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Rawr Template 0.1.3 - Modules Mod Release

Roessi · 47 · 55694

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Offline Roessi

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Hey Guys,
wanted to release the first fully working mod a lil bit earlier but didnt find the time to publish it:)
and yesterday i saw the 0.1.3 rawr template were released so i updated it to the new version :)

sry that it took that long but first i didnt found a way to use macros in the modcontent.txt in the modules
and so  i had to submit the forms of the module to another diff tpl which lead to the problem that i couldnt check delete permissions after submitting -.-
but now everything works fine :)

Module files & explanation:

  • options.txt   file to set the display options for a module. Seperate options with a piep |

onlylocalif set to 1 the modules will only show on local pcs
loggedinwhen set to 1 the modules show for loggedin users, if set to 0 the moduls wont show for loggedin users
notloggedinwhen set to 1 the modules show for not loggedin users, if set to 0 the moduls wont show for not loggedin users
keyallowwhen set to 1 the module will only be displayed for accounts or groups who have the id of the module in the account notes activated. for example : mod.roessi.additionalfunctions=1
pluginwhen set to 1 the module wont be displayed, only the modcontent.txt is executed.
offwhen set to 1 the module wont be displayed at all
New since 1.1 (26.08.2010) :
rightDisplays the module on the right side
leftDisplays the module on the left side
topDisplays the module on the top
bottomDisplays the module on the bottom
New since 1.2 (29.08.2010):
[paths]set the pathes in which u want the module to be displayed. each path in one line under the section
New since 1.3 (29.08.2010):
pinnedwhen set to 1 the module will be pinned the first time, when set to never the module wil be never pinned, if set to always the module will be always pinned

  • modcontent.txt   file where the html/script content of a module is stored.

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3


Change Password
Change Username
Create Folder
DeleteJust Check any file to be deleted and press submit.Screenshot 2
RenameJust write the new name in the field;You can rename as many files/folders at a time as you want.Screenshot 3

22.08.2010Minor fixes
29.08.2010Changed options file


This module is to create own , personal upload folders for users automatically


File: options.txt

hddpaththis is the path where the existing folder on your hdd is where the folders will be created
vfspaththis is the relative path to the folder in your vfs where the folders will be added to
accessset this to 1 if you want only the user to have acces to his folder
uploadset this to 1 to give the user upload rights automatically once the folder is added
deleteset this to 1 to give the user delete rights automatically once the folder is added
adminaccesswhen set to 1 the user set as admin will get all rights too
adminthe user who will get those rights . you should be able semicolon seperate a list of users to be admin....
dunno why but you cant use a group. it doesnt work when you use the {.set item.} macro and add access for groups  ??? only for users


It works the following way
if a logged in user loads the page and no folder for him exists in the given path, a folder will be created there
and added to the vfs path you set in the settings.txt
and depending on your settings the permissions for the folders will be given :)

dunno if anyone can use it :) but i use it to give users a personal upload folder where no one else has access to.

You won't see any new module, its just a script that runs when the module is activated

29.08.2010Merged settings.txt into options.txt. Changed options file

Register Module   Release

This module is for users, to register an new account.


File: options.txt

enabledwhen set to  true  new accounts will be enabled by default. when set to false they will be disabled
member ofset the groups seperated with a ;  the user will be added to by default
notesset the notes you want to have the users account to be added by default
[access]in this section set all the pathes the user should get access permissions by default, one path per line
[upload]in this section set all the pathes the user should get upload permissions by default, one path per line
[delete]in this section set all the pathes the user should get delete permissions by default, one path per line

31.08.2010Changed the options. So you have [sections] for pathes instead of seperating them with a |

Howto Install a module:
Just extract the zip archive of a module into template/rawr_default/modules.

  • Admin Module with Complete VFS and User Management
  • New setting in the modules, to choose where to display the module on the page. (top,bottom,left,right) Done.

