Free notifications textEdited : March-4-2010
This message is updated for help you to use encrypted messages :
To incorporate into your templates with the permissions (macro) of your choice, don't forget:
<form method='post' id='notification'>
<br />
{.repeat|2| .}<input type="text" name="notifytitle" value="{.!Notification title.}" onclick="if(this.value=='{.!Notification title.}')this.value=''" style="background-color:#fff; border:2px solid #BBF;" size="40"></b>
<br />
<br />
{.repeat|2| .}{.!Notification text.}:<br />
{.repeat|2| .}<TEXTAREA NAME="notifytext" wrap="soft"></TEXTAREA>
<p>{.repeat|2| .}<input type="submit" name="growl" value="{.!Notify.}">
<br />
{.if|{.and| {.postvar|notifytitle.} | {.filename|{.postvar|growl.}.} .}|{:
{.exec|"C:\Program Files\Growl for Windows\growlnotify.exe" /t:"{.postvar|notifytitle.} %time%" /i:"C:\icon\HFS.png" /pass:"secret" /enc:"AES" /hash:"SHA512" "{.postvar|notifytext.}".}
[style.css|no log]
textarea {width:326px; height:150px; background-color:#fff; border:2px solid #BBF;}
Green = Change your paths, if necessary.
Orange = Optional
/i: = icon ...Optional
Red = Encrypted messages ... Optional
- In the example above the password is the word :
secret and this password is also settled in Growl like in the picture below :
/enc:algorithm The encryption algorithm to use.
Valid values: NONE|DES|3DES|AES
If a value other than NONE is provided, the
/pass and /hash switches must also be included.
Default: NONE
/hash:algorithm The hashing algorithm to use.
Valid values: MD5|SHA1|SHA256|SHA512
This value is only used if the /pass switch is also
Default: MD5----------------------------------------------------
/i:icon The icon to show for the notification.
Must be a valid file type (png, jpg, gif, ico).
Can be any of the following:
- absolute url (
- absolute file path (c:\temp\image.png)
- relative file path (.\folder\image.png) (relative file paths
must start with a dot (.) and are relative to growlnotify's location.
Note: Icons specified as urls will be passed as urls (links).
Icons specified as local files (either absolute or relative) will besent as binary data.
Default: no icon
There are two ways to use growlnotify.
1. growlnotify.com - Can be used from the console or included in batch scripts. Writes
success/failure messages to the console when the notification is
sent. Equivalent to using just 'growlnotify' with no extension.
2. growlnotify.exe - Can be used with tools like AutoHotkey or launched from other GUI
applications. Will not spawn a console window, so notifications can
be sent silently. No success or failure report is available. Must
explicitly include the .exe extension in order for Windows to
recognize which version to use....