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Topics - Rafi

Pages: 1
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / hfs for torrents
« on: October 20, 2011, 12:30:07 PM »
ah.. k, thanks. Good to see you all still alive and kicking here ... :)

Did anyone try to use HFS with uTorrent ? I mean, for example - for  hosting  web seeds?

is it possible at all, and how ?
(the router supports uPnP )

Bug reports / a funny bug.... (beta29)
« on: December 11, 2005, 07:01:07 PM »
here is a funny bug  - trying to exit, I get

on Windows 98...
edit: Menu->exit or: tray-icon->rightclick->exit

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / new idea (2) - explorer-like uploader GUI
« on: June 19, 2005, 07:13:29 PM »
Here is a screenshot of a very nice (& simple) upload GUI that  is used in .

You simply drag and drop files from the upper right  list to the lower right pane, and press "upload". It includes a progress dialog...
Is it possible to use it (such)  in HFS ?

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Surfing HFS via anonymous servers
« on: May 01, 2005, 02:24:26 PM »
I've tried doing anynymous surfing to HFS server.  here is an example :
The thing is - that most of the times, I don't see the file-tree correctly (it stops in the middle).
Also navigating into subdirectories, often leads to error 404.
Can any of you try it, and see if  you have similar problems ? HFS bugs ? maybe it  is local problems in my work-PC ...


HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Does HFS support WebDAV extension ?
« on: April 08, 2005, 07:23:03 PM »
I have just noticed this WebDAV HTTP extension/standard ( ) . Does/can  HFS support it ?

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Template problem - when surfing via proxy
« on: February 18, 2005, 06:23:55 PM »
I was trying to use one of the anonymous surfing services:

But - it seems that there was some problem with the template.
Can someone test this and see if it is MY problem or a template problem ?

:idea::happy:  :happy2: :happy: :idea:  :happy:  :happy2:  :happy::idea:  :happy:  :happy2:  :happy::idea:

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Adding a tree of real folders
« on: November 27, 2004, 05:57:59 AM »
I tried to add a real folder that includes subfolders, but could not automatically have HFS include the complete  tree under it. Am I doing something wrong?

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / HFS not saving access restrictions ?
« on: October 19, 2004, 07:38:55 PM »
Long time since I posted a bug, so here is one (?):
* the option - auto-save VFS on exit is set
* I have the root restricted to 2/3 users
* I set it to- NONE . I see it changes (no lock...)
* I exit
* I run HFS again
The root is again restricted to previous users...

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / What's new in alfa 20 ?
« on: August 27, 2004, 05:33:02 PM »

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Kazaa related hacks ?
« on: October 31, 2003, 08:40:09 PM »
Here is a log I am getting often when running Kazaa SW. Can anybody tell what does it mean ? As fas as I know P2P software do not use HTTP protocol  :?

------------------------------------------------------HFS LOG ------------>

31/10/03 22:17:21 GET /.hash=fb92fb3d97341f9e6ccdd8d5f0cd0939029480f2 HTTP/1.1
31/10/03 22:17:21 Host: XXX.XXX.48.236:80
31/10/03 22:17:21 UserAgent: KazaaClient Nov  3 2002 20:29:03
31/10/03 22:17:21 X-Kazaa-Username: Egerejr
31/10/03 22:17:21 X-Kazaa-Network: KaZaA
31/10/03 22:17:21 X-Kazaa-IP:
31/10/03 22:17:21 X-Kazaa-SupernodeIP:
31/10/03 22:17:21 Range: bytes=8126078-10661649
31/10/03 22:17:21 Connection: close
31/10/03 22:17:22 X-Kazaa-XferId: 14827338
31/10/03 22:17:22 X-Kazaa-XferUid: T88pjh3uuAZ7HrXUb7Aiil2NsnKdKg9GZZeVpRkWOmU=
31/10/03 22:17:22 Requested GET/.hash=fb92fb3d97341f9e6ccdd8d5f0cd0939029480f2

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / HDS V1.5 rc5 - downloding big files & refresh of IP
« on: September 12, 2003, 05:27:41 PM »
Here two  problems I noticed:

         Problem #1 was my error ! bad source file... deleted...

2. If, for some reason, my ISP disconnects me, and I redial/re-connect, I get a new IP for my PC. The HFS server - does not notice this change and remains in the "old" IP. Is it possible to have an option for auto-checking for IP change every xxx seconds ?  


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