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Pages: 1
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Conditional Limits
« on: October 10, 2010, 03:30:34 AM »
I am trying to implement a solution wherein Anonymous users get speed/connection limits on downloads. However, registered users get full burst.

Is it doable in single instance of HFS or do I need two running, 1 for anonymous and 1 for registered people ?

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Exec on button trigger
« on: August 19, 2010, 08:06:24 AM »
I wanted to have a button next to each file in last column which when clicked is supposed to call an exe with the full file path as argument.

In then [+file] section , I added following in last column :
<form><input type='submit' onClick="{.exec|C:\prog.exe|out=#temp.}"></form>

however, this seems to be getting called for each file that is being 'displayed' and not waiting for any clicks....can someone guide me to a proper way of doing this ... also page needs to refresh once exe is done

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Refuse File Download
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:09:47 AM »
OK...Now I know the filters concept...but my setup as just the root folder setup as "Real Folder" and there are MANY folders and files served from within it....Many people have put their image files (jpg/png) and serving through HFS which causes lot of connections

How do I restrict HFS to allow only certain file types to be downloaded (or vice versa) ... not just hide them because people have direct links to these images in forums and causes lots of connections during peak time

Beta / Beta 260/262 hangs
« on: August 13, 2010, 10:59:26 AM »
For the last few days, HFS hangs under high load. When I wake up its hung with Tray Icon showing 450 connections and climbing and not reducing at all, like HFS just stops responding to them but keeps receiving.

I have high usage during US days (server stays contant at around 80-90 Mbps) and thats when this has started happening. I have set connection timeout to 10 secs in an effort to kill dormant ones but didnt help. Even set limits of connections to 300 but no use.

Any ideas on how to properly debug this situation ?

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Locking Files
« on: July 18, 2010, 10:43:55 AM »
Is there a way to "Lock" files which are being listed from new download requests ?

I am sorry tried searching but didnt find anything relevant  :(

My server has files which are download continously from all over the world and if I want to delete/move/rename a file its already locked by how can I prevent fresh download requests on that file to be denied.

Programmers corner / File rename
« on: July 13, 2010, 07:32:08 AM »
I am able to get the html button and part of the Rename dialog under Actions but how to get the last selected filename into the "Old File" input ... it doesnt change as selection changes...

Anybody with a small example of how to go about renaming files via macros ?

I have a serious accounting issue :)

If a file is being download by a download manager/accelerator in multi-threaded mode, each thread adds to the 'Hits' stat...isnt there a way to properly increment this as 1 irrespective of the parts being downloaded !

HTML & templates / Additional Comments (descript.ion)
« on: May 19, 2010, 02:17:13 AM »
I am looking for a way to include a secondary comments method. It is required to store MD5 hashes for uploaded files.

I want to display the MD5 for a file in the listing table. I am able to append the md5 hash to a comment and get it displayed but then manual comment updation by the uploader is not clean.

Any ideas ?

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Where are Hits stored ?
« on: May 19, 2010, 12:47:28 AM »
Hello Everyone !

I am wondering where are the Hits count being stores for all the files by HFS ? I am in need of a Top 50/100 Downloads across multiple subfolders.

I have just started using HFS few days back on my EU server. Refer -
Usage Refer -

I host Windows Mobile ROMs cooked by Chefs at xda-developers and they really crave to see the top 50 or 100 downloads.

Appreciate any help.

Cheers !

Pages: 1