled is to ensure everything keeps working/compatible with the rest of the FHFS code. I also understand that you may not want (or have the time) to be updating FHFS every time a new version of HFS is out, but this time is critical to have an update (since it fixed a "Remote Command Execution" exploit).

i did test before, it actual hsphere securty, and it bans certain linux comands.... such as "w get" as it would run on the server....
Yeah, it must be that...

FHFS / Re: All users suddenly missing!
« on: August 27, 2016, 06:24:28 AM »
:) You welcome. I forgot to say something very important! The lastest FHFS version (v2.1.3) has know vulnerabilities, that were only fixed in the latest stable HFS version (remember that FHFS is internally using a very old HFS v2.3d Build #292 which is renamed as "server.dll" in your FHFS folder). Since FHFS in not maintained or updated, it contains vulnerabilities that may have exposed your server to hackers. So, unless your server was running totally on a LAN (without internet access), or unless you have updated the internal HFS version manually (I don't know if it does it automatically), your files may have been deleted by someone else. :-\

HFS v2.3d Build #292 was superseded by v2.3e, v2.3f, v2.3g, v2.3h and v2.3i [and now it's currently in beta testing v2.3j]. Specially, v2.3i was a very important security update, since it fixed a "Remote Command Execution" exploit. I haven't tested if FHFS is working fine with the last HFS v2.3i, but it should work fine. If you (or anyone here) want to try, please download the latest "HFS.exe" and rename it as "server.dll", and place that file in the main FHFS folder.

@bmartino1: It's not about posting links. Try to write any message here with the word "сurl" (do not copy and paste, just type it manually) and you will get that error when you try to post it or preview it. I think Rejetto banned the word "сurl" or somehow that word is crashing the forum (giving the error you posted). I'm using a shady "trick" to write that word (using a so called Cyrillic "Homoglyphic" character), changing only the "c" of "сurl". It's really weird. And if that word is contained in a link, the forum gives that error too (that's why I was forced to use a short link generator).

It took me almost half an hour to find the word causing this error... :P

Please copy here the error you get. And it would be great to know your Windows version too. I guess you've configured your firewall to allow the connection.

In the meantime, you may try сurl ...or try this (using VBScript).

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: preview of next release
« on: August 25, 2016, 09:30:03 AM »
glad I received your email. I don't regularly see email, so I'm late. I have download hfs.exe ver 2.3j and test the "search" function. Unfortunately, the search function still has problem. My English is pool. following is my testing environment:

UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.4 Safari/537.36
search string: 裁剪 (%E8%A3%81%E5%89%AA)
unexpected result: 关于楼宇智能化系统施工图设计存在问题的函.PDF (%E5%85%B3%E4%BA%8E%E6%A5%BC%E5%AE%87%E6%99%BA%E8%83%BD%E5%8C%96%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F%E6%96%BD%E5%B7%A5%E5%9B%BE%E8%AE%BE%E8%AE%A1%E5%AD%98%E5%9C%A8%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98%E7%9A%84%E5%87%BD.PDF)
:) Thanks for your report. Rejetto will read it soon. He is currently on a business travel (or on a holiday). He'll be back in about two weeks. Please check this forum again in about 15 days, so you can read his reply. Thank you.

感谢您的报告。 Rejetto很快就会读取它。目前,他是在商务旅行上(或假日)。他会回来在大约两个星期。请在大约15天内再次检查这个论坛,这样你就可以阅读他的回复了。谢谢您.

FHFS / Re: All users suddenly missing!
« on: August 24, 2016, 06:46:36 AM »
It seems you are running FHFS on a VPS. There could be several possibilities that caused you problem. Even if you only had access to that VPS, the admins of the service may have touched or deleted something. And FHFS is an almost discontinued fork of HFS, with very limited support. I know it has a nice web GUI, but if you don't need the FTP features, it's better stick with HFS.

Sorry,, but I have to move to another product, this is going to cost me hours of work to get the users access to their files, whether I migrate or re-do this platform, and I can't have that happen again :(
Sorry to see you go, but even using paid commercial software, it's always recommended and encouraged to have backups (in an automated way), of at least all your configuration files, and host those backup files offsite (outside your VPS). In case of disaster, you can restore from your backup without problems. This is the same for a WordPress blog, a forum database, etc.
Good luck... :-\

Español / Re: Pasar menúes al castellano
« on: August 24, 2016, 06:28:06 AM »
sorry, i started but didn't make it in time, and now i'm leaving for 2 weeks :(

Japan i'm coming :D
Don't worry, it's OK, there is no hurry.

