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HFS - Template Builder

ledufe · 42 · 63756

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first i have a poor connection speed
second, i accept any help that anyone would give, and the sources are in this folder
!!!THIS IS THE OLD VERSION!!! THIS VERSION DON´T WORK BUT the is a link bellow this post to get the working version

HFS-TPL-Builder - Not a rejetto software!!!

hi guys, im trying to make something new, my proposal is, i know that most of guys here use a bounch of tools to create a template, but it would be nice if someone make a software that edit and actualy creates a tpl file to be imported on the hfs, and imagining the possibilities of this kind of tool i start its logic, what do we know about a template? beside the fact it uses sections to be called when needed, the template is a plain text file with html/xhtml/css code inside it right? and about the sections? what do we know about then beside the fact that some sections are inserted inside other sections? the thing is, we can edit then in separated files and the join then inside one single file and save it with the.tpl extension to load it inside the hfs right? so if we had a tool that could edit the sections separated and then generate the tpl file it would be easier...

this tool would work like this...
to test this tool and to speed-up the development, i started the project with the ability to choose all sections to edition, but to test all the functions, i just need to do it on 3 sections:
the main(first) section, the style(CSS) section, and some other section(i choosed the login-link) to test the preview, and the function that join all others and save it to a .tpl file. But until i finished the part of the edition and some functions to preview every section with the existent css, i will only working on the 3 i've mentioned above, and bellow is the description of what is already working on the sections that i'am working on.

    - the selection of the section to edit
    - the editor has the global symbols and the symbols pertinent to each section
    - plus, on mouse over every symbol, the tooltip bring his definition
    - the editor detect if the template that you are working, has or not already set-up a css style, and if it detect the css, the preview with the css aplied on it becomes enable.

!!!THIS IS THE OLD VERSION!!! -  this was made when i was programing in lua scripts using auto play media studio 6 There is a link bellow to the version re-maded in c# and that version is already working, but far away from what i imagine it could do..... just wait and see, im learning c# everyday....  hehheheh  beware world.... lol.....!!!THIS IS THE OLD VERSION!!!

The detections of CSS to enable preview with it

Load the code From the default template

main section editor

the preview of the edited code for the main section

the preview of the edited code for the main section with the css edited/found like hfs does

saving the generated tpl as...

the action of select a section to edit it

the view of the template generated with the existent sections, giving the user the ability to edit the results before click on the save button

one of the bests features of it, the tool tip that shows the meaning of the special symbol to insert on the code :-)
« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 05:33:32 PM by That_Stevens_Guy »


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I'm checkin it out now :)

EDIT: It looks like a neat idea, but I'm confused on how to use it. Maybe at some point you could make a Help file or something.

Offline ledufe

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well, i change the topic of this post.... and update the app, maybe anyone here could test and try if it has became more clear/easy to use and understand....

for now just to test it has a editor to edit the main section and the css style and the start page is just to test some functions like save and load a template, but the best part is the editor of the main section and the compile function that insert the square braquets and the name of the edited section, only at the save momment ....

tell me what do you guys think about it? would anyone use a app like this?

and the if anyone would like to help on the development, i give the sources and the link to download the software to edit/compile it.....

it is easy and i would aprecciate any help on it

Offline rejetto

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i would move this topis to the "templates" forum.
that forum is not only for templates posting...
is it ok for you?

Offline ledufe

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thats alright to me...
only posted here because its nature, its a software and not a template...
its fine to me....


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my hfs server is offline today until i re-install all the softwares, im installing the OS on the new Hard-disk...

Offline ledufe

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Quote from: "Anonymous"
my hfs server is offline today until i re-install all the softwares, im installing the OS on the new Hard-disk...

OOOPS, i  forgot to login before post this one...


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question do you intent to do the preview of the hfs-embed images without using the hfs? i guess you will have to put the hfs runing inside your app to work, and your exe only will grow and get slow....

and the part that load a template already made are not working, it only load the tpl on the start screen, it dows not import the template sections to your should work on this first...

good luck

Offline ledufe

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well im slowly getting back to the hfs forum and also to my normal way of life, i will post the update with the preview of the images without using the hfs, and it was easy to do, i've just saved the images and make a replace of the writed code to show it, on the preview with the css and showing the images, im still trying to find a better layout to this tool but sinco no one are interested in help me to do this or even to just give a idea of a professional apearence of the software/app well, it could take time, but i guess im finding some people that will help, i've just talked with some good software developper to give me some ideas....

well, thanks for your comment/opnion.

im glad that some (a few) like the idea of a software like this....

Offline skitzophrenic

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Hi! i really LOVED the hmm... Black temple i think its called

i did a simple test  @ everyting worked just fine... exept when uploading is done, it just appear a whit page. no more =(

anyone now how i can fix this? plzz take a look at try for your self so you se what i mean.

Thanks //Niklas - Sweden roxx =)

Offline ledufe

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well, after a long time busy and with no time to play with toys like hfs and learn programing language, i find out this:
if you wanna learn some good program language, try delphi, c, c++, c#, java,, VB6... im saying this becouse i was happy with the hfs stuff and i wished to help the comunity, then i started to helping the other on the forum, later, i was so exited with this that i started a project called hfs template builder, and the project it was to make a tool that would be used to read and save, and generate a .tpl file to be loaded inside the hfs...i know that many here won´t will use it, becouse they do all the code by hand, or inside some tool(s) like dreamweaver and others, but i started this project just to make the things easier to the newbees and i intented to help rejetto to focus his coding skills on the main program, and let the hfs with only a text editor, and im trying to make a good editor, with some info to all the users understand why, the template is used, how the template are used and builded, and how the sections use the symbols and wich symbols can be used on determined section, and i know that some here would is a crap, use the notepad and rejetto-hfs wikki, but this little app is only a small contribution the hfs community, and it was not created to help the hfs software it self or rejetto, they don´t need my help, and i guess that is pretty cool to inform that i was making this neat software with a program called autoplay media studio version 6, but after i started the project, i learned the scripting/programing language of it, and found LUA ( very interesting, and even learned soo much with it(it is very similar to c) but with this kind of software soon or later, you will find yourself in a situation that you have to menage some way to get out of some limitation of the language, to avoid this, please, if you wanna learn a programing language, please, choose one complete and fully documented over the internet

this project, the hfs template builder is being coded now in c# and i still invite anyone that want to help...
and by the way, if someone want to see how the project goes, please, go into my hfs and download the binarie or the source....
ops, i almost forgot to tell, i started to learn c# just becouse i read in some website that the Microsoft released a version o Visual c# .NET Free with SQLServer Express and those who download it until the end of the year, will have this free version for it my chance to learn somo decent programing language....

again sorry about my poor english, and
thanks for your atention
« Last Edit: November 22, 2006, 02:44:10 AM by ledufe »

Offline ledufe

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First Working Version



Template Export (generation of a template)
single section Export(to open inside a external wysiwyg editor)
single section import(to load a page from external wysiwyg editor)
DropDown list of HFS Special Symbols to easy insertion on the template editor
DropDown list of HFS Internal Images to easy insertion on the template editor
Status detection of the hfs service
- still much heavy memory loads (bad programing skills)

HFS-To-Service (admin a service from hfs.exe)
HFS-CommentMaker (create .comment files using hfs-symbols)
HFS-MD5 (create .md5 files that contain the hash for the files)
Download of the last version of the hfs stable build

==not working==

template import (some templates work and some don´t (those templates out of order(if there was any order)))
trayicon hfs-service
preview function


detect if there is framework 2.0 or superior, and if not give the link to download
make it load faster
add support to the creation of other playlist types
make a ini to save e reload configs from user
make a gui to work with hfs ini file
implement 2 types of preview
--|# with the load of a file in user browser that is running in a temp file (withoutHFS)
--|# leting the user choose if he wants with or without the images and css  (withoutHFS)
--|# with this action it save a template-temp and load it on the hfs,
--|  and after load it, start the hfs, and browse one of the adress

last release link

and atached to this message there is also a link to the last build just in case of my pc connection drop  ;)

Doesn't work for me: Initialisation error (0xc0000135) when starting the HFS-TB.exe.   ???
Sorry Gees , i forgot to mention that c# is a .net language and it requires the framework of microsoft to work.... but as you can see im trying to develop a way to detect it and treat the error...

try it and post your comments....

please, post your comments.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: November 22, 2006, 02:42:54 AM by ledufe »

Offline ~GeeS~

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Doesn't work for me: Initialisation error (0xc0000135) when starting the HFS-TB.exe.   ???
« Last Edit: October 07, 2006, 06:00:41 PM by ~GeeS~ »

Offline maverick

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The HFS-TB utility depends on Microsoft .Net Framework to work. 

Not everybody uses that or has it installed --> Like Me.

Offline maverick

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Hi! i really LOVED the hmm... Black temple i think its called

i did a simple test  @ everyting worked just fine... exept when uploading is done, it just appear a whit page. no more =(

anyone now how i can fix this? plzz take a look at try for your self so you se what i mean.

That's an indication that the customized template you are using is Very Old and doesn't fully support the recent HFS versions.

Install the default HFS template and you will see that problem go away.