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Topics - MarkV

Pages: 1 2
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / IPv6 not possible
« on: September 12, 2015, 08:16:07 AM »
It's becoming more and more popular now. There are a few old posts from 2009 that mention it, but nothing since then.

Please consider it.  :D

Everything else / Life sign
« on: October 30, 2011, 08:16:10 PM »
Just wanted to say I'm still visiting here sometimes, though not as much as I used to. Using rather FTP than HTTP for mass-transfer of files these days...

See ya.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / New info thread for legacy OS
« on: July 13, 2010, 05:25:14 AM »
As I can't find the old one...

Windows 95C - 2.3beta #260 is the last working one, 2.3beta #262 displays (translated): File HFS.EXE is associated with the missing export-KERNEL32.DLL:InterlockedCompareExchange (custom build provided by rejetto works, however, see below)
Windows 98SE - still works with latest build 2.3beta #262
Windows NT4 - latest build still works
Windows 2000 - latest build still works

Since today Windows 2000 is obsolete, too.

Everything else / What this forum needs is...
« on: July 16, 2009, 09:23:52 PM »
...a Thank You button. I occasionally feel the urge to thank others for useful information.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / folder archive
« on: November 26, 2008, 01:32:41 AM »
Just a little question concerning folder archive.

As I understood it, the tar archive is created and served on the fly. But what happens if data/files etc. are changed/created/deleted while serving a folder .tar? How will HFS react? Can the archive corrupt?

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / [Fixed] Compatibility announcement
« on: March 18, 2008, 02:53:57 PM »
I'm currently testing HFS under old OS again, and will document my findings here:

This is not a support request topic, we all knew the day would come. But it will be found through the search facility.

Windows NT4: HFS 2.3 beta build #180 broke compatibility with NT4, last working: #179
(I guess it's because of the 'Prevent standby' option).
Error message of #180(translated): 'Procedure entry point 'SetThreadExecutionState' could not be found in the Dynamic Link Library "kernel32.dll".'
Build #181-#183 fail to start silently (without error message)
Use build #186, it works.

Windows 95C: Last working build is #179, all other builds behave exactly the same as on Windows NT4. Build #186 works again.

Windows 98SE: HFS 2.3 beta build #183 appears to work flawless. I guess ME will work, too.

So, the older OS are out cold now.

Bug reports / A small issue with the updating process (NT4)
« on: January 28, 2008, 07:45:22 AM »
Yes,  I know NT4 is not officially supported, but it should be an easy fix.

The update process fails on NT4. The reason is, in the update batch, you use MOVE /Y to get the new HFS.exe in place. But the /Y parameter doesn't exist in NT4.

Bug reports / Auto Update and Vista
« on: September 06, 2007, 01:03:04 AM »
Well, Vista is a PITA regarding the HFS Autoupdate...   :-[

Code: [Select]
Cannot create file "C:\Windows\system32\". Access denied
HFS 2.2a
System   : Windows Vista Professional, Version: 6.0, Build: 1770, ""
Processor: AMD, AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4000+, 2100 MHz MMX
Display  : 1280x1024 pixels, 32 bpp
Product Versions

hfs.exe: Build: 0 02.09.2007 01:14:56
hfs.old.exe: Build: 0 29.07.2007 00:08:48

Programs are no more allowed to write to Program Files and Windows folders even if logged in as an Administrator. Disabling UAC is not an option here.

What is even more ebarassing, Save settings to file isn't working, either. It shows success, but the file is not created. I have to use local registry.

Aww, scratch that, hfs.ini IS created, just not in the actual Program Files dir, but in the VirtualStore. But the Update problem remains, Executables follow different rules.

Bug reports / [Solved]HFS 2.2 #103 at shutdown
« on: June 16, 2007, 05:32:53 PM »
rejetto, there is a problem with HFS 2.2 #103 at shutdown.

If option 'Confirm exit' is enabled, HFS will popup at shutdown with 'Quit?', and, if not taken care of, effectively stop the shutdown process.
I disabled 'Confirm exit' until this is fixed...

Everything else / [Forum]German language
« on: May 09, 2007, 01:54:04 AM »
rejetto, German language in this forum is badly broken, once I changed languages it was a real mess! As an experienced user I managed to recover from the error - but a 'normal' user would end up with a nonfunctional forum...


Bug reports / [Fixed]HFS error while updating
« on: May 03, 2007, 12:41:19 AM »
OK, with my main desktop PC update went through just fine. But now with my notebook, it's another story:

- New version is downloaded
- A command line window opens and executes START /WAIT -q

The response from HFS is
Code: [Select]
Access violation at address 74DD0CC2. Read of address 74DD0CC2.The error pops up twice, then the update finishes normally. But this error is annoying.

The only difference of both systems is, the notebook has an AMD Turion 64bit processor (but 32bit WXPHome) and the desktop AMD Athlon XP.


edit: If I enter the command hfs.exe -q manually, the exact same error occours. It has nothing to do with update, but with quitting via command line parameter.

Bug reports / [Resolved] Automatic update
« on: May 02, 2007, 04:18:44 PM »
Today I got the invitation to use the new version (#096), currently #090). Confirming the invitation, I get

I double, triple, quatruple checked... This option is enabled. Yesterday with my notebook (#093-->#096) it was exactly the same message. Again, the option checked.

Is there something wrong? Maybe it's already resolved in #096, as I obviously can't test it until #097.


HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Auto-hide empty folders
« on: April 03, 2007, 03:58:53 PM »
Is there a way to exclude a specific subfolder from this rule? All subfolders show Hidden if empty[inherited] and I found no way to change that...


Everything else / It's April fool's day!
« on: April 01, 2007, 05:40:20 AM »
Yes, indeed, it is. :D

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Update check and ISO date
« on: December 06, 2006, 07:15:47 PM »
Quote from: HFS log
2006-12-06 19:31:13 Server start
06.12.2006 19:32:31 Check update: no new version

Update check doesn't use ISO date!


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