umm k thats really weird :/ have no clue why the modules could show sometimes and sometimes not O.o
would be nice if you get to catch the moment where the modules shohw and could post the macos.log

hope well get that to work for you too


i put all me time i can spent on in it

i realized your suggestion after an hour of searching a nice way how to implent the new way how theoptions will be treated
and this got me even to the way that i finally could add a new option : path
you can now specify pathes/folders/subfolders where the modules only show in


i have no time to release it properly now

ill do this tomorrow
this is how the options.txt looks like now for example.
title=Additional Functions
i added loggedin and notloggedin so you can choose for both if the modules get displayed:)
for position u can use right,left,top or bottom
plugin is the same just set it to 1 if its needed
local is changed to onlylocal if set to 1 module will only show on , 192.168...
when off is set to 1 the module wont show
when keyllow is 1 the user or group has to have the modulename=1 in the notes . ill change it tomorrow that every module has an id . in this way the foldernames wont do anything if you change them to sort modules in a different order:)
path : specify as many pipe seperated pathes in which of them u want the module to be displayed.
title is the title of the module

if anyone wants to take a look at it :
Rawr Template Modules Mod v.0.1.3.m.1.2EDIT:worked the whole night now till 7 am
Added a new option to the template:
the values can be 1 , 0 , always , never
if set to 1 the module will be pinned the first time if theres no cookie
if its set to always the module will always be pinned , if set to never the module will never be pinned.
and i changed the keyallow option
every module now has an id , u have to use for example mod.roessi.additionalfunctions=1 now in the notes sections to have a module displayed
and i made a new module to register new accounts
the options for the module are in the options.txt
and are :
member of=
set enabled to true if you want the new account to be enabled by default
in the member of , specify groups u want the new account to be added to by default
in notes , set notes u want to have in a new created account
and for access,upload,delete , set the pathes the user has default permissions on , seperate the pathes with a pipe.
ill release everything properly the next days

but now im too fucking tired to do anything else as sleeping

here are the files :
-note : you need the lates version of the template to get the modules working , cause they have all changed

btw. all modules are included in the zip file and turned on
except the uploadfolders plugin this is turned off by default
mod_additionalfunctions.zipmod_register.zipmod_upload.zipRawr Template Modules Mod v.0.1.3.m.1.3.zipand now i go to bed.