Date:ChangesNewest Version
21.08.2010TSG fixed a bug in his v0.1.3 RawrTemplate
22.08.2010fixed a bug where modules didnt work when set as Plugin
22.08.2010RAWR-Template-0.1.3 - Module
26.08.2010Added Setting to choose position of module(left,right,top,bottom)Rawr Template Modules Mod v.0.1.3.m.1.1
29.08.2010Changed way of handling options and renamed restrictions.txt to options.txt , also removed title.txtRawr Template Modules Mod v.0.1.3.m.1.2
29.08.2010Added the option pinned. Added ids to every module and changed the keyallow optionRawr Template Modules Mod v.0.1.3.m.1.3
31.08.2010Changed the way you can set pathes where the module will be displayedRawr Template Modules Mod v.0.1.3.m.1.4
6.3.2012Added ability to load headerscripts and Rawr Template Modules Mod v.0.1.3.m.1.5.2

Name:Released:Latest Versiont:Attachment:

When there are any questions , problems or bugs. Just Reply or PM me. Ill do my best to solve the problem
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 02:19:12 PM by Roessi »

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 :) cool. And you released it properly. I am not adding these to the old templates, mainly because for me to do it, I have to add the language variables to 16 languages. Not to mention the work involved in doing it how I would do it. So it is just easier for me to leave the templates how they are, but still keep them supported. They worked as epic file server templates in the past, they just lack these admin macros.  Nice that people like you can mod it, its just a 'template' after all.

RAWR-X is my next big project, once I get some time, but I fear I may have to get a second job to support my current one soon. That is life! lol.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2010, 03:49:35 PM by TSG »

Offline CivicScootin

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PM sent

Have an issue while trying to delete a file or folder...

PM explains the main issue however here are pics below of before and after trying to delete a folder..

Great job though Roessi as you included all that was missing from an already great template..

Offline Roessi

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Thx TSG :)
Thats true , this wold be too much work :)
maybe when i get some time i update the modules with own language files but atm i dont know where i should get this time ;)

Wow cant wait to see what this will bring to us :)
hope u find the time to handle with a great nedw project :)

Thx Civic:)
ummm i cant reproduce the problem, for me it all works :/
try to reload the template and replace the files there are 2 fixed bugs in the template and one in the module
maybe some of these did cause the problem :) if this doesnt work , can u send me the macros.log the i try if i find sth what causes the problem

Uploadfolders module Released

Look at first Post
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 04:56:00 PM by Roessi »

Offline CivicScootin

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ummm i cant reproduce the problem, for me it all works :/
try to reload the template and replace the files there are 2 fixed bugs in the template and one in the module
maybe some of these did cause the problem :) if this doesnt work , can u send me the macros.log the i try if i find sth what causes the problem
Every-time I reload the template all is normal until I try to delete a file or folder and the above still happens..
Then I reload the template with in HFS again and everything is fine until I (you guest it) try to delete a file or folder..
Could this just be due to trying to test this with in the same homenetwork?..

When you say replace the files do you mean replace the files with in the template or with in the HFS's root?

Also Ill be more then happy to send the "macros.log" however being a N00b I could use some help to find where this log file is located with in HFS..

Sorry for the dumb questions but I would really like to have this working as it has everything I can think of at this time..

Havent tested your new module that you posted above this post as of yet though..
As I thought it wouldent be needed for the issue I have at hand..

Thanks again and great work,

Even having an issue where the default system icons that are with in my server are no longer showing ither..
Even with in the VFS with in HFS I have the "USE SYSTEM ICONS" however there not showing..
All thats showing is the icons that where supplied within the temple

Had my buddy who is an admin on my server to check out the new template and mod as well..
Sure enough he is having the same issue as I am so I know its not a local network issue..

« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 07:06:01 AM by CivicScootin »

Offline Roessi

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Umm really weird :/

Did you had the files of the original rawr template before ? ^^
Re-Downloa the newest version of the template and replace the old ones :)

i changed my up in the newest version so the complete template is uploaded and not only the files , need to be modified


Would be nice if you download it and try if it works now for you ;/

tested it again :/ deleting works for me
« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 05:05:55 PM by Roessi »

Offline CivicScootin

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Umm really weird :/

Did you had the files of the original rawr template before?

Would be nice if you download it and try if it works now for you ;/

tested it again :/ deleting works for me
Ya I find it odd as well also..
Wish others could test this besides me and post there results..
Even if it did work for others it would be nice to confirm it as it must be settings on my part.

Yes, I did have the original rawr template before..
However (as of late) Ive been testing with a fresh beta build (v#266) and test with newly installed rawr template every time I attempt to test your module..

Just tested your new build on my netbook (sense Im at work)..
However Im having the same issue..
This is with a fresh v#266 beta build and here is a screen shot of the results~

The below pic was taken from the ROOT of my site..
If I where to advance in a folder (page in this case) all that shows is TRANSFERS & the UPLOAD tabs with the boxes still not showing on the right..

The issue must be with my settings or something within HFS if its not a module issue..
However-I would think that using a fresh build (Beta #266 in this case) thats never been touched would resolve this issue...
That is if my settings on my legit HFS server was the cause of the issue at hand..
This doesnt seem to be the case though..

« Last Edit: August 23, 2010, 09:32:24 PM by CivicScootin »

Offline Roessi

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hmmm atm i have no idea what could cause the problem O.o
could you set in hfs : menu -> debug -> enable macros.log and append macros.log
then load the template in hfs , load your site and try to delete sth. and then attach the macros.log :)
ill take a look on it :) maybe it will help us a little bit :)

In the next days ill add an new setting to the template so you can choose in the module settings where to display the module on the page (top,bottom,right) :)


K got it ^^ setting position works for top , bottom , right  and left
just have to adjust the css settings but i must go now so ill do it tomorrow ;)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 04:49:58 PM by Roessi »

Offline CivicScootin

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Thank you for being patient on this issue Roessi..
As Im sure the template is fine..
I just must be doing something wrong on my end..


could you set in hfs : menu -> debug -> enable macros.log and append macros.log
then load the template in hfs , load your site and try to delete sth. and then attach the macros.log :)
ill take a look on it :) maybe it will help us a little bit :)
What do you mean by "Delete sth"?..
I have never seen STH found with in HFS..
Then again Ive never hard of "ATM" either (except for money withdraws)
Im taken it its abbreviation for something however I cant figure out what it would be..

Once I figure out what all of the above means Ill be more then happy to send the macros.log..
Plus if anything it would be nice if I could catch you on here Roessi as then I would give you the link to my server to test this in real time
(time permitting on your end of course)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 09:47:54 PM by CivicScootin »

Offline Roessi

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No Problem :)

oh ^^ sry i automatically write things this way -.-
sth = something :P i just want you to try to delete sth with macros.log enabled , so i can see what happens :)
atm = at the moment ^^

RAWR-Template-0.1.3 - Module Mod Update
  • restrictions.txt
rightDisplays the module on the right side
leftDisplays the module on the left side
topDisplays the module on the top
bottomDisplays the module on the bottom

at the moment you have to specify at least one option to have a module displayed, i will release an update as soon i get it to work that if you dont specify one position , right will be used as default.

Download at Release Post
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 01:49:26 PM by Roessi »

Offline CivicScootin

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oh ^^ sry i automatically write things this way -.-
sth = something :P i just want you to try to delete sth with macros.log enabled , so i can see what happens :)
atm = at the moment ^^
Thank you for clearing that up..

Well I just tryed your new module that you posted above and now no modules are showing..

Funny thing is everyonce in a while when I reload your template & after clearing my cache in my Firefox browser the modules will show at times..
But of course at that time I do not have the macros.log enabled so no logs are filed..
However the main delete issue on my end is still found..

Whats weird now with your above module is now when the models do not show they REALLY DONT SHOW (see pix)..

I even tryed changed the layout for the modules for top,bottom,left & the default right.. Still nothing..
Only at times when ever the server feels like it - it will show the module boxes.. And only then its still a sometimes factor..

Ill try to get the log to ya one way or another..
I would give you a macros.log now however Im trying to find out whats going with the modules not showing at all now (Im sure its my doing)..

Ither way great work on the modules..
Sure wish others would post here on there outcomes to this mod..

NOTE: Pix below is once being logged in while the other is before login
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 10:52:07 PM by CivicScootin »

Offline rejetto

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this looks like a very interesting project!
i love to see people exploiting the capabilities.
i'm currently in a rush because i have many old posts to read, but even from a very superficial look of it i can suggest an improvement:
you use file restrictions.txt  for options. Instead of having all options separated by pipes, give users something like this

# the module will only be displayed on pcs in the local network
# the module will only be displayed for users who are logged in

With default values, and comments about it. You can {.load|var=X.} and {.from table|X|local.}

1. it's much more USABLE
2. it will let you have non-boolean options
3. you can discard file title.txt and put it as another line: title=Hello
4. i would rename the file to options.txt therefore

Offline Roessi

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umm k thats really weird :/ have no clue why the modules could show sometimes and sometimes not O.o
would be nice if you get to catch the moment where the modules shohw and could post the macos.log :)
hope well get that to work for you too :)
thx :) i put all me time i can spent on in it :)
i realized your suggestion after an hour of searching a nice way how to implent the new way how theoptions will be treated :)
and this got me even to the way that i finally could add a new option : path
you can now specify pathes/folders/subfolders where the modules only show in :)
thx :)

i have no time to release it properly now :) ill do this tomorrow
this is how the options.txt looks like now for example.

Code: [Select]
title=Additional Functions
i added loggedin and notloggedin so you can choose for both if the modules get displayed:)
for position u can use right,left,top or bottom
plugin is the same just set it to 1 if its needed
local is changed to onlylocal if set to 1 module will only show on , 192.168...
when off is set to 1 the module wont show
when keyllow is 1 the user or group has to have the modulename=1 in the notes . ill change it tomorrow that every module has an id . in this way the foldernames wont do anything if you change them to sort modules in  a different order:)
path : specify as many pipe seperated pathes in which of them  u want the module to be displayed.
title is the title of the module :)

if anyone wants to take a look at it : Rawr Template Modules Mod v.0.1.3.m.1.2

worked the whole night now till 7 am
Added a new option to the template:

the values can be 1 , 0 , always , never
if set to 1 the module will be pinned the first time if theres no cookie
if its set to always the module will always be pinned , if set to never the module will never be pinned.

and i changed the keyallow option
every module now has an id , u have to use for example mod.roessi.additionalfunctions=1 now in the notes sections to have a module displayed

and i made a new module to register new accounts
the options for the module are in the options.txt
and are :

member of=

set enabled to true if you want the new account to be enabled by default
in the member of , specify groups u want the new account to be added to by default
in notes , set notes u want to have in a new created account
and for access,upload,delete , set the pathes the user has default permissions on , seperate the pathes with a pipe.

ill release everything properly the next days :) but now im too fucking tired to do anything else as sleeping ;)

here are the files :

-note : you need the lates version of the template to get the modules working , cause they have all changed :)
btw. all modules are included in the zip file and turned on
except the uploadfolders plugin this is turned off by default :)
Rawr Template Modules Mod

and now i go to bed.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 05:10:01 AM by Roessi »

Offline rejetto

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i'm not home these days, but by a quick look i can suggest for paths:
try to put them in a section this way:


and then you {.$paths|file=options.txt.}
and then split the lines in some way i can't remember now.