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[Tutorial] How to compile the HFS's Source code

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[Tutorial] How to compile the HFS's Source code

As the result of this, and for the first time ever, I would like to publish the complete process of compiling the HFS's Source code (as simple as possible, step by step, so everyone could do it). It's recomended to watch first THIS video tutorial (download size: 1.56 MB, in GIF format), to see the enterelly compilation process. Then, just follow these steps:

1] Download 'Portable Turbo Delphi Lite v1.0d', from here.
2] Download the 'Library pack' required by HFS, from here.
3] Download the latest 'Source code' file of HFS, from here.
4] Install and/or unrar the exe of the step one, on: C:\Portable\TDLite
5] Unzip the file from the step two, on this exact folder: C:\Portable\TDLite\lib
6] Unzip the source code file of HFS, from step three, here: C:\Portable\TDLite\Projects\HFS
7] Start Turbo Delphi by opening the file "TDrun.exe" or using the shortcut on your desktop.
8] Go to the menu 'Tools' and click on 'Options...' and the 'Options' window will open.
     There, on go to: 'Environment Options' > 'Delphi Options' > 'Library - Win32'.
     Now on 'Directories' > 'Library path:' replace it with the following path:

--- Code: ---$(BDS)\lib;$(BDS)\lib\Obj;$(BDS)\Imports;$(BDS)\lib\DelphiZLib.128;$(BDS)\lib\FastMM4991;$(BDS)\lib\GifImaged2010b;$(BDS)\lib\JCL1_22\source;$(BDS)\lib\Kdl32;$(BDS)\lib\OverbyteIcsV7Gold\Delphi\Vc32;$(BDS)\lib\TRegExpr\Source;$(BDS)\Projects\HFS;
--- End code ---

9] Go to the menu 'File' and click on 'Open Project...' and locate the file 'hfs.bdsproj'.
10] Go to the menu 'Project' and click on 'Options...' and the 'Project Options' will open.
       There, click on 'Compiler Messages' and on 'Warnings', uncheck the following items:

--- Code: ---    - Deprecated Symbol
    - Platform Symbol
    - Return value of function might be undefined
--- End code ---

(This entirely step 10 is optional, but recommended. If you don't do it, you will encounter 32 or 33 Warnings on compiling time, but this doesn't affect the compilation process and you will get the very same functional executable. Those warnings are not important, but informative).

11] Finally, go to the menu 'Project' and click on 'Build hfs' and wait the process to finish.
       Once finished, you will see (in bold text): 'Done: Build All', click on 'OK' and it's done.
       You will find the new executable hfs.exe on this folder: C:\Portable\TDLite\Projects\HFS

12] Enjoy! :)

If you need a tool to unzip/uncompress, you can use 7-Zip.

If you want to use another folder path location (for example to run it from a USB drive), it's better you complete steps one to six from those locations, and then move that folder to the USB before running step seven. This way, you don't mess up with folder locations. Of course, if you choose another folder, you need to change the path in all the steps, but do NOT change the path of step eight (since it will auto-detect the new location).

» WARNING: the instructions and libraries found on this post are outdated, since latest HFS versions were compiled using the new Delphi 10.3.3 Community Edition. My instructions were only valid to old HFS versions (up to v2.3m). Instructions could have changed since then, and now you have to use the latest libraries listed here. This post will be updated on the future.

» DISCLAIMER: I'm not making me responsible for any damage or miss-configuration on your PC. Always backup first, and keep in mind this tutorial was done on fresh installed Windows computer. If you already have any version of Delphi, running this portable version of 'Turbo Delphi' could lead you to problems, so avoid using it on a PC with Delphi installed. My uploads are untouched and virus free, but you must re-check that the MD5 file checksums are the same, as follows:

--- Quote / MD5: AE2C3025B36FFF2BC72DB5FF7784C4BD / MD5: 7751002A930B7C211BFC1F9C7AA1853C
PortableTurboDelphiLiteInstaller10d.exe / MD5: 9B24FA6BD91FAF9ACA8AEA78B90AEF07
--- End quote ---
(You could use the freeware HashCheck to verify the MD5 file checksums)

» Download link:

Feel free to leave a comment or ask any question if you have doubts, and also report if you find any problem when compiling, or if you need further help.


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With this, I could say that I'm a 'virtual member' of the group of users who can compile HFS, and I hope I could contribute in the future (to Rejetto) with small and tested modifications (that's in the case he likes something I could do, but if he don't, at least I will publish it here so anyone could benefit of it). For the time being, I don't plan to implement any change (I currently don't have too much free time, and I've spent too much time and energy on getting everything working, along with doing this tutorial for the benefit of anyone who could be interested on compile HFS).

I encourage that any member, with a basic level of Pascal/Delphi knowledge, feel free to join the virtual group of 'compilers/programmers', contributing (here on the forum) with any change, modification or enhancement that could have in mind (even leaving new ideas). That doesn't mean Rejetto automatically would incorporate those new ideas in HFS, but perhaps if something is good enough, he could take some of those contributions. Team work is always positive in the open source world. ;)


I appreciate this LEO. Thank you Rejetto for this program and code, and Thank you, Mars and many other users on the form for this software.

I have tested it and can confirm that this process works.

I will note that the warning messages were not 100% necessary to disable:
    - Deprecated Symbol
    - Platform Symbol
    - Return value of function might be undefined

I have created a sfx zip (self extracting exe zip file that contains the portable application, the lib files and current hfs source file 2.3m)

* This zip has successfully built hfs and is also in the folder. you will have to delete hfs.exe form
% path% \ TDLite \ Projects \ HFS \ hfs.exe

run the portable application and build.

Thank you, Leo, for this, I will now be able to review the code for a bit easier and may find the kink in the chain from my previous attempt form last attempt at this.



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