Enjoy Japan...
Sayonara! 8)

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: preview of next release
« on: August 23, 2016, 03:30:07 PM »
- the {.add header.} command
I've tested this, and now is working better. The last previous stable build (v2.3i), had this feature somewhat "buggy", and sometimes it was cropping the first letter, but now it works 100% as expected (perfectly!). :)

By the way, I noticed the new EXE is a little smaller (2,03 MB, instead of the normal 2,38 MB). Have you removed or optimized something? (I'm just curious).

Español / Re: Pasar menúes al castellano
« on: August 21, 2016, 04:32:30 PM »

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: preview of next release
« on: August 21, 2016, 04:15:45 PM »
I doubt the viability of "add header", the ovewrite seems to be true at all times (I would need to have access to your latest HSlib and ScriptLib )
If that's a problem (or if still buggy), instead of removing or disabling the feature, IMHO I think it's better to add/implement an option (switch) in the "hfs.ini" file, like "add-header=yes/no", for those who want to enable it (or disable it).

I was waiting for a feedback but it never came.
If funbsd doesn't reply, you may try to send a few PM (Private Messages) or even better send some emails, to another chinese users on the forum, to bring them attention about your fixed build (so they can test it). Looking in the Chinese forum there are quite a lot of users who can test this.

Would someone give a test to this release and see if it seems to work correctly, please?
To have a working Windows XP in Chinese language to test this build (or any program), this can be done easily by running the "Windows XP Mode" inside VirtualBox. The are several tutorials about this (like those: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), but by far THIS is the best and the latest tutorial about this (and despite the tutorial shows how to do it in Windows 8, it can be installed on any Windows version that VirtualBox support (as host). I'm currently on a limited 3G Mobile connection (so I can't download ~400MB of the Chinese "Windows XP Mode"), but if anyone here want to test it, this is very easy to do. If you (or any of you) need help with this, just ask me.

Español / Re: Pasar menúes al castellano
« on: August 18, 2016, 05:05:23 AM »
To obtain HFS in another language, it is possible only by translating all the texts in the source code, resize and realign the display areas of translated texts, and then recompile the whole for get a new executable
That's the old and hard way, but it's much easier than that. I see you you have not understood how "Kryvich's Delphi Localizer" works. The translated text strings are store in easy-to-edit EXTERNAL ini-style files and Rejetto should only add the "Kryvich's Delphi Localizer v3.2" component, and add TWO(!) lines to the project (.DPR) source file:

Code: [Select]
FreeLocalizer.AutoTranslate := True;
FreeLocalizer.LanguageFile := 'myapp.english.lng';

It's that easy! So, minimum modifications to project source are needed (since Kryvich's Delphi Localizer adds only ~14Kb to the application executable file). The language files are NOT bundled inside HFS, so it will not make it bigger. The .lng file is loaded dynamically when HFS runs, so it's not necessary to recompile anything to do the translation. Many programs work that way, by simply loading a simple language text file.

And about resizing and realigning the display areas of translated texts, that can be done automatically (programmatically), or make it wide enough to make fit any language. And that needs to be done only once, then all future releases can be easily translated by any HFS user, to any language. I think it's a win-win solution for anyone. :)

Hola Leo
recién veo tu respuesta.
Te cuento mi idea sería colocar algún archivo externo (algún *.ini) que contenga las traducciones. Para no tener que recompilar por cambios en los textos.
No he visto tu propuesta, pero en los próximos días me voy a sentar a verlo y ver si está a mi alcance como programador.
En cuanto al inglés lo leo sin dificultad, pero escribirlo a veces me resulta tedioso. Pero no imposible.
Seguimos en contacto.
Me alegro de verte de vuelta por el foro. Tranquilo, no hay apuro, haz lo que puedas en medida de tu tiempo libre. La idea que yo propongo es que Rejetto agregue el componente llamado "Kryvich's Delphi Localizer", el cual permitirá a cualquier usuario traducir HFS, sencillamente editando un archivo .ini o .lng (que para el caso es lo mismo, porque es un archivo de texto).

Español / Re: Pasar menúes al castellano
« on: August 13, 2016, 07:18:22 AM »
Alguna novedad? A pesar de que no haya respuesta de Mariano, si Rejetto lee esto, ojalá pueda sacar algo útil de mi mensaje, y pueda agregar a HFS el "Kryvich's Delphi Localizer".

Any news about this? Even if Mariano doesn't reply here anymore, I hope if Rejetto read this, he can try to add the "Kryvich's Delphi Localizer", since that's the first step to translate HFS.

@Agret: It's true, "arp -a" works well, since he is working on a LAN. Sadly, Tharless has forgot to visit the forum, and I don't know if he has solved his "problem".